Traductions populaires
Anglais - Russe
Pour les entreprises
come by some place
come by something
come by something honestly
come by the worst
come cap in hand
come clean
come clean about
come back to someone or something
come clean with about
come clean with someone with someone
come close
come, come
come down hard
come down hard hard
come down hard on
come down hard on someone
come down hard on someone or something
come down in buckets
come down in the world
come down like a ton of bricks
come down on
come down on like a ton of bricks
come down on one like a ton of bricks
come down on someone like a ton of bricks
come down on someone or something
come down on the side of
come down on the side of someone or something
come down the pike
come down to
come down to earth
come down to earth with a bump
come down to some place
come down to something
come down to the line
come down to the wire
Come down with a disease
come down with something
comedy equals tragedy plus time
comedy of errors
come easily to
come easily to one
come easy to
come easy to one
come face to face with
come back when you can stay longer
come face to face with someone or something
Come back when you can stay longer
come clean with
come for
come for someone
come for someone or something
come forth
come forward
come forward with something
come from behind
come from far and wide
come face to face with someone
come from nowhere
come from or
come from or something
come from someone or
come from someone or something
come full circle
come hell or high water
come-hither look
come home by Weeping Cross
come home from
come home from some place
come home from some place or something
come home to
come home to or
come home to or something
come home to roost
come home to someone or
come face to face with something
come in a certain position
come in all shapes and sizes
come in and set a spell
come in and sit down
come in and take a load off your feet
come in contact
come in for
come in for some stick
come in for something
come in from the cold
come in line
come in on
come in on a wing and a prayer
come in on something
come in on the ground floor
come in out of the rain
come in over the transom
come into being
come into bloom
come into blossom
come first
come from left field
come into existence
come into fashion
come into focus
come into head
come into in kingdom
come [into] in possession
come [into] in power
come [into] in someone's possession
come home to someone or something
come into line
come into money
come into one's or its own
come into one's own
come into operation
come into own
come into play
come into power
come into prominence
come into question
come into season
come into service
come into sight
come into some money
come into something or some place
come into the open
come into the world
come into use
come into view
come into your own
come in useful
come it
come it over
come it over one
come it strong
come it with one
come knocking at door
come knocking at the door
come knocking at your door
come knocking on door
come knocking on the door
come Monday
come naturally
come naturally to someone
come now
come of
come off it
Come off it
come off second best
come off the fence
come off worse
come off worst
come on as
come on as something
come into conflict
come on duty
come into effect
come into its own
Come on in
come on in, the water's fine
Come on in, the water's fine
come on like gangbusters
come online
come on or
come on or something
come on someone or
come on someone or something
come on stream
come on strong
come on a wing and a prayer
come on to
come on too strong
come on top of
come on to someone
come onto someone or something
come onto someone or to
come onto to or something
come onto to or to
come out a certain way on a certain way
come out against
come out against or
come out against or something
come out against someone or
come out against someone or something
come out ahead
come out at
come out at an amount
come out at or
come out at or something
come out at someone or
come out at someone or something
come out badly
come out fighting
come out for
come out for or
come out for or something
come out for someone or
come out for someone or something
come out in
come out in bloom
come out in favor of
come out in favor of someone or something
come out in force
Come out in large numbers
come out in something
come out in the open
come one, come all
come out in the open with something
come on in
come on the scene
come out into the open with something
come out into the open with to
come out of
come out of a clear blue sky
come out in the open with
come out of nowhere
come out in the wash
come out of shell
come out into the open
come out of left field
come out of the clear blue sky
Come out of the closet
come out of the little end of the horn
come out of the woodwork
come out of your shell
come out of one's shell
come out on the side of
come out on the side of someone or something
come out on top
come out smelling like a rose
come out smelling of roses
come out swinging
come out the little end of the horn
come out to
come out to be
come out to someone or something
come out toward
come out towards s
come out well
come out with
come out with something
come over or
come over or something
come over someone or
come over someone or something
come over the transom
come rain, come shine
come rain or shine
come right in
Come right in
come running
come short
come short of
come short of something
come the
come the acid
come the old soldier
come the raw prawn
come out of the blue
come through something
come through something with flying colors
come through with flying colors
come through with something
come to a bad end
come to a boil
come to a climax
come to a close
come to a conclusion
come to a dead end
come to a full stop
come to a halt
come out of the box
come out on
come to an end
come to an impasse
come to an understanding
come to an understanding with
come to an understanding with one
come to an untimely end
come to a parting of the ways
come to a pretty pass
come to assistance
come to a standstill
come to a sticky end
come to a stop
come to attention
come to blows
come to blows over someone or something
come to ears
come to feet
come to fruition
come thick and fast
come to grief
come to grips with
come to grips with or
come to grips with or something
come to grips with someone or
come to grips with someone or something
come to grips with something
come to harm
come to heel
come to Jesus
come-to-Jesus meeting
come-to-Jesus moment
come to kingdom
come to knowledge
come to life
come to light
come to mention it
come to mind
come to much
come to naught
come to no good
come to nothing
come to nought
come to oneself
come to one's feet
come to one's senses
come to papa
come to pass
come to rescue
come to a head
come to senses
come to aid
come together on something
come to someone's or something's rescue
come to something
come to such a pass
come to terms
come to terms with someone or something
come to the boil
come to the conclusion
come to the fore
come to rest
come to the job with something
come to the point
come to the point and get to the point
come to the position with
come to the same thing
come to the table
come to think of it
come to turning point
come under
come under fire
come under someone or something
come under something
come under the hammer
come unglued
come unhinged
come unstuck
come up against
come up against a brick wall
come up against or
come up against or something
come up against someone or
come up against someone or something
come up a storm
come up before
come up before someone
come up dry
come up for
come up for air
come up for auction
come up for reelection
come up for sale
come up for something
come up from behind
come up heads
come up in the world
come upon someone or something
come upon someone or up
come upon up or something
come upon up or up
come up roses
come to someone's assistance
come up smelling like roses
come to someone's attention
come to the job with
come up tails
come up through the ranks
come up to
come up to expectations
come up to someone's expectations
come up to someone's standards
come up to standards
come up trumps
come up with or
come up with or something
come up with someone or
come up with someone or something
come up with the goods
come up with the rations
come way
come with
come within
come within a hair of
come within a hair of someone or something
come within a hair's breadth of
come within a hair's breadth of someone or something
come within an ace of
come up smelling like a rose
come within an inch of
come within an inch of doing
come within an inch of doing something
come within an inch of or
come within an inch of or something
come within an inch of someone or
come within an inch of someone or something
come within a whisker of
come within a whisker of something
come within earshot
come within earshot of something
come within range
come within something
come with receipts
come with someone or something
come with the territory
comfortable as an old shoe
comfortable circumstances
comfortable in own skin
comfortably off
comfort food
comfort station
coming apart at the seams
coming out of ears
coming out of one's ears
coming out of one’s ears
comings and goings
coming through
Coming through
Coming through, please
comme ci, comme ça
comme il faut
commence with
come up smelling of roses
commence with or something
come up smiling
come within an ace of something
commend for
commend for something
commend one to one
commend or something to or something
commend or something to someone or something
commend or to or
commend or to or something
commend or to someone or
commend or to someone or something
commend someone for
commend someone for something
commend someone or something to someone or something
commence with or
commend someone or to someone or something
commend to
comment about
comment about or
comment about or something
comment about someone or
comment about someone or something
commentator's curse
comment back
comment on
comment upon up
commiserate with
commiserate with one
commiserate with someone
commit for
commit on
commit oneself on
commit oneself on something
commit oneself or something for oneself or something
commit oneself to
commit oneself to or
commit oneself to or something
commit oneself to someone or
commit oneself to someone or something
commit oneself to something
commit on something
commit or for
commit or for something
commit or something for something
commit or something to something
commit or to
commit or to something
commit someone or for
commit someone or for something
commit someone or something for something
commit someone or something to someone or something
commit someone or something to something
commit someone or to
commit someone or to something
commit something to memory
committee is a group of men who keep minutes and waste hours
commence with someone or
commit to memory
commence with someone or something
commend someone or to someone or
commit to someone
commit to someone or
commit to someone or something
commit to something
commode-hugging drunk
common as an old shoe
common as muck
common cold
common decency
common knowledge
common or garden
common or garden variety
common run of
common thread
common thread to all this
common touch
common weal
commune with
communicate something to
communicate something to someone
communicate to
communicate to someone
commit to
communicate with one
communicate with someone
commute between
commute between places
commute from
commute from some place
commute into
commute into something
commute something into something
company bull
company keeps
company man
company manners
company one keeps
compare apples and oranges
compare apples to oranges
compare notes
compare notes on
compare notes on or
compare notes on or something
compare notes on someone or
compare notes on someone or something
compare or something to or something
compare or something to someone or something
compare or something with or something
compare or something with someone or something
compare or to or
compare or to or something
compare or to someone or
compare or to someone or something
commit to or
compare or with or something
commit to or something
communicate with
compare someone or something to someone or something
compare someone or something with someone or something
compare someone or to someone or
compare someone or to someone or something
compare someone or with someone or
compare someone or with someone or something
compare or with or
compare with
compartmentalize into
compartmentalize into something
compartmentalize something into something
compel someone to do
compel someone to do something
compel to
compel to do
compel to do something
compensate for
compensate for something
compensate someone for
compensate someone for something
compete against
compete against someone
compete against someone or something
compete against something
compete for
compete for or
compete for or something
compete for someone or
compete for someone or something
compete in
compete in something
compete with
compete with or
compete with or something
compete with someone or
compete with someone or something
compile from
compile from something
compile something from something
complain about
complain about or
complain about or something
complain about someone or
complain about someone or something
complain of something
complain to
complain to someone
complain to someone or something
completely dotty
compliment on
compare or with someone or
compliments of the house
compare or with someone or something
compare to
comply with something
comport oneself with some manner
comport with
comport with some manner
composed of
composed of something
compos mentis
compound something with something
compound with
compound with something
compress into
compress into something
compress something into something
comprised of
comprised of or
comprised of or something
comprised of someone or
comprised of someone or something
compromise on
compromise on or
compromise on or something
compromise on someone or
compromise on someone or something
compromise on someone or something with someone
compromise on something with on something
compromise principles
compromise with
compromise with with principles
compliment on something
compute at something
compute something at something
conceal from
conceal or from or
conceal or from or something
conceal or from someone or
conceal or from someone or something
conceal or something from or something
conceal or something from someone or something
conceal someone or from someone or
conceal someone or from someone or something
conceal someone or something from someone or something
concede something to or something
concede something to someone or something
concede to
compliment someone on
concede to or something
compliment someone on something
compute at
conceited as a barber's cat
conceive of
conceive of as
conceive of or
conceive of or as or
conceive of or as or something
conceive of or as someone or
concede to or
conceive of or something
conceive of or something as or something
conceive of or something as someone or something
conceive of someone or
conceive of someone or as someone or
conceive of someone or as someone or something
conceive of someone or something
conceive of someone or something as someone or something
concentrate at
concentrate at some place
concentrate on or
concentrate on or something
concentrate on someone or
concentrate on someone or something
concentrate or at
concentrate or at something
concentrate or something at something
concentrate someone or at
concentrate someone or at something
concentrate someone or something at something
concentrate something on or something
concentrate something on someone or something
concentrate the mind
concern about
concern about or
concern about or something
concern about someone or
concern about someone or something
concerned about
concerned about someone or something
concern in
concern in something
concern oneself about or
concern oneself about or something
concern oneself about someone or
concern oneself about someone or something
concede to someone or
concern someone in
concede to someone or something
conceive of or as someone or something
concern someone with someone or something
concern with
concern with or
concern with or something
concern with someone or
concern with someone or something
concrete overcoat
concur on
concur on or
concur on or something
concur on someone or
concur on someone or something
concur on someone or something with someone
concur on someone or something with someone or something
concur on with
concur with
concur with on
concur with one
concur with one on one
condemn as
condemn as something
condemn for
condemn for something
condemn someone as
condemn someone as something
condemn someone for
condemn someone for something
condemn someone or something as someone or something
condemn someone or something for someone or something
concern over
condense something into something
condense something to something
condense to
condense to something
condescend to
condescend to do something
condescend to someone
condition or something to something
condition or to
condition or to something
condition someone or something to someone or something
condition someone or something to something
condition someone or to
condition someone or to something
condition to
conduct away
concern someone in something
conduct into
concern someone with someone or
condemn to
conduct out of
conduct out of something
conduct someone away
conduct someone away from someone or something
conduct someone into
conduct someone into something
conduct someone or something away
conduct someone or something into someone or something
conduct someone or something out of someone or something
conduct someone out of
conduct someone out of something
cone off
confederate with
confederate with or
confederate with or something
confederate with someone or
confederate with someone or something
confer about
confer about someone or something
confer on
confer on or
confer on or something
confer on someone
confer on someone or
confer on someone or something
confer on someone or something with someone
confer on someone or something with someone or something
confer on with
confer something on
conduct in
confer something upon someone
confer something upon up
confer upon up
confer with
confer with about
confer with on
confer with one
confer with one about one
confer with one on one
confession is good for the soul
confess something to
confess something to someone
confess to
confess to someone
confess to someone or something
confess to something
confide in
confide in one
confide in someone
confidence-building measure
confidence game
confide something in
confide something in someone
conduct into something
confine or an animal to
conduct out
confer something on someone
confine someone or an animal to something
confine someone or an animal within someone or an animal
confine someone or an animal within something
confine someone or something to someone or something
confine someone or something within someone or something
confine something to or something
confine something to someone or something
confine to
confine to or
confine to or something
confine to someone or
confine to someone or something
confine within
confine within something
confirm in
confide to
confirm one in one
confirm someone in
confirm someone in something
confiscate from
confiscate from or
confiscate from or something
confiscate from someone or
confiscate from someone or something
confiscate something from or something
confiscate something from someone or something
conflict of interest
conflict with
conflict with something
conform to
conform to something
confine or an animal to something
conform with something
confront one with one
confront someone with
confront someone with something
confront with
confront with something
confuse about
confuse about something
confuse or an animal with
confuse or an animal with something
confuse someone about
confuse someone about something
confuse someone or an animal with
confuse someone or an animal with something
confuse someone or something with someone or something
confuse the issue
confuse with
confusion worse confounded
congratulate on
con into
con into something
conjecture on
conjecture on something
confine someone or an animal to
confirm in something
conjure or up
conjure someone or something up
conjure someone or up
conjure up
conk off
conk out
connect or something to or
connect or something to or something
connect or something to someone or
connect or something to someone or something
connect someone or something to someone or
connect someone or something to someone or something
connect someone or somethingup to someone or something
connect someone or somethingup to someone or up
connect the dots
connect to
connect to something
connect up
connect up to something
connect up to up
connect up with up
connect with
connect with someone
conniption fit
connive at
connive at something
connive at something with someone
connive at with
connive with
connive with one
con out of
con out of something
consarn it
Consarn it
conscience does make cowards of us all
Conscience does make cowards of us all
conform with
conscience is clear
conscientious objector
conscript into
conscript into something
conscript someone into
conscript someone into something
consecrate or something to God
consecrate or to God
consecrate someone or something to God
consecrate someone or to God
consecrate to God
consent to
consent to something
considered opinion
consider for
consider for something
consider it done
consider someone
consider someone as as
consider someone as something
consider someone for
consider someone for something
consider someone something
consider something
consign something to or something
con job
consign to
conjure or something up
consign to or something
consign to someone or
consign to someone or something
conscience is clean
consist of or
consist of or something
consist of someone or
consist of someone or something
console on
console one on one
consign something to someone or something
console someone on
console someone on something
console someone or oneself with someone or oneself
console someone with
console someone with something
console with
console with something
con someone into
con someone into something
con someone out of
con someone out of something
consort with
consort with one
consort with someone
conspicuous by absence
conspicuous by it's absence
conspicuous by its absence
conspicuous by one's absence
conspicuous by your absence
conspicuous consumption
conspiracy of silence
conspiracy to commit murder
conspiracy to murder
conspire against
conspire against something or someone
conspire with
conspire with against
conspire with one
conspire with someone
conspire with someone against someone or something
constant dripping wears away a stone
constant dropping wears away a stone
Constant dropping wears away a stone,
constrain from
constrain from doing
consign to or
constrain one from one
constrain someone from doing
constrain someone from doing something
construct from
construct from something
construct out of
consist in
construe as
construe as something
construe something as something
consult about
consult someone
consult with
console on something
consult with someone with
consult with with with
consumed by desire
consume mass quantities
contact with
contact with one
contaminate or something with something