Traductions populaires
Anglais - Russe
Pour les entreprises
chisel out of something
chisel someone out of
chisel someone out of something
chizzle a wild card word for words beginning with
chock full of
chock full of something
chocolate box
choke back
choice bit of calico
choked by emotion
choke down
choked up
choke off
choked with emotion
choke on something
choke on
choke someone off
choke someone up
choke something down
choke something up
choke something off
choke up
chomp at the bit
chomp down on
chomp down on someone or something
chomping at the bit
choose among or
choose among or something
choose among someone or something
choose among people or things
choose among someone or
choose as
choose among
choose as something
choose battles
choose between
choose for someone
choose for
choose between two people or things
choose from
choose from or
choose from or something
choose from someone or
choose from people or things
chip something away
choose moment
chip something away from something
chisel in on something
choose or for something
choose or something for something
choose sides
choose someone as something
choose from someone or something
choose someone or for something
choose someone as
choose someone or something for someone or something
choose something for
choose someone or something for something
choose something for someone
choose the line of least resistance
choose one as one
choose the lesser of two evils
choose up
choose up sides
chop and change
chop back
chop logic
chop chop
chop out
chop shop
chop off
chopped liver
chop someone off
chop someone or something someone or something someone or something
chop something back
chop up
chop something down
chortle about
chortle about or
chortle about or something
chortle about someone or
chortle over
chortle about someone or something
chortle with
chortle with a particular quality
chosen few
chow down
chow hound
chow something down
Christmas comes but once a year
Christmas disease
Christmas tree bill
Christmas tree
Christmas graduate
chrome dome
choose or for
choose someone or for
chub up
chuck a dummy
chuck a U-ie
chuck a sickie
chuck away
chuck down
choose the path of least resistance
chuck in
chucking down
chuck into something
chuck into
chuck it down
chuck it in
chuckle about
chucking it down
chuckle about or
chuckle about or something
chuckle about someone or
chuckle over
chuckle about someone or something
chuckle with
chuckle over someone or something
chuck one under the chin
chuckle with something
chuck or away
chuckle with a particular quality
chuck or something away
chuck out
chuck out of
chuck out of some place
chuck over
chuck someone or away
chuck overboard
chuck someone or something away
chuck over something
chuck someone or something overboard
chuck someone out of some place
chuck something away
chuck someone under the chin
chuck something down
chuck something into something
chuck something over something
chuck under the chin
chug along
chuck something up
chump change
chuck up
chum up to
chum up
chum up to one
chum up to someone
chum up with
chum up with one
chuck a wobbly
chunk something
church ain't out till they quit singing
Church ain't out till they quit singing
Churchillian Drift
church key
churn something out
churn out
churn something up
chunk of change
cinch up
circle around or
circle around or something
circle around
circle around over someone or something
circle around someone or
circle around someone or something
circle the drain
circle in
circle the wagons
circuit slugger
circular file
circular firing squad
circulate among
circulate among or
circulate among or something
circulate among someone or something
circulate among someone or
circulate something through something
circulate through
circulate through something
Circumstances alter cases
circumstances alter cases
cite for
cite chapter and verse
cite for something
cite someone for
cite someone for something
cite one for one
citizen of the world
city slicker
civility costs nothing
Civility costs nothing
claim a life
civil serpent
chum up with someone
claim for
chunk someone
churn up
claim for someone or
claim for someone or something
claim life
claim something for or something
claim something for someone or something
claim for something
claim something for something
civil question deserves a civil answer
claim the moral high ground
claim to fame
clamber in
clamber into something
clamber on
clamber onto
clamber onto something
clamor against
clamor against or
clamber up
clamor against or something
clamor against someone or
clamor against someone or something
clamor for
clamor for or
clamor for or something
clamor for someone or
clamp down
clamor for someone or something
clamp down on someone or something
clamp on
clamp on something
clamp something on something
clamp down on
clamp something onto something
clap back
clam up
clap eyes on
clap eyes on or something
clap eyes on someone or something
clap eyes on someone or
clap eyes on or
clap in
clap in irons
clap in jail
clap one in irons
clap in some place
clap on
clap one in jail
clap one inone one
clap out
claim for or
clap someone in some place
claim for or something
claim the life
clap something onto something
clap something together
clap together
clap something out
clarion call
clash against
clash against someone or something
clash of the ash
clash against something
clash with
clap on something
clash with someone with someone
clash with something
clasp or to
clasp or something to something
clasp or to something
clasp someone or to something
clasp someone or to
clasp someone or something to something
clasp to
class clown
class act
class or something with or something
classical style
class or something with someone or something
class or with or
class or with or something
class or with someone or
class someone or something with someone or something
class someone or with someone or
class or with someone or something
class someone or with someone or something
class with
class warfare
clatter around
claw away
claw back
claw me, claw thee
claw off
claw off or
claw off or something
claw off someone or
claw one's way to the top
clap someone into some place
claw something off or something
clap something on something
clash with someone or something
claw way
claw way back from
claw way to the top
clay pigeon
clay up
clean act up
clean as a hound's tooth
clean as a new pin
clean as a whistle
clean break
clean clock
clean conscience makes a soft pillow
clean bill of health
clean down
cleaned out
clean house
Cleanliness is next to godliness
clean off
clean one's act up
clean one’s act up
cleanliness is next to godliness
clean or down
clean one's plate
clean or out of
clean or out of something
claw off someone or something
clean or something out of something
clean or something up
clean or up
clean out of
clean out
clean plate
clean plow
cleanse the Augean stables
clean someone or down
clean slate
claws are showing
clean someone or out of
clean someone or out of something
clean someone or something out of someone or something
clean someone or something out of something
clean someone or something down
clean someone or something up
clean someone out
claw something off someone or something
clean or something down
clean someone or up
clean something out
clean sweep
clean the floor up with
clean the floor up with up
clean the floor up with someone
clean up act
clean up after
clean up after someone or something
clean up nice
clean the floor with
clean up nicely
cleanse the Augean stables of
clean up one's plate
clean up on something
clean-up operation
clean up your act
clean up up plate
clear as a bell
clear as crystal
clear as anything
clear as mud
clear as day
clear as vodka
clear away
clear blue water
clear desk
clear for publication
clear from
clear lines
clear moon, frost soon
clear from some place
clear name
clear of
clear off
clear of something
clear off something
clear or something out of some place
clear out
clear out of
clear out of some place
clear sailing
clear or out of some place
clear someone of something
clear someone of
clear someone or something out of someone or something
clear someone or out of some place
clear someone or something out of some place
clear someone's name
clean someone's plow
clear something away
clean something off
clean up on
clear something with someone or something
clear something from some place
clear something with or something
clear the air
clear the atmosphere
clear the Augean stables
clear the Augean stables of
clear the books
clear the deck
clear the decks
clear the way
clear the table
Clear the way
clear the way for
clear throat
clear waivers
clear with
clear with or
clear with someone or
clever as a wagonload of monkeys
clear with someone or something
clever boots
clever clogs
clever dick
click through
click into place
clear with or something
click with
click with one
click with someone
climb down
climb down from something
climbing the walls
climb on
climb into
climb on something
climb on the bandwagon
climb onto something
climb on high horse
climb out
climb out of something
clear something for publication
climb onto to
climb the ladder
climb the social ladder
climb the wall
climb the walls
climb up
climb up the ladder
clinch the deal
clinging vine
cling like shit to a shovel
cling on
cling on by fingernails
clear something off something
cling on to someone or something
clear something up
climb Parnassus
cling to one like shit to a shovel
cling to like shit to a shovel
cling to or something
cling to or
cling to someone or
cling to someone or something
clip a butt
clip joint
clip on
clip from
clip on or something
clip on someone or
clip on or
clip on someone or something
clip out
clip onto to
clip out of
clip out of something
clip over the ear
clip someone's wings
clip someone’s wings
clip something on or something
clip something on someone or something
clip something onto someone or something
clip something onto to or something
clip wings
cloak in secrecy
cloak or in secrecy
cloak or something in secrecy
clip something out of something
clock at
cloak someone or in secrecy
clock at speeds of
clock in
cloak someone or something in secrecy
clock is ticking
clock one
clock or at
clock or at something
clock or something at something
clock out
clock someone in
clock someone at speeds of
clock someone or at
clock someone or at something
clock someone or something at something
clock someone or something at someone or something
clock up
clock someone or something at speeds of someone or something
clock someone out
clock watcher
cling on by fingertips
clog something with something
cling to
clog with
cling together
clogs to clogs in three generations
close around
close a deal
close around or
close around or something
close around someone or
close around someone or something
close as a clam
close as stink on shit
close as two coats of paint
close at hand
close a sale
close, but no cigar
Close, but no cigar
closed book
close chewer and a tight spitter
close call
closed-casket funeral
close down and shut something down
close down and shut down
closed door
closed shop
close ears to
close enough to use the same toothpick
close enough for government work
close eyes to something
close eyes to
closefisted with money
close in around in
close in around in or in
close in around in or something
close in around someone or in
close in around someone or something
close in for the kill
close in on someone or something
close mind
close its doors
close off
clog up
close one out of one
close on
close of play
close one's eyes to
close one's eyes to something
close only counts in horseshoes
close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades
Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades
Close only counts in horseshoes
close on something
close or down
close or something down
close or in
close or something in
close out
close out of
close ranks
clog with something
close shave
clog someone up
close in on
close someone or in
close someone or something in
close someone or something down
close someone up
close something down and shut something down
close something off
close something out
close something to
close the barn door after the horse has bolted
close something to someone
close the book on
close the book on something
close the books
close the books on or
close the books on or something
close the books on s
close the books on someone or
close the deal
close the door on one
close the door to
close the books on someone or something
close the door to one
close the sale
close the door on
close thing
close-run thing
close to heart
close to home
closet oneself) with
close to someone
close to someone or something
close to hand
close to the bone
close to the mark
closet someone with someone
closet with someone
close with
close up shop
close with or
close with or something
close with someone or
close with someone or something
closing the stable door after the horse has bolted
cloth ears
clothe in something
clothe in
clothe oneself) in
closet with
clothe someone in
clothe someone in something
clothes don't make the man
cloud-cuckoo land
cloud hangs over
cloud hangs over someone or something
close ranks with someone
cloud on the horizon
close someone or down
cloud up
clout list
cloven hoof
close the stable door after the horse has bolted
clown around
clown around with someone
club together
clued in
clue in
cloud of suspicion
clue someone in
clue someone in on something
clue stick
clunk down
clunk something down
cluster around
cluster around someone or something
cluster or around or
cluster or around or something
cluster or around someone or
cluster or around someone or something
cluster or something around or something
cluster or something around someone or something
cluster someone or around someone or
cluster someone or around someone or something
cluster someone or something around someone or something
cluster together
clutch at
clutch at a straw
clutch at or
clutch at or something
clutch at someone or
clutch at someone or something
clutch at straws
clutch or something to something
clutch or to
clutch or to something
clutch pearls
clutch someone or something to someone or something
clutch someone or something to something
clutch someone or to
clutch someone or to something
clutch the pearls
clutch to
clutch up
clutter something up
cloud over
coach for
clown about
coach someone for
coach someone for something
coach up
coalesce into
coal in stocking
coals to Newcastle
coast along
clue one in
clutter up
coat or with
coach for something
coat someone or something with someone or something
coat someone or something with something
coat someone or with
coat someone or with something
coat with
coax in
coax out of
coax out of something
coax someone or an animal in someone or an animal
coax someone or an animal out of someone or an animal
coax someone or an animal out of something
coax someone or something insomeone or something someone or something
coax someone or something out of someone or something
coax someone or something to someone or something
coax someone to do
coax someone to do something
coax to
coax to do
coax to do something
cobbler should stick to his last
cobbler, stick to your last
cobble something up
cobble together
cobble up
cobweb cunt
cock a leg
cock-and-bull story
cock an ear at
cock an ear at someone or something
cock an eye at
cock an eye at someone or something
cock a snook
cock a snook at
cock a snook at someone
cock a snoot
coast is clear
coat or something with something
cock in the henhouse
coat or with something
cock of the roost
cock of the walk
cocksure of
cocky as the king of spades
code brown
code decay
code of practice
code rot
code yellow
codfish aristocracy
coerce into
coerce into something
coerce one into one
coerce someone or an animal into someone or an animal
coerce someone or an animal into something
coexist with
coexist with or
coexist with or something
coexist with someone or
coexist with someone or something
coffee and
coffee and Danish
coffee in, coffee out
coffee table book
coffee-table book
coffin nail
coffin tack
coffin varnish
cog in the machine
cog in the wheel
cogitate on
cogitate on something
cohabit with
cohabit with someone or something
coign of vantage
coil around
coil around someone or something
coil something up
coil up
coil up into
coin a phrase
coincide with
coincide with something
coin flip
coining it
coin it
coin it in
coin money
cock ear
coin toss
cocker up
cockles of heart
cold as a well digger's ass
cold as a welldigger's ass
cold as a welldigger's ass in January
cold as a well digger's feet
cold as a witch's caress
cold as a witch's teat
cold as a witch's tit
cold as charity
cold as marble
cold call
cold check
coldcock someone
cold comfort
cold day in July
cold enough for you
colder than a witch's tit
colder than the shady side of a banker's heart
cold hands, warm heart
Cold hands, warm heart
cold, hard cash
cold one
cold open
cold piece of work
cold reading
cold shoulder
cold shower
cold water, to pour
cold water, to throw
collaborate with
collaborate with or
collaborate with or something
collaborate with someone or
collaborate with someone or something
collapse into
collapse into something
collapse under or
collapse under or something
collapse under someone or
collapse under someone or something
collapse under the weight of
collapse under the weight of someone or something
coin of the realm
collate something with something
collate with
collate with something
collect around
collect around or
collect around or something
collect around someone or
collect around someone or something
collect for
collect for or something
collar-and-tie men
collect for something
collect for or
collect from someone
collect money for money
collect money for money or money
collect money for money or something
collect money for someone or money
collect money for someone or something
collect money for something
collect on
collect one's thoughts
collect on something
collector's item
collector's piece
collect something from
collect something from someone
collect something up
collect thoughts
collect up
collect wits
college try
collide with
collide with or
collide with or something
collide with someone or
collide with someone or something
collude with
collude with or
collude with or something
collude with someone or
collude with someone or something
Colonel Blimp
color in
color something in
color up
colour of money
colour of someone's money
comb for
comb for or
comb for or something
comb for someone or
comb for someone or something
combine against
combine against or
combine against or something
combine against someone or
combine against someone or something
combine forces
combine forces with one
combine something against or something
combine something against someone or something
combine something with something
combine with
combine with something
collect for someone or
comb out of
collect for someone or something
collect from
comb something for someone or something
comb through
comb through something
come aboard
come a cropper
come across as
come across as someone or something
comb out
come across like or
come across like or something
come across like someone or
come across like someone or something
come across like someone or something to someone
come across or
come across or something
come across someone or
come across someone or something
come across with
come across with something
come after
Come after or
Come after or something
Come after someone or
come after someone or something
Come after someone or something
come a gutser
come aloft
come along for the ride
come a long way
come along with someone
come apart
come apart at the seams
come a poor second
come a poor third
come a purler
come as a revelation
come as no surprise
come at
come at a price
come at me
come at me, bro
come at or
come at or something
come at someone or
come at someone or something
come away
come away empty-handed
come away from someone or something
come away with
come away with one
come back and see me
come back anytime
Come back anytime
come back down to earth
come back from the dead
come back to bite
come back to bite one
come back to earth
come back to haunt
come back to haunt one
comb over
come back to the fold
comb something for or something
come across like
come before
come before someone or something
come between
come between someone and someone else
come between something and something else
come between two or more people
come by honestly