Traductions populaires
Anglais - Russe
Pour les entreprises
for the life of me
for the life of one
for the long term
for the love of
for the love of Mike
for the medium term
for the nonce
for the nth time
for the ride
for the sake of argument
for the sake of someone or something
for the short term
for shame
for the want of the
fortify against
fortify against with
fortify someone or an animal someone or an animal someone or an animal
fortify someone or something against someone or something
fortify someone or something against someone or something with someone or something
for some) reasons best known to s
fortify with
for trouble
fortune favors the brave
Fortune favors the brave
fortune is smiling on
fortune is smiling upon up
fortune smiles on
fortune smiles on someone
fortune smiles upon someone
fortune smiles upon up
fortunes of war
for two cents
for two pins
forty minutes of hell
forty ways from Sunday
forty ways to Sunday
forty winks
for want of
for want of a nail
For want of a nail the shoe was lost; for want of a shoe the horse was lost; and for want of a horse the man was lost
forward on
forward something
forward something from some place from some place
for the fun of it
for whatever it's worth
for XYZ reasons
for years running
fo shizzle
fo shizzle, my nizzle
fo sho
fouled up
fouled up as Hogan's goat
foul mouth
foul nest
foul one's nest
foul one's own nest
foul or something up
foul or up
foul out
foul out of something
foul own nest
foul someone or something up
foul someone or up
for the taking
foul your own nest
fortify someone or something with someone or something
founding father of something
founding mother
founding mother of something
found on
found upon
fountain of youth
four bits
four corners of the earth
four corners of the world
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Four Hundred
for weeks running
four-letter word
four score and seven years ago
four seasons in one day
Fourth Estate
fourth quarter is ours
fourth wall
fourth wall joke
four wheels
four windfour
four winds
fox guarding the henhouse
fox in the henhouse
fox's sleep
fox trap
fraid not
fraid so
fraidy cat
frame for
frame in
frame in something
frame one
frame out
frame something in something
frame something out
Frankenstein's monster
fraternize with
fraternize with or
foul up
fraternize with someone or
founding father
fraught with danger
fray around the edges
fray at the edges
freak flag
freak mommy
freak of nature
freak out at
freak out at one
freak out over
freak out over someone or something
freak someone out
Fred Nerk
free agent
free and easy
four-leaf clover
free as air
free as the air
free bit of advice
freedom of maneuver
free enterprise
free fall
fraternize with or something
free gift
free, gratis, and for nothing
free hand
free lunch
free or from or
free or from or something
free or from someone or
free or from someone or something
free or something from or something
free or something from someone or something
free-range kids
free-range parenting
free ride
free show
free someone or from someone or
free someone or from someone or something
free someone or oneself from someone or oneself
free someone or something from someone or something
fraternize with someone or something
free translation
free trip
free up
free up cap space
free, white, and twenty-one
freeze blood
freeze in memory
freeze into
freeze into something
freeze on
freeze on doing something
freeze onto on
freeze or in memory
freeze or in one's memory
freeze or something in memory
freeze or something in one's memory
free as a bird
freeze over
freezer burn
freeze someone or in memory
freeze someone or in one's memory
freeze someone or something in memory
freeze someone or something in one's memory
freeze someone or something in someone or something memory
freeze someone out
freeze someone's wages
freeze something into something
free from
freeze to
freeze to death
freeze up
freeze wages
French kissing
French leave
free spirit
fresh blood
freshen or something up
freshen or up
freshen someone or something up
freshen someone or up
fresh from
fresh lick of paint
fresh out
fresh out of
fresh out of something
fresh pair of eyes
fresh start
fresh with someone
fret about
fret about or
fret about or something
fret about someone or
fret about someone or something
fret not
fret over
fret over someone or something
freeze out
Frick and Frack
friend at court
friend in court
friend in need
friend in need is a friend indeed
friend of Bill W
friend's eye is a good mirror
friends in court
freeze tail off
friends with
friends with someone
frighten away
frightened of shadow
frightened out of wits
frightened to death
frighten in
frighten into
frighten into doing
frighten into doing something
frighten into something
fresh as a daisy
frighten one in
frighten one into one
frighten one out of a year's growth
frighten one out of one mind
frighten one out of one's wits
frighten one out of one wits
Freudian slip
frighten one to death
frighten or away
frighten or something away
frighten out of
frighten out of a year's growth
frighten out of mind
frighten out of someone or something
frighten out of wits
frighten someone into
frighten someone into something
frighten someone or an animal into doing someone or an animal
frighten someone or an animal into doing something
frighten someone or an animal into or an animal
frighten someone or an animal into something
frighten someone or an animal to death
frighten someone or away
frighten someone or something away
frighten the daylights out of
frighten the hell out of
frighten the hell out of one
frighten the hell out of someone
frighten the horses
frighten the life out of
frighten the life out of one
frighten the living daylights out of living
frighten the pants off
frighten the pants off of of
friends in high places
frighten the shit out of one
frighten to death
fright of life
frig it
frig off
frig up
fringe benefit
fritter away
fritter something away
frighten off
frizz up
frog and toad
frog eater
frog face
frog in throat
frog in your throat
from a distance
frighten one out of wits
from all four corners of the world
from all sides
from A to izzard
from can see to can't see
from central casting
from coast to coast
from cradle to grave
from Dan to Beersheba
frighten the shit out of
from day one
from day to day
from door to door
from giddy-up to whoa
from git-go
from goo to you, by way of the zoo
from go to whoa
from hand to hand
from hand to mouth
from head to foot
from head to toe
from here till next Tuesday
from here to eternity
from here to kingdom come
from here to Sunday
from hunger
from Missouri
from my cold, dead hands
from my perspective
from nowhere
from overseas
from perspective
from pillar to post
from point of view
from soda to hock
from soup to nuts
from start to finish
from stem to stern
fritter something away on someone or something
from that time forth
from the
from the bottom of heart
from the bottom of your heart
from the corner of eye
from the cradle to the grave
from the dead
from the Department of the Bleeding Obvious
from the depths of heart
from afar
from the face of the earth
from the four corners of the earth
from the frying pan into the fire
from the get-go
from the git-go
from the horse's mouth
from the look of it
from the look of things
from the looks of it
from the looks of things
from the off
from dawn to dusk
from the ridiculous to the sublime
from the sublime to the ridiculous
from the sublime to the ridiculous is only a step
From the sublime to the ridiculous is only a step
from the top drawer
from the wrong side of the tracks
from the year dot
from this day forth
from this time forth
from time immemorial
from that day forth
front and center
front foot
front for
front for or
front for or something
front for someone or
front for someone or something
front load
front man
front off
front off about
front off about something
front of house
front on
front onto
front runner
front some amount of money
front someone some amount of money
front wall
frosted over
frosting on the cake
frost over
from the East German judge
frosty one
froth at the mouth
froth something up
froth up
frown at
frown at or
frown at or something
frown at someone or
frown at someone or something
frown on
from the outset
frown on or something
frown on someone or
frown on someone or something
frown upon
frozen in time
frozen to the marrow
fruit loop
fruit of
from top to bottom
fruit of loins
fruit of the poisonous tree
fruit of the union
fruits of labor
fruits of one's labor
fruits of one's labors
fruits of s
fry sauce
fry something up
fry the fat out of
fry up
frost up
fuck a duck
fuck around
fuck around with
fuck around with someone or something
fuck bunny
fucked by the fickle finger of fate
fucked off
fucked over
fucked up
Fucking A
fucking old person
fuck it
fuck it all
fuck it, shit happens, drive on
fuck mind
fuck my life
fuck off
fuck over
fuck someone up
fuck something up
fuck that for a game of soldiers
fuck that noise
fuck the dog
frown on or
fuck this noise
fuck up
fuck with
fuck with someone
fuck with someone or something
fuck with something
fuck you
Fuck you
fudge factor
fudge the issue
fuel something
fruit of labors
fuel the fire
fuel the flame
fuel the flames
fuel up
full as a goog
full as a tick
full blast
full circle, come
fuck this for a game of soldiers
full English
Fuller Brush man
full marks
full measure
full monty
fullness of heart
full of bull
full of crap
full of holes
full of hops
full of it
full of Old Nick
full of oneself
full of piss and vinegar
full of prunes
full of the devil
full of the joys of spring
full pelt
full plate
full rig
full sesh
full speed ahead
full steam
full throttle
full-tilt boogie
full-time job
full to the brim
full to the gills
full whack
fully sick
fulminate against
fulminate against or
fulminate against or something
fulminate against someone or
fulminate against someone or something
fumble for
fumble for something
fume about
fume about or
fume about or something
fume about someone or
fume about someone or something
fume at
fume at someone
fume over
fume over someone or something
fun and games
fuel something up
funked out
fuel the fires
funk out
funnily enough
funny as a barrel of monkeys
funny as a crutch
funny bone
funny farm
funny ha-ha
full-court press
funny peculiar
funny stuff
funny thing is
fur and feather
fur baby
fur flies
furnish for
furnish for or
furnish for or something
furnish for someone or
furnish for someone or something
furnish for something
furnish someone or something with someone or something
furnish something for or something
function as
furnish something for something
furnish with
fur piece
further afield
further along the road
further down the road
further removed from
furthest removed from
furtive glance
fuse box
fuse something with something
fuse with
fuse with something
fuss about
fuss about or
fuss about or something
fuss about someone or
fuss about someone or something
fuss and feathers
fuss around
fuss around with around
fuss around with around or around
fuss around with around or something
fuss around with someone or around
funny money
fuss at
fuss at one
fuss at or
fuss at or something
fuss at someone or
fuss at someone or something
fuss over
fuss over nothing
fuss over or
fuss over or something
fuss over someone or
fuss over someone or something
fuss with
fuss with or
fuss with or something
fuss with someone or
fuss with someone or something
fussy as a hen with one chick
furnish something for someone or something
future shock
futz around
futz one
futz something up
Futz something up
futz up
Futz up
futz with
fuzz man
fuzz out
fuzz station
fuss about nothing
fuzzy tail
gab room
gack something
gad about
gad around
gaffle someone or something
gag a maggot
gag gift
fuss around with someone or something
gagging for something
gag me with a spoon
gag on
gag order
gaiety of nations
gain by
gain by doing
gain by doing something
gain dominion over
gain dominion over or
future looks bright
gagging for
gain dominion over or something
gain entrance
gain from something
gain ground
gain from
gain dominion over someone or
gain ground on someone or something
gain ground on
gain in something
gain in
gain on or something
gain on someone or
gain on someone or something
gain perspective on
gain on or
gain on
gain perspective on something
gain something by doing something
gain the upper hand
gain something from something
gain time
gala affair
gales of laughter
gall and wormwood
gallery gods
galloping dandruff
gallivant around
gallop through
gallows humor
galumph around
galvanize into action
galvanize one into action
galvanize someone into action
gamble on
gamble away
gamble on or
gamble on someone or
gain dominion over someone or something
gamble on someone or something
gain ground against
game face
gamble on or something
game of musical chairs
game out
game of two halves
game, set, and match
game plan
game, set, match
game that two can play
gamble something away
game time
gandy dancer
gang up against
gang up against someone or something
gang up on one
gang up on
gang up on someone
gank something
gape at
gape at or
gape at or something
gape at someone or
gape at someone or something
gapers' block
garbage down
garbage in, garbage out
Garbage in, garbage out
garbage mouth
garbage something down
garbage person
garb in
garb in something
garb someone in
garb someone in something
gardening leave
garden leave
gardens are not made by sitting in the shade
garden tool
garden variety
gargle factory
garner in
garner something in
game as Ned Kelly
garner up
game is up
garnish with something
Garrison finish
gas guzzler
gash bucket
gasp at or
gasp at or something
gasp at someone or
gasp for air
gasp for breath
gasp at someone or something
gasp out
garnish something with something
gas something up
gas up
gather a case
gather a case against
gather a case against someone or something
gather around
gather around a
gather around or something
gather around or
gather around someone or
gather around someone or something
gathered to fathers
gather dust
gather from
gather from or
gather from or something
gather from someone
gather from someone or
gather from something
gather in
gathering clouds
gather from someone or something
gather into
gathering string
gather into something
gather or around
gather or something around
gather or something to
gather or something together
gather or something to oneself
gather or to
gather or together
gather or to oneself
gather someone into
gather someone into something
gather someone or around
gather round
garnish with
gather someone or something to
gather someone or something together
gather someone or something to oneself
gather someone or to
gather someone or to oneself
gather someone or together
gasp at
gather something from
gasp something out
gather something from someone
gather something from someone or something
gather something from something
gather something up
gather to
gather up
gather wits
Gather ye rosebuds while ye may
gather your wits
gaudy as a butterfly
gawk at
gawk at or
gawk at or something
gawk at someone or
gawk at someone or something
gay up
gaze around
gaze around at
gaze at
gaze around at someone or something
gaze at navel
gaze at or
gaze at or something
gaze at someone or
gaze into space
gaze at someone or something
gaze off into space
gaze on or
gaze on
gaze on or something
gaze on someone or
gaze on someone or something
gaze open-mouthed
gaze out on
gaze out on something
gather someone or something around
geared to someone or something
geared to
geared toward
geared toward someone or something
gear or something up
gather something
gear someone or something up
gear someone or something up for someone or something
gear someone or up
gear something to or something
gather something from or something
gear to or
gear to or something
gear to someone or
gear to someone or something
gear toward
gear toward someone or something
gear up for
gear up for or
gear up for or something
gear up for someone or
g'ed up
gear up for someone or something
g’ed up
geek out about
geek out
geek out about someone or something
geek out over
geek out over someone or something
gee up
gender bender
gender fluidity
gender binary
gender gap
gender fluid
generalize about
generalize about or
generalize about someone or
generalize about someone or something
generalize from
generalize about or something
generalize from something
generalize on someone or something
generalize on
general run
general run of something
gear or up
generous to a fault
geneva courage
genetic modification
genie is out of the bottle
gear something to someone or something
Genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains
Genius is ten percent inspiration and ninety percent perspiration
gear to
gentle giant
gentleman and a scholar
gentleman of leisure
gentleman's agreement
gentleman of the four outs
gentleman's pact
gentlemen's agreement
genuine article
gen up on
Gen X
Gen Xer
George Raft
German goiter
German wheel
German virgin
get a a little hairy
get a bad press
get a bang out of
get a bang out of someone
get a bang out of something
get a bead on
get a bead on someone or something
get a big head
get a bit little hairy
get a bloody nose
get aboard something
get aboard
get about business
get about one's business
get about to do
get about to do something
get above
get above yourself
get a break
get abreast of or
get abreast of or something
get abreast of someone or
get abreast of someone or something
get a buzz out of
Generation Xer
get a buzz out of or something
Genius is 10 percent inspiration and 90 percent perspiration
get a buzz out of someone or
get a buzz out of someone or something
get a buzz out of something
gentle as a lamb
get access to or
get access to or something
get access to someone or
get access to someone or something
get a charge out of or
get a charge out of
get a buzz out of or
get a charge out of someone or
get a charge out of someone or something
get a charley horse
get a clue
get a cob on
get acquainted with something
get acquainted with someone
get acquainted with
get a crush on
get act together
get a dirty look
get a dirty look from someone
get a etc.) grasp on
get a fair shake
get a etc.) grasp of
get a feel of
get a fix
get a fix of something
get a fix on
get a fix on someone
get a fix on something
get a foothold
get a foothold in
get a fix on one
get a foot in the door
get a free hand
get a free ride
get A for effort
get a fresh start
get a frog in one's throat
get a frog in throat
get a buzz out of someone
get after someone
get after someone or something
get a good press
get a grip on have a grip on
get a grip on
get a grip on have a grip on oneself
get a grip on oneself have a grip on oneself
get a grip on something
get a can on
get a hammering
get a hand
get a handle on have a handle on give a handle on
get a handle on