Traductions populaires
Anglais - Russe
Pour les entreprises
fat city
fate is sealed
faster than a cat lapping chain lightning
fat chance
fat farm
Father Charles Goes Down And Ends Battle
father on someone
father on
father something on someone
fat hit the fire
father something on
fathom the depths of
fat lip
fat is in the fire
fat lot
fat lot of good
fat lot of use
fat skrill
fatten someone or an animal up someone or an animal
fatten one up with one
fatten the kitty
fatten up
fatten up on
fault someone
fatten up with
fault someone for something
faunch around
Faustian bargain
favorite daughter
faux pas
favorite son
favor or something with something
favor or with
favor or with something
favor someone or with
favor someone or something with something
favor someone or with something
fawn all over all
fawn on
fawn over someone
fawn over
fast-talk someone into
fb stalk
fawn upon up
fear for
fear for or something
fear for or
fear for someone or
fear no colors
fear for someone or something
fat ass
feast eyes
fate worse than death
feast of reason
feast for the eyes
feast one's eyes
feast on
feast or famine
fawn all over someone
feast one's eyes on or upon someone or something
feast upon something
feast upon up
feast your eyes on something
feast your eyes on
feather brain
feast your eyes on someone
feathered friends
feather in cap
feather in one's cap
featherless biped
feather one's nest
feather nest
feather in someone's cap
feather one's own nest
feather own nest
feathers fly
feature as
feature as something
feather your nest
feature in
feature in something
feature one as one
feature someone as
feature someone in something
feature someone in
feature someone as something
feck it
federal case
federal diploma
fed up to some degree to some degree
fed up to the back teeth
fed to the gills
federal jug
fed up to the back teeth with someone or something
fed up with someone or something
feed a cold, starve a fever
feed back into something
feed a line
feed back into
feed back to
feed back to someone
fear the worst
feeding frenzy
feast eyes on
feed into
feed off of something
feed off
feed off of of
feed off something
feed on
feast on something
feed someone, something, or an animal with someone, something, or an animal
feed someone or an animal with someone or an animal
feed one to the lions
feed something back to
feed someone, something, or an animal with something
feed something back into something
feed something back to someone
feed face
feed something to someone
feed something to
feed something to someone or an animal
feed the dragon
feed the fishes
feed the kitty
feed to someone
feed to
feed to the lions
feed to the wolves
feed upon up
feed with something
feed with
feel about for someone or something
feel about
feel a draft
feel a glow of contentment
feel age
feel a glow of satisfaction
feel all the feels
feel a glow of happiness
feel around
feel around for someone or something
feel as if a cat has kittened in mouth
feel at home
feed into something
feel bad about
feel duty bound to
feel collar
feel duty bound to do something
feel for
feel for someone
feed one a line
feel gorge rise
feel groovy
feel guilty about something
feel hard done-by
feel guilty
feel honor-bound to
feel honor-bound to do something
feel honored
feel hot and cold
feel in bones
feeling about
feeling about someone or something
feeling no pain
feeling kinda puny
feed something into something
feeling OK
feeling okay
feeling puny
feel in one's bones
feeling that that
feel in your bones
feel it beneath
feel it beneath one one
feel it beneath one to one
feel it beneath to
feel legs
feel it in bones
feel light-headed
feel like again
feel like a million
feel like a million bucks
feel like a million dollars
feel like a new man
feel like a new woman
feel like a new person
feel like death warmed over
feel like doing
feel like death warmed up
feel like death
feel like doing something
feel like jelly
feel like like
feel like oneself again
feel like new
feel like or something
feel like or
feel like someone or
feel like someone or something
feel lost without someone or something
feel bad
feel oats
feel fit
feel of
feel one's gorge rise
feel one's oats
feel on top of the world
feel out of humour
feel out
feel out of place
feel out of sorts
feel puny
feeling moxie
feel pinched
feel sick at heart
feel sick to stomach
feel small
feel some emotion about some emotion
feel somehow about or something
feel somehow about or
feel somehow about someone or
feel somehow about someone or something
feel someone out
feel someone
feel something in bones
feel no pain
feel someone out about someone or something
feel something in your bones
feel sorry for
feel something with something
feel the crunch
feel strange
feel the draught
feel the pinch
feel the pulse of
feel up to something
feel up to
feel way
feel with
feel with something
feen for
feel your oats
feen for something
feet first
fellow traveler
fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down
female of the species is more deadly than the male
feet of clay
femme fatale
fence hanger
fence an animal in
feel lost without
fence off from
fence off
fence out
fence or something off
fence or off
fence someone or an animal out
fence someone or off
fence someone or something off
fence someone in
fence someone or something off from someone or something
fence someone or something off from something
fence something in
fend against
fend and prove
fence with
fend away
fender bender
feel out of things
fend for
fend or something off
fend or off
fend someone or off
fend someone or something off
ferret something out
ferret out
ferret around
ferret something out of someone or something
ferret something out from something
feel something in one's bones
ferry around
ferry or across
ferry or something across something
ferry someone around
ferry someone or across
ferry or across something
ferry someone or something across something
fer shur
ferry someone or across something
fess up to something
fess up
festoon or something with something
festina lente
festoon or with
festoon someone or with
festoon someone or something with someone or something
festoon or with something
festoon someone or something with something
festoon someone or with something
festoon with
fetch away
fetch and carry for someone
fetch and carry
fence in
fetch out of
fetch out
fetch out of something
fetch something in
fetch something out of something
fetch up
fetch up at
fetch up at some place
fend off
feud about someone or something
feud over
feud with
feud over someone or something
feud with about
feud with someone with someone
feud with over
few and far between
few bananas short of a bunch
few bricks shy of a load
few bricks short of a full load
few cards short of a deck
few bricks short of a load
few cards short of a full deck
few cards shy of a full deck
few fries short of a Happy Meal
few sandwiches short of a picnic
few cards shy of a deck
fib way out of
few ticks
fiddle around
fiddle about
fiddle away
ferry across
Fibber McGee's closet
fiddle out of
fiddler's bidding
fiddler's pay
fiddle with
fiddle with or
fiddle with or something
fiddle with someone or
fidget about
fiddle while Rome burns
fiddle with someone or something
fiddle something away
fidget around
fidget spinner
fidget with
field a grounder
fidget with something
field day
field a question
field grounders
field questions
fields have eyes, and woods have ears
fifth column
Fields have eyes, and woods have ears
fetch in
fifth wheel
fight about
fifty-fifty chance
fight about or something
fight about or
fight about someone or
fight about someone or something
fight against
fight against or something
fight against or
feud about
fight against someone or
fight among ourselves
fight a losing battle
fight amongst
fight among themselves
fight a rearguard action
fight among yourselves
fight back at
fight back at someone or something
fight against time
fight corner
fight fire with fire
fight down
Fight fire with fire
fight for life
fight for
fight for or
fight for or something
fight for someone or
fight hammer and tongs
fight for someone or something
fiddle around with something
fighting fit
fighting chance
fighting for its life
fighting mad
fighting spirit
fighting for your life
fighting for life
fighting words
fight it out
fight like a lion
fight like cat and dog
fight like Kilkenny cats
fight like hell
fight like the devil
fight off
fight on
fight one's way out of something
fight one's way out
fight one's way through
fight or about
fight or down
fight or flight
fight or hammer and tongs
fight or something down
fifth columnist
fight or something about
fight or something off
fight or with
fight or something hammer and tongs
fight or with something
fight or something with something
fight out
fight over
fight against someone or something
fight over or something
fight over someone or something
fight over someone or
fight shy of
fight someone or about
fight own battles
fight shy of someone or something
fight someone or down
fight someone or hammer and tongs
fight someone or off
fight someone or something hammer and tongs
fighting a losing battle
fight someone or something off
fight someone or something tooth and claw
fight someone or something tooth and nail
fight someone or something with something
fight someone or something down
fight someone or with something
fight something down
fight someone or with
fight something out
fight the good fight
fight something through
fight to death
fight or off
fight through
fight to the death
fight tooth and nail
fight to the finish
fight way back to
fight way out
fight with
fight with about
fight way out of
fight with over
fight with someone or an animal over someone or an animal
fight with someone or some creature someone or some creature
fight with someone or something
fight with someone or something about someone or something
fight with someone or something about with
fight with someone or with about with
fight with with or something about with
fight with with or with about with
fight your corner
fig leaf
figment of imagination
figment of the) imagination
figure as
figure as something
figure in
figure into
figure into to
figment of the imagination
fight over or
figure on
figure on doing
figure of fun
figure on doing something
figure on or something
figure on someone or
figure on someone or something
fight someone or something about
figure or out
figure or something in
figure or something out
figure on or
figure out root of the problem
figure out the root of the problem
figure someone as
figure someone as something
fight tooth and claw
figure someone or in
figure someone or something out
figure someone or out
figure someone or something into to
figure something up
figure up
filch something
filch something from someone
filch something from something
filch from
file 13
file against
file away
file against someone
file charges against
file charges
file charges against one
file down
file for
file into something or some place
file off
file in
file for something
file off of of
file off the serial number
file off the serial numbers
file out
file past someone or something
file out of
file something
file past
file something against someone
file something against
file something away from something
file something away
figure of speech
file something down
file something with someone or something
file under
file with
file with or
file with someone or
file with or something
file thirteen
file with someone or something
fill a void
fill boots
figure or in
fill hand
fill face
fill full of lead
fill head with
fill head with something
fill in for someone or something
filling station
fill in the blank
fill one's face
fill in the details
figure someone or something in
fill or something up
fill or kill
fill or up
fill prescription
fill shoes
fill someone full of lead
fill someone in
fill someone in on someone or something
fill someone or something up
fill someone or up
fill someone or something up with something
fill someone's head with
fill someone's head with something
fill someone's shoes
fill something to something
fill something out
fill the bill
fill the gap
fill the void
fill to
file something with or something
film at 11
film out
fill to something
filter down
film over
filter in
filter into to
filter out of
filter out
filter out of something
filter something out of something
filthy lucre
filthy rich
filter through
final curtain
final fling
final resting place
final hurrah
final say
final straw
final will and testament
financially embarrassed
final word
find against someone or something
find against
find a happy medium
find a way around
filled to the brim
find a way around or something
find a way around someone or something
find a way around or
find calling
find common ground
find bearings
find bit off
finders keepers, losers weepers
find fault with
find favor with
find fault with someone or something
fill one’s face
find favor with one
find favor with someone
find feet
find for someone or something
find for
find God
find guilty
fill your boots
find in a bind
find in mint condition
find innocent
find in the doghouse
find in the market
find in
find in the public eye
find in the market for
find it in
find it in heart
find it in one's heart
find it in one's heart to do something
find it in heart to
find its way
find level
find neither hide nor hair
find match
find one guilty
find not guilty
find one in
find one not guilty
find one innocent
find one's bearings
find oneself in a bind
find oneself in the doghouse
find oneself in the market
find oneself in the market for something
find oneself with or
find oneself in the public eye
find oneself with or something
find oneself without or
find oneself without or something
find oneself without someone or
find oneself with someone or
find a way around someone or
find one's feet
find one's own level
find one's tongue
find one's way
find one's way around
find oneself without someone or something
find one with one fingers in the till
find one with one hand in the till
fin de siècle
find out a thing or two about someone or something
find out how the land lies
find out the hard way
find own level
find someone bit off
find someone guilty
find root of the problem
find someone out
find someone in
find something in mint condition
find something out
find hide nor hair
find time for or
find time for or something
find time for someone or
find time for someone or something
find the root of the problem
find true north
find tongue
find voice
find wanting
find way
find with hand in the till
find way around
find with fingers in the till
find with
find with or
find without or
find with or something
find without or something
find without
find without someone or
find without someone or something
find with someone or
find with someone or something
find your feet
find your tongue
fine and dandy
fine as Dick's hatband
fine by one
fine feathers make fine birds
fine by
fine figure of a
Fine feathers make fine birds
fine for something
fine figure of a man or woman
fine Italian hand
find oneself with someone or something
fine kettle of fish
fine for
fine line between
fine line between something
finer points of
finer things in life
finer than frog hair
fine someone for something
find out a thing or two
finest hour
fine state of affairs
fine-tooth comb
fine-tune something
fine with me
Fine words butter no parsnips
finger as
find the time
finger in every pie
finger as someone
finger-licking good
finger of blame
finger of suspicion
finger one as one
finger of responsibility
finger on the pulse
fingers itch
finger someone as someone
fingers were made before forks
Fingers were made before forks
fingertip search
finish ahead of schedule
finger wave
finished article
finishing touches
finish on a high note
finish or off
finish off
finish or something off
finish someone or an animal off
finish or up
finish or something up
finish someone or off
finish someone or something off
finish someone or something up
finish someone or up
finish something off
finish something with lick and a promise
finish with lick and a promise
finish with
finish with someone or something
finish with something
fink on someone
fink on
fink out on someone or something
fine how do you do
fink out on
fine someone for
fire and brimstone
fire a shot across the bow
fire away at someone
fire back at someone or something
fire back at
fine words butter no parsnips
fire back to someone or something
fire bug
fire back to
fire from the hip
fire hose
fire in belly
fire into
fire insults at
fire in the belly
fire insults at one
fire into or
fink out
fire into or something
fire is a good servant but a bad master
fire into someone or something
Fire is a good servant but a bad master
fire off
fire on all cylinders
fire on all four cylinders
fire on
fire one with one
fire over
fire over something
fire questions at
fire questions at one
fire someone up
fire something back
fire pistol in the air
fire something back to someone or something
fire something into or something
fire something into someone or something
fire something off to someone
fire something off
fire under
fire something up
fire under someone or something
fire upon up
firing line
firing on all cylinders
firm believer in
fire with
firm hand
firm hand on the tiller
firm something up
first among equals
firm up
fink out on something
First catch your hare
first come, first served
First come, first served
first cousin
first crack at
first deserve and then desire
first dibs first
firstest with the mostest
first flush of
first go
fire back
first impression
first impressions are the most lasting
First impressions are the most lasting
first in, best dressed
first leg
first leg of
first leg of a journey
first leg of journey
first leg of the journey
fire into someone or
first off
first out of the box
first past the post
first person to person
first port of call
first refusal
first rule of : do not talk about
first rung on the ladder
first see the light of day
first some place, then the world
first step is always the hardest
first string
first , then the world
first to
first up
first world problem
fish around
fish-eating grin
fish eye
fish flakes
fish for
fish for a compliment
fish for compliments
fish for something
fishing expedition
fish in troubled waters
fish or cut bait
Fish or cut bait
fish or out of
first catch your hare
fish or something out of something
fish out
fish out of
fish rots from the head down
fish someone or out of
fish someone or out of something
fish someone or something out of someone or something
fish someone or something out of something
fish something up out of something
fish story
fish tale
first hundred years are the hardest
fish up
fish up out of
fish up out of something
fishy about the gills
fit and trim
fit a quart into a pint pot
fit around
fit around something
fit as a fiddle
fit as a flea
fit for
first loser
fit into
fit in with
fit in with someone or something
fit like a glove
fit on
fit one for one
fit one to a T
fit one to a tee
fit on something
fit on the back of a postage stamp
fit or in
fit or in something
fit or out
fit or something in something
fit or something out
fit or something up
fit or up
fits and starts
fit someone for
fit someone for something
fit someone or in
fit someone or in something
fit someone or out
fit someone or something in something
fit someone or something into something
fit someone or something out
fit someone or something out with something
fit someone or something up
fit someone or something up with someone or something
fit someone or something up with something
fit someone or up
fish or out of something
fit something onto something
fit something together
fit something to something
fit the bill
fit to
fit to a T
fit to a tee
fit to be tied
fit to drop
fit together
fit to something
fit up with
fish to fry
fit with something
five-alarm fire
five-finger discount
five it
fix an animal
fixed for life
fixed in ways
fixed up
fix for
fix for breakfast
fix for dinner
fit for something
fix for lunch
fixing to
fixing to die
fixing to do g
fixing to do something
fixin to do
fixin to do something
fit something on something
fix on
fix one with a gaze
fix one with a look
fix one with a stare
fix on or
fix on or something
fix on someone or
fit with
fix on something
fix or something up
fix or up
fix over
fix someone or something up
fix someone or something with someone or something
fix someone or up