Traductions populaires
Anglais - Russe
Pour les entreprises
get a handle on have a handle on give a handle on something
get a handle on have a handle on give someone a handle on
get a handle on have a handle on something give a handle on something
get a handle on have a handle on give someone a handle on something
get a handle on have a handle on something give someone a handle on something
get a charge out of or something
get a handle on something have a handle on something give a handle on something
get a handle on something have a handle on something give someone a handle on something
get a hand on
get a hand with have a hand with give a hand with
get a hand with have a hand with give a hand with something
get a hand with have a hand with give someone a hand with
get a hand with have a hand with give someone a hand with something
get a hand with have a hand with something give a hand with something
get a hand with have a hand with something give someone a hand with something
get a hand with something
get a hand with something have a hand with something give a hand with something
get after
get ahead in something
get ahead of
get ahead of someone or something
get ahead of something
get ahead of the game
get a head start have a head start give a head start
get a head start have a head start give someone a head start
get a head start on something have a head start on something give on something a head start on something
get a head start on something have a head start on something give someone a head start on something
get a helping hand
get a hold of
get ahold of
get ahold of one
get a hold on
get a hold on a strong
get a hold on someone a strong
get a hurry on
get a jump on
get a jump on someone or something
get a kick from
get a kick out of
get a kick from someone or something
get a kick out of someone or something
get a kick out of something
get a kick out of someone), to
get a leg in the door
get a laugh
get a leg up
get a licking
get a line on
get a leg up on
get a line on someone
get a guernsey
get all balled up
get a handle on something
get all dressed up
get all set
get all het up
get all spruced up
get all the marbles
get a hand with something have a hand with something give someone a hand with something
get all tore up about something
get all tuckered out
get a load of
get a load off feet
get a load off mind
get a load off one's feet
get a load off one’s feet
get a load off one's mind
get a load off one’s mind
get a load of or
get a load of or someone
get a load of or something
get a load of someone or
get a load of someone or something
get a load of something or someone
get a load of something or
get a load of this
get a line on someone or something
get along famously
get along on
get along on something
get along on a shoestring
get along with one
get along famously with someone
get along without
get along without someone or something
get along with you
get a look in
get a lot of grief a lot of
get all dolled up
get a lot of mileage out of
get a lot of stick a lot of
get a lump in throat
get a makeover
get a mixed signala
get a move on
get a mixed messagea
get an amount of money for
get an amount of money for an amount of money
get an amount of money for something
get an even break
get an earful
get all tore up
get an eyeball on someone
get an eyeball on someone or something
get an eyeball on something
get an inkling
get an eyeful
get an inkling of something
get an in with
get an itch for
get an itch to
get an itch to do something
get ants in one's pants
get ants in pants
get ants in the pants
get any ideas
get anywhere
get a pasting
get a price on head
get a quart into a pint pot
get a price on one's head
get a rain check
get a load on
get a reputation for something
get a reputation
get a ribbing
get a ribbing from someone
get a right to a
get a lot of mileage out of something
get a rise from
get a rise from one
get a rise from someone
get a rise out of
get a rise out of one
get a rise out of someone
get arms around
get a roasting
get around or
get around or something
get around someone or
get around someone or something
get around the table
get around to
get an eyeball on
get around to around or something
get around to doing
get around to doing something
get around to someone or around
get around to someone or something
get arse in gear
get a run for money
get a run for one's money
get a say
get a say in something
get a second breath
get a second wind
get a shellacking
get a solid grasp of
get a solid grasp on
get a raw deal
get a sound grasp on
get ass
get ass in gear
get a taste of own medicine
get a right to something
get a thick ear
get around to around or around
get a toehold
get at root of the problem
get at someone
get at someone or an animal
get at something
get at someone or something
get at the root of the problem
get attention
get a voice in something
get away from
get away from it all
get a voice
get away from someone or something
get away scot-free
getaway sticks
get away with murder
get away with or
get away with or something
get away with someone or
get away with someone or something
get away with something
get a whiff of
get away with you
get a wiggle on
get a woman with child
get a word in edgeways
get a word in edgewise
get a word in edgewise and get a word in edgeways
get a wriggle on
get axed
get a yen for
get back at
get back at one
get back in circulation
get back in harness
get back into circulation
get back into to harness
get a sound grasp of
get back on one's feet
get back on the horse
get back on the horse that bucked you
get back on the rails
get back on track
get back some place
get back to doing doing
get back to
get a taste for
get back to nature
get back to on
get back to someone to someone
get back to something
get a ticket
get bad press
get bait back
get balled up
get back on feet
get bearings
get beauty sleep
get before
get before someone
get back to basics
get behind in
get behind on
get behind schedule
get behind someone
get behind someone or something
get behind something
get behind the eight ball
get behind with
get bell rung
get bent
get bent out of shape
get better of
get better of someone
get between
get between someone or something
get between someone or something and someone or something else
get beyond a joke
get beyond help
get beyond or
get beyond or something
get beyond someone or
get beyond someone or something
get big eye
get big hand
get big hand for something
get big head
get big picture
get big send-off
get bite to eat
get black mark beside name
get bite
get black mark beside one's name
get blood out of a stone
get blood from a stone
get blood up
get blues
get bogged down
get boot
get booted
get bowels in an uproar
get back up
get brain in gear
get break
get breath back
get brush-off
get bright idea
get bang to rights
get bum steer
get burned
get behind
get brain
get butt
get butterflies in one's stomach
get butterflies in stomach
get by on a shoestring
get by the short and curlies
get by the short hairs
get by the balls
get by without someone or something
get canned
get cards
get carried away
get bum's rush
get carte blanche
get checkup
get cheesed off
get chilled to the bone
get chip on one's shoulder
get chip on shoulder
get claws into
get claws out
get burned by someone
get close to
get close to or
get close to or something
get close to someone
get close to someone or
get close to someone or something
get clued in to something
get business
get comeuppance
get cold shoulder
get control over or
get control over or something
get control over someone or
get control over someone or something
get charley horse
Get cracking
get credit for
get crush on
get crush on someone
get dander up
get day in court
get day off
get disgusted at
get devil
get done for
get dolled up
get done in
get down from something
get down off down high horse
get down off one's high horse
get down on
get down on all fours
get down on or
get down on or something
get down on someone
get down on someone or
get down pat
get down on someone or something
get clock cleaned
get down to brass tacks
get down to cases
get down to doing doing
get down to doing something
get down to it
get down to some serious drinking
get down to something
get down to the facts
get clued in
get down-to-the-wire
get down to the nuts and bolts
get down to work
get cracking
get down with someone
get dressed up
get down to a science
get ducks in a row
get dues
get dunked on
get Dutch up
get ears lowered
get ears pinned back
get ears set out
get enough courage up
get enough courage up to do something
get enough guts up to do something
get enough guts up
get enough nerve up
get enough nerve up to do something
get enough pluck up
get enough pluck up to do something
get enough spunk up
get euchred out of
get enough spunk up to do something
get euchred out of something
get even with someone
get eye
get eye in
get face
get facts straight
get fair shake
get familiar with or something
get familiar with or
get familiar with someone or
get familiar with someone or something
get feel for something
get feeling
get feeling that something is the case
get feel for
get feel of
get feel of something
get feet on the ground
get feet under the table
get fill
get feet wet
get fill of or
get down to the nitty-gritty
get fill of someone or
getdown with a disease
get finger out
get fingers burned
get first crack at
get first crack at something
get drift
get fix
get floor
get fix on
get foothold
get foothold somewhere
get flak
get foot in both camps
get foot in the door
get for
get for a song
get for someone
get for something
get free from
get free from someone or something
get free hand
get free of
get free hand with someone or something
get free of or
get free of or something
get free of someone or
get fresh
get free of someone or something
get fresh with
get fresh start
get fresh with one
get fresh with someone
get from
get from A to B
get from or
get from or something
get from someone or
get from someone or something
get fucked
get going
get goat
get going with someone
get going with
get good press
get goose bumps
get goose flesh
get goose pimples
get grasp of
get gray hair from
get gray hair from someone or something
get grief
get groove on
get fill of or something
get hairy
get fill of someone or something
get hands dirty
get hand in
get hands dirty and dirty hands; soil hands
get hands dirty and dirty one's hands; soil one's hands
get hands dirty and dirty hands; soil one's hands
get hands off
get hands on
get head
get fix on something
get head above water
get head above water and have one's head above water
get head around
get head down
get head examined
get head together
get heavy
get hell
get grasp of something
get hip to
get hackles up
get hip to or
get hip to someone or somebody
get hip to someone or something
get hitched
get hip to someone or
get hold of one
get hold of the right end of the stick
get hit for six
get head above water and have head above water
get hold of the wrong end of the stick
get home to
get home to or
get home to someone or
get home to someone or something
get hooks in
get hooks in or
get hooks in or something
get hooks in someone or
get home to or something
get hooks in someone or something
get hooks into
get hot
get hot under the collar
get hopes up
get house in order
get hype
get in a bad mood
get ideas
get in a family way
get in a lather
get in apple-pie order
get in a flap
get in an interesting condition
get in a rut
get in arrears
get in a snit
get in a stew
get in a tizz
get in a tizzle
get in bad
get het up
get in bad with one
get in bad with someone
get in deeper
get in deep water
get in Dutch
get in Dutch with someone
get in face
get infested with
get hip to or something
get in gear
get in good books
get in good graces
get in good with
get in good shape
get in good with good
get in harmony
get in harm's way
get in hot water
get in hair
get inkling
get home free
get in line
get in on
get in on something
get in one
get in on the act
get in on the ground floor
get in over head
get in order
get in over one's head
get in perspective
get inside
get in shape
get inside track
get in someone
get inside something
get in someone's face
get in bad with
get in someone's good graces
get in someone’s pants
get in something
get in sync
get in the act
get in sync with someone or something
get in the best of health
get in the doghouse
get in the groove
get in the hole
get in the homestretch
get in the mainstream
get in the stretch
get in the swing of it
get in there
get in the swing of things
get into a bit of a jam
get into a fight
get into a huddle
get into a flap
get into a jam
get into a mess
get into an argument
get into an argument about
get infested with something
get into a lather
get into an argument about someone or something with someone or something
get into an argument about with
get into an argument over someone or something
get into an argument over
get into an argument over someone or something with someone or something
get inkling of something
get into an argument with about
get into an argument with
get into an argument with one over one
get into an argument with over
get into an argument with someone with someone
get into a rut
get into a snit
get into a stew
get into a tizzle
get into a tizzto
get into a vicious circle
get in someone’s face
get into bad company
get into bed with
get into bed with someone
get into bit of a jam
get into debt
get into bed with someone or something
get into focus
get into deep water
get into gear
get into head
get into hot water
get into hot water, to
get [into] in a fix
get [into] in a bind
get [into] in a lather
get [into] in a pickle
get [into] in a huff
get [into] in a pretty pickle
get into an argument about someone or something
get [into] in a single file
get [into] in a stew
get [into] in a stew about someone or something
get [into] in a world of one's own
get [into] in a tizzy
get [into] in a world of own
get [into] in full swing
get [into] in hair
get [into] in one's Sunday best
get [into] in single file
get into an argument over with
get [into] in someone's hair
get [into] in someone's way
get [into] in step
get [into] in step with someone
get [into] in Sunday best
get [into] in the mainstream
get [into] in the mainstream of something
get [into] in the pink of condition
get [into] in the pink
get [into] in the public eye
get [into] in trouble
get [into] in way
get [into]in the swim of things
get into it
get into one's head
get into shape
get into print
get into line
get into bad books
get [into] in a quandary
get into someone’s pants
get into stride
get into the act
get into something
get into the mainstream to
get into the best of health
get [into] in power
get into the spirit of something
get into the swing of it
get into the swing of things
get into the pink of health
get into the way
get into thick skull
get in touch with
get in touch with one
get in touch with or
get in touch with or something
get in touch with someone or
get in touch with someone or something
get into the wrong hands
get in trouble
get in tune with or
get in tune with or something
get in tune with someone or
get in tune with someone or something
get in tune with the times
get in vogue
get involved
get involved in or with someone or something
get involved with
get involved with something
get in with
get in with someone
get in word with
get in word with someone
get in word with someone about something
get in writing
get in wrong with
get it all together
get Irish up
get itch for
get itch to do something
get itchy feet
get itch to do
get itch for something
get itchy fingers
get it in the neck
get it out
get it over with
get it together
get it wrong
get into someone or something
get juices flowing
get into someone's head
get jump on someone
get just deserts
get keyed up
get keyed up about something
get into the spirit
get kit off
get kicks
get knee-deep in something
get knickers in a knot
get knickers in a twist
get knee-deep in
get knife into
get knocked out cold
get knuckle sandwich
get knotted
get knuckles rapped
get last laugh
get last laugh on someone
get last word
get leg in the door
get leg up on
get leg up on someone
get line on or
get jollies
get line on someone or
get leg up
get line on someone or something
get lip
get lines crossed
get look-see
get lost in
get lost in translation
get lost in something
get lost on
get lost on someone
get lowdown
get lowdown on someone or something
get lump in throat
get lumps
get mad
get mad at
get mad at someone or something
get lump in one's throat
get mad at something
get meaning
get jump on
get mental block against something
get miffed
get marching orders
get mind around
get mileage out of
get mitts on
get mixed message
get mixed up in
get mixed signal
get mixed up in something
get mixed up with
get kicked to the curb
get mojo back
get monkey up
get money's worth
get more than bargained for
get more than one bargained for
get motor running
get moving
get naked
get nasty
get no change out of
get line on or something
get nose out of joint
get nose cold
get nose out of business
get nose out of joint and have nose out of joint; put nose out of joint
get nose out of joint and have one's nose out of joint; put one's nose out of joint
get nose out of joint and have nose out of joint; put one's nose out of joint
get nose out of someone's business
get nowhere
get nowhere fast
get number
get nutted
get off a few good ones
get off arse
get off ass
get off at
get off back
get off at some place
get off backside
get off bike
get off bumper
get off butt
get mental block
get off chest
get off course
get off easy
get off high horse
Get off case
get off it
get off-kilter
get off light
get mixed up with someone else
get off on a sidetrack
get off one's chest
get off on the right foot
get off one's high horse
get off pat
get off on the wrong foot
get off rear
get off scot-free
get off someone's back
Get off someone's case
get off someone's tail
get off tail
get off the dime
get off someone’s back
get off the ground
get off the mark
get off the shelf
get off the wagon
get off to a false start
get off to a flying start
get off to a fresh start
get off to fresh start
get nod
get off to the side
get off to the side with someone
get off to sleep
get off with
get off with something
get off track
get off work
get off your bike
get old heave-ho
get on a first-name basis
get on bad side
get on a first-name basis with someone
get on bike
get on case
get once-over
get on course
get one
get off case
get one bang to rights
get one by the short hairs
get one down
get one nowhere
get one off the hook
get one on one feet
get one on one's feet
get one over a barrel
get one over on
get off lightly
get one over on one
get one's act together
get one's bearings
get one's bowels in an uproar
get one’s bowels in an uproar
get one's comeuppance
get one's ducks in a row
get one's
get one's ears pinned back
get oneself out of debt
get oneself in the best of health
get oneself up
get oneself up for
get oneself up for something
get oneself worked up
get one's feet wet
get oneself worked up over something
get one's fill of or
get one's fill of or something
get one's fill of someone or
get off topic
get one's fingers burned
get one's foot in the door
get one's hands dirty and dirty one's hands; soil one's hands
get one's head above water and have one's head above water
get one's head together
get one's hooks in or
get one's hooks in or something
get one's hooks in someone or
get one's hooks in someone or something
get one’s hooks into
get one's hooks into someone or something
get one's hooks into someone or to
get one’s hooks into something
get one's hooks into to or something
get one's hooks into to or to
get one’s kicks
get one’s kicks from something
get one's knuckles rapped
get one's lumps
get one’s lumps
get one's money's worth
get one’s nose cold
get one's nose out of business
get one’s nose out of joint
get one by the short and curlies
get one's nose out of someone's business
get one's own way
get one’s rocks off
get one’s rocks off on something
get one's say
get one's sea legs
get one's second wind
get one's start
get one right here
get one's teeth into
get one’s teeth into
get one's teeth into something
get one’s teeth into something
get one's ticket punched
get one’s ticket punched
get one's walking papers
get one's way
get one's wits about one
get one up
get one up on
get one up on someone
get one's fill of someone or something
get one where one lives
get one wrong
get on famously
get on feet
get on for
get on good side
get on high horse
get on hobby-horse
get on horse
get on in the company
get on in the world
get on in years
get on its feet
get on like a house afire
get on nerves
get on one's feet
get on one’s horse
get on one's way
get on one's way to some place
get on or
get on or something
get on quince
get onside
get on soapbox
get on someone
get on someone or
get on someone or something
get on someone's case
get on someone’s case
get on someone's nerves
get on someone's wick
get on the bad side of
get one's nose out of joint and have one's nose out of joint; put one's nose out of joint
get on the end of
get on the extension
get on the good side of
get on the good side of someone
get on the horn
get on the market
get on the phone
get on the phone extension
get on the stick
get one’s tail somewhere fast
get on the trail
get on the trail of someone or something
get on the way
get on the way to something or some place
get on the wrong side of
get on the wrong side of someone
get on the wrong side of the law
get on tick
get one up on someone or something
get onto
get on to
get onto a good thing
get on top of
get on top of one
get on top of you
get onto someone
get onto someone to
get onto something
get onto the phone
get onto the tophone
get onto to to
get on way
get on the bandwagon
get on with
get on without someone or something
get on with someone
get on with something
get on your bike
get on your high horse
get open mind
get or across
get or across something
get or all spruced up
get or away from or
get or away from or something
get on the telephone
get or away from someone or something
get or back
get or by or