Traductions populaires
Anglais - Russe
Pour les entreprises
contaminate or with
contaminate or with something
contaminate someone or something with someone or something
contaminate someone or something with something
contaminate someone or with
contaminate someone or with something
contaminate with
contemplate navel
contend against
contend against or
contend against or something
contend against someone or
contend against someone or something
contend for
contend with
contend with a problem
contend with for
contend with someone
contend with someone for something
contend with someone or something
contend with someone or something for someone or something
contented mind is a perpetual feast
constrain from doing something
content oneself with or something
content oneself with someone or
content oneself with someone or something
content with
content with or
content with or something
content with someone or
content with someone or something
continue by
continue by doing
continue by doing something
continued on page 94
continued page 94
continue losing streak
continue one's losing streak
continue with
continue with something
contract for
contract for with
contract out
construct something from something
contract with
consult with about
contract with someone
contract with someone for something
contract with someone or something
contract with someone or something for someone or something
contradiction in terms
contrary to
contrary to all reason
contrary to popular belief
contrary to popular opinion
contrary to something
contrast someone or something to someone or something
contrast someone or something with someone or something
contrast to
contrast with
contrast with or
contrast with or something
contrast with someone or
contrast with someone or something
contribute something
contribute something to someone to someone
contribute to something
controlled substance
control over
control over someone or something
control the purse strings
convalesce from
convalesce from something
conventional wisdom
converge in upon
content oneself with or
converge on
contract something out
conversation piece
contract with for
converse about someone or something
converse about someone or something with someone or something
converse about with
converse with
converse with about
converse with someone
converse with someone about someone or something
converse with someone or something
converse with someone or something about someone or something
convert from
convert from something
convert from something into something
convert from to
convert into in
convert or
convert or something
convert someone or
convert someone or something
convert someone or something from something from something
convert to
convey from
convey from to
convey something
convey something from someone or something from someone or something
convey to
convict of
convict of something
convict someone of
convict someone of something
convince of
convince of something
convince someone of
convince someone of something
convulse with
cooked to a turn
cooked up
cook goose
cookie pusher
cooking on gas
cooking with gas
cook on the front burner
cook out
cook someone's goose
cook something to perfection
cook the accounts
cook the books
cook to perfection
cook up
converge in upon someone or something
converge upon up
cool bananas
converse about
cool customer
cooled out
cooler heads prevail
cooler heads will prevail
cool head
cool heels
cooling-off period
cool it
cool jets
cool off
cool one's heels
cook with gas
cool someone down
cool someone out
cool story, bro
cool your heels
coon eye
coon eyes
coon's age
cooperate on
cooperate on with
cooperate with
cooperate with on
cooperate with someone
cooperate with someone on something
cooperate with someone or something
cooperate with someone or something on someone or something
coop or something up
coop or up
coop someone or something up
coop someone or up
co-opt into
co-opt into something
co-opt one into one
co-opt someone into
co-opt someone into something
coop up
coordinate something with something
coordinate with
coordinate with someone or something
coordinate with something
cop a drag
cop a heel
cop an attitude
cop a packet
cop a plea
cop a squat
cop a tube
cope with or
cope with or something
cook your goose
cool, calm, and collected
cop from
cop from or
cop from or something
cop from someone or
cop from someone or something
cop hold of
cop hold of someone or something
coping skill
cool reception
cop it
cop it sweet
cop on
cop onto
cop onto something
cop out
coprophagous grin
cop something from or something
cop something from someone or something
cop some Z's
cope with someone or
copy out
copy out by hand
copy out of
copy out of something
copy something down
copy something down from someone or something
copy something out
copy something out by hand
copy something out of something
cord cutter
cordon bleu
cordon off
corked up
cork high and bottle deep
cork off
corkscrewed up
cork something up
cork up
corner the market
corner the market on
corn in Egypt
corn squabble
corporate ladder
corporate welfare bum
corporation pop
corral dust
corral or
corral or something
corral someone or
cope with someone or something
copious free time
correlate something with something
correlate with
correlate with something
correspond about
correspond about someone or something
correspond to
correspond to something
correspond with
copy down
correspond with one about one
correspond with someone
correspond with someone about someone or something
correspond with someone or something
corridors of power
Cosby sweater
cost a bomb
cost a pretty penny
cost dear
corral someone or something
cost king's ransom
cost one dear
cost out
cost something out
cost the earth
cost up
cottage industry
correct me if I'm wrong
correspond with about
cotton on to
cotton onto on
cotton onto on or on
cotton onto on or something
cotton onto someone or on
cotton onto someone or something
cotton to
cotton to or
cotton to or something
cotton to someone or
cotton to someone or something
cotton up
cotton up to
cotton up to one
cotton up to someone
couch in
couch in something
couch something in something
cough head off
cough it up
cost dearly
cough one's head off
cough out
cough something out
cough something up
cough up
coulda fooled me
coulda, shoulda, woulda
coulda, woulda, shoulda
could be better
could be forgiven for
could be grandparent)
could be worse
cotton on
could care less
could do something in do something sleep
could do something standing on do something head
could do something with do something eyes closed
could do something with do something eyes shut
could do something with one arm tied behind do something back
could do something with one hand tied behind do something back
could do something with your eyes shut
could do with
could do with or
could do with or something
could do without
could do with someone or
could do with someone or something
could do with your eyes shut
could do worse
could drive a truck through
could eat the crotch out of a low-flying duck
cotton onto
Cough it up
could fight a circle-saw and it a runnin'
could fight a circle-saw and it a-runnin'
could fit on the back of a postage stamp
could have fooled me
could hear a pin drop
Could I be excused
Could I buy you a drink
Could I call you
Could I come in
Could I get by, please
Could I get you Could I Could I
Could I get you something Could I
Could I give you a lift
Could I have a lift
Could I have call you
Could I have someone call you
Could I help you
Could I join you
Could I leave a message
could in sleep
Could I see you again
Could I see you in my office
Could I speak to someone
Could I take a message
Could I take your order
Could I take your order now
Could I tell him who's calling
Could I use your powder room
could just as well
could kill for
couldn't act way out of a paper bag
couldn't agree more
couldn't ask for more
could be written on the back of a postage stamp
couldn't be happier
couldn't be helped
couldn't believe eyes
couldn't care less
couldn't carry a note in a bucket
couldn't carry a tune in a bucket
couldn't do something to save do something life
couldn't fight way out of a paper bag
couldn't fight your way out of a paper bag
couldn't find way out of a paper bag
couldn't get elected dogcatcher
couldn't happen to a nicer
couldn't happen to a nicer person
couldn't have asked for more
couldn't help it
couldn't hit a bull in the ass with a bass fiddle
couldn't organise a bun fight in a bakery
couldn't organise a chook raffle
couldn't organise a chook raffle in a country pub
could eat the crutch out of a low-flying duck
couldn't organize an orgy in a brothel
could fight a circle-saw
couldn't be better
couldn't punch way out of a paper bag
couldn't run a bath
couldn't tell shit from Shinola
couldn't to save life
could sell an icebox to an Eskimo
could sell ice to Eskimos
could sell sawdust to a lumber mill
could stand
could standing on head
couldn't organise a chook raffle in a pub
could teach a thing or two
could teach someone a thing or two
could tell a thing or two
could use
Could we continue this later
could with eyes closed
could with eyes shut
could with one arm tied behind back
could with one hand tied behind back
Could you excuse us, please
Could you hold
Could you hold, please
Could you keep a secret
council pop
councils of war never fight
Councils of war never fight
counsel about
counsel about something
counsel against
counsel against something
counsel of despair
counsel of perfection
counsel someone about
counsel someone about something
counsel someone against
counsel someone against something
count against
count against one
count against someone
count among
count among something
count as
count as something
count blessings
count chickens before they hatch
couldn't pour water out of a boot if the instructions were on the heel
count down
counter or something with something
couldn't pour water out of a boot with the instructions on the heel
counter or with something
counter someone or something with something
could talk under water
counter someone or with something
counter with
counter with something
count for
count for something
count from
count from something
count from something up
count heads
count in
count no man happy till he dies
count noses
count one's chickens before they hatch
count on or
count on or something
count on someone or
count on someone or something
count on the fingers of one hand
count or as
count or as something
count or off
count or something as something
count or something off
count or something up
count or up
count out
count pennies
country bumpkin
country cousin
country drunk
country mile
count sheep
count someone among
count someone among something
count someone in
count someone in for something
count someone or as
count someone or as something
count someone or off
count coup
counter or with
counter someone or with
count someone or something among someone or something
count someone or something as someone or something
count someone or something off
count someone or something up
count someone or up
count someone or something as something
count something against someone
count something as something
count something on the fingers of one hand
count something in
count something out
count the cost
count the pennies
count to ten
count upon
count up
count upon someone or something
count upon someone or up
count upon up or something
count upon up or up
count up to
count up to something
count up to some number
count with one
count with someone
count with
count your chickens before they hatch
count your chickens before they're hatched
couple of
coup de grâce
couple someone with someone
couple of people or things
couple something onto something
couple something to something
couple something with something
couple something together
couple to
couple together
couple up
couple to something
couple with
couple with someone
course of action
couple with something
courage of convictions
course of true love never did run smooth
course through something
course through
course of true love never ran smoothly
courtesy costs nothing
courtesy of
courtesy of someone or something
cover against
covenant of salt
cover all bases
count someone out
cover a lot of ground
count something against
cover a multitude of sins
count someone out for something
cover bases
cover feet
cover for
cover for someone
cover ground
cover for someone or something
cover in
cover in something
cover or against
cover or against something
cover or something against something
cover or something up
cover or up
cover someone in
cover someone in something
cover someone or against
cover someone or against something
cover someone or something against someone or something
cover someone or something against something
cover someone or something in someone or something
cover someone or something up
cover someone or up
cover someone's tracks
cover someone's tracks up
cover something up
cover story
cover the field
cover the ground
cover the same ground
cover the territory
cover the waterfront
cover tracks
cover up for someone
cover up for up
cover your ass with paper
cover your ass
cover your tracks
cowards die many times before their death
Cowards die many times before their death
Cowards die many times before their deaths
cowboy up
cover all the bases
cow chip
cover back
cow doots
cow college
cover ass
cower away from away
cowards die many times before their deaths
cower away from away or something
cower away from someone or away
cower away from someone or something
cower down
cower down from something
cower down with
cower down with some emotion
cower from
cower from or
cower from or something
cower from someone or
cower from someone or something
cower from something
cow flop
cow into
cow into something
cowl does not make the monk
cow paste
cow patty
cow pie
cow plop
cow someone into
cow someone into something
cozy up
cozy up to someone or something
cozy up to someone
crab mentality
crack a book
crack a bottle open
crack a crib
crack a joke
crack a smile
crack at
crack at someone or something
crack a tube
crack a window
cow chips
crack down
crack down on
crack down on someone or something
cracked up as
cracked up to be
cracked up to be something
cracking on
crack of dawn
cower away from away or away
crack open
crack open a book
crack open a bottle
crack open the bottle
crack or something up
crack or up
crack someone or something up
crack someone or up
crack someone up
crack a window open
crack something open
crack something up
crack somethingwide open
crack the door
crack the door open
crack the window
crack the whip
crack the window open
crack through
crack under the strain
crack up
crack wide open
crack wise
crafty as a fox
craic was ninety
cram for
cram for an exam
cram for an examination
cram for a test
cram for the exam
cram for the test
cram in
cram into
cram or into
crack of doom
cram or something into something
cram or something with someone or something
cram or with or
cram or with or something
cram or with someone or
cram or with someone or something
cramp style
cramp someone's style
cramp up
cramp words
cram someone or into
cram someone or into something
cram someone or something into something
cram someone or something with someone or something
cram someone or with someone or
cram someone or with someone or something
cram with
cram with someone or something
crank bugs
crank call
crank in
crank into
crank letter
crank out
crank someone up
crank something out
crank something up
crank up
crap around
crack some suds
crap list
crap on
crap on about
crap out
crap on someone or something
crap out of something of something
crap pants
crapped out
cram or into something
crap up
crash around
crash bang wallop
crash cart
crash course in something
crash dive
crash down
crash into
crash into or
crash into or something
cram or something with or something
crash out
crash out of some place
crash pad
crash something together
crash the gate
crash the party
crash through
crash through something
crash together
crash to the floor
crash with
crater face
crash with someone
crave to
crave to do something
crave to do
crawl across
crawl across something
crawl all over each other
crawl along
crawl back to
crawl back to one
crawl in
crawl back to someone
crawling with
crawling with someone
crawling with something
crawl into shell
crawl into to
crawl out
crawl out of something
crawl over
Crawl over
crawl over each other
crawl with
Crawl over something
crawl with someone or something
cray cray
crazy about
crazy about or
crazy about or something
crazy about someone or
crazy about someone or something
crapper dick
crazy as a betsy bug
crazy as a loon
crazy as a peach-orchard boar
crazy bone
crazy for
crazy for someone or something
crazy like a fox
creaking door hangs longest
creaking gate hangs longest
crash into someone or
cream in jeans
crash into someone or something
crazy as a bedbug
cream up
cream puff
crease something up
crease up
create an uproar
create a scene
create a splash
create a stink
create a stink about something
creature comforts
creature of habit
credenza ware
credibility gap
credit or for
credit for
credit or for something
credit or something for something
credit someone or for
credit someone or for something
credit someone or something for something
credit someone or something with someone or something
credit something to someone or something
credit something to or something
credit to
credit to or
credit to or something
credit to someone or
credit to someone or something
credit where credit is due
credit with
creep across
creep across something
creep along
creep along something
creep away
creep by
creep dive
creep in
creeping crud
creep into
creep in to something
creep joint
creep on
creep on someone or something
creep out
creep out of something
creamed foreskins
creep over
cream off
creep under
cream of the crop
creep out of the woodwork
creep up on
creep up on or
creep up on or something
creep up on someone or
creep up on someone or something
crème de la crème
crew up
crest of a wave
crib from
crib from or
crib from or something
creep over someone or something
crib from someone or something
crib note
crib something from or something
crib sheet
crib something from someone or something
crick in back
cricket on the hearth
crick in neck
crick in one's back
crime doesn't pay
Crime doesn't pay
crick in one's neck
cringe away from
cringe away from or
cringe away from someone or
cringe away from someone or something
cringe away from or something
cringe before
cringe before or
cringe before or something
cringe before someone or
cringe before someone or something
cringe from
cringe from someone or something
crinkle up
crisis actor
crisis management
crispy critter
criticize for
criss-cross applesauce
creep under something
criticize one for one
creep up
crib from someone or
croak out
crock of gold
crock of shit
crock or up
crock or something up
crock someone or something up
crock someone or up
crock something up
crock someone up
crock up
crocodile tears
crooked as a barrel of fish hooks
criticize for something
crook elbow
crooked as a fish hook
crook on
crook on one
crook the elbow
crop or out
crop or something out
crop out
crop someone or out
crop someone or something out
crop up
cross a bridge before comes to it
cross a bridge before one comes to it
cross a line
cross as a bear
cross as a bear with a sore head
cross as two sticks
cross bows
criticize someone for
Crosses are ladders that lead to heaven
cross-examine someone
cross-eyed drunk
cross fingers
cross from some place to some place
cross from to
cross heart
cross mind
cross my heart
cross one's heart
cross one one
criticize someone for something
crooked as a dog's hind leg
cross or off something
cross or out
cross or something off something
cross over into
cross or something out
cross over into some place
cross over something
cross palm
cross palm with silver
cross path
cross paths
cross paths with
cross paths with someone
cross paths with one
cross purpose
cross somebody has to carry
cross someone or off
cross someone
crosses are ladders that lead to heaven
cross someone or out
cross someone or something off of something
cross someone or something off something
cross someone or something out
cross someone's path
cross someone's palm with silver
cross someone up
cross something with something
cross swords
cross swords with
cross swords with one
cross swords with someone
cross that bridge before comes to it
cross that bridge before one comes to it
cross that bridge when comes to it
cross that bridge when you come to it
cross the big pond
cross that bridge when one comes to it
cross the floor
cross the Great Divide
cross the line
cross the Rubicon
cross the stream where it is shallowest
Cross the stream where it is shallowest
cross to bear
cross one's heart and hope to die
cross t's
cross or off
cross someone or off something
cross with
cross with something
cross your fingers
cross your mind
crotch cheese
crotch rocket
crotch rocketeer
crotch rot
crouch around
crouch down
crow about
crow bait
crowd around
crowd around or
crowd around or something
crowd around someone or
crowd around someone or something