Traductions populaires
Anglais - Russe
Pour les entreprises
bust one
bust on someone
bust on someone or something
bust on something
bust out
bust out laughing
bust out of
bust out of some place
bust out of somewhere
bust out of this popsicle stand
bust someone one
bust someone or something wide open
bust someone out of somewhere
bury your head in the sand
bust someone up
bushel and a peck
bust some suds
bust something up
bust stones
bust suds
bust wide open
busy as a beaver
busy as a beaver building a new dam
busy as a bee
busy as a cat on a hot tin roof
bust a gut
busy as a hibernating bear
busy as a one-armed paperhanger
busy as a peddler
busy as Grand Central Station
busy as popcorn on a skillet
busy beaver
busy little beaver
busy oneself with or
busy oneself with or something
busy oneself with someone or
busy oneself with someone or something
busy someone with someone or
busy someone with someone or something
busy with
busy with or
busy with or something
busy with someone or
busy with someone or something
busy work
butcher, the baker, the candlestick-maker
but for or
but for or something
but for someone or
but for someone or something
but hey
But, hey
butler did it
but seriously, folks
but still and all
butt against
butt against or
butt against or something
butt against someone or
butt against someone or something
butter-and-egg man
butter and egg money
butter bread on both sides
butter face
butterflies in stomach
butterflies in your stomach
butterfly effect
butter my butt and call me a biscuit
butter someone up
butter up
butter wouldn't melt
butter wouldn't melt in mouth
butter wouldn't melt in one's mouth
butter wouldn't melt in someone's mouth
butt-fucking Egypt
buttfuck nowhere
but that's another story
but that's just me
butt heads
butt in
butt in on someone or something
butt into
butt into something
butt is on the line
butt of a joke
butt of the joke
button down
button it
bust someone's chops
button one's lip
bust someone wide open
button something up
button up
busy as a cranberry merchant
button up up lip
button your lip
Button your lip
butt out
buttress something up
buttress up
butts on seats
button lip
butt ugly
butt up against someone or something
butt up against someone or up
butt up against up
butt up against up or something
butt up against up or up
but who's counting
buy a lemon
buy a pig in a poke
buy a pup
buy a round
buy a round of drinks
buy at
buy a wolf ticket
buy a woof ticket
buy cheap, buy twice
buyer beware
buyer's market
buy for a song
buy in
buy into
buy it
buy low, sell high
buy off
buy off the shelf
buy on credit
buy one's way in
buy one's way in to something
buy one's way out
buy one's way out of something
buy on tick
buy on time
buy or out
buy or something out
buy out
buy sight unseen
buy someone off
buy someone or out
buy someone or something out
buy someone's wolf ticket
buy someone’s woof ticket
buy something
buy something back
button something down
buy something for a song
buy something on credit
buy something on time
buy something out
buy something sight unseen
buy something up
buy straw hats in winter
buy the big one
buy the farm
buy the rabbit
buy the round
buy the round of drinks
buy time
buy trouble
buy up
buy way in
buy way out
buy wolf ticket
buy wolf tickets
buy woof ticket
buy you a drink
buy yourself time
buzz along
buzzard meat
buzz for
button up one's lip
butt thong
buzz in
buzz into a place
buzz in to some place
buzz into someplace
buzz kill
buzz off
buzz someone into a place
buzz with
buzz word
by a canvas
by accident or design
by acclamation
buy something back from someone
by a hair's breadth
by all accounts
by all appearances
by all manner of means
by all means of
by all means of something
by a margin
by a margin of something
by a mile
by and by
by an eyelash
buzz for one
by any stretch of the imagination
by a whisker
by a wide margin
by bootstraps
by brute strength
by coincidence
by comparison
by contraries
by cracky
By cracky
by definition
by degrees
by dint of
by dint of something
by ear
bye-bye for now
Bye Felicia
by false pretenses
by fingertips
by fits and starts
by George
by godfrey
bygone days
by guess and by golly
by guess and by gosh
by guess or by golly
by guess or by gosh
buzz for someone
by a hair
by inches
by Jove
by lights
by main strength and awkwardness
by means of something
by mistake
by name
by night
by no stretch of the imagination
by oneself
by own fair hand
by own hand
by popular demand
by request
by return
by return mail
by return mail and by return post
by return of post
by return post
by shank's mare
bystander apathy
bystander effect
by stealth
by the back door
by the board
by the book
by the by
by the dozen
by the dozens
by the gross
by the handful
by the hour
by the look of it
by ankle express
by the looks of it
by the looks of things
by the month
by the name
by the name of
by the nape of its neck
by the nape of neck
by the nape of the neck
by the same token
by the scruff of its neck
by the scruff of neck
by hell or high water
by the seat of pants
by the seat of the pants
by the skin of one's teeth
by the skin of teeth
by the skin of your teeth
by the sweat of brow
by hook or crook
by the look of things
by the unit
by trial and error
by turns
by virtue of
by virtue of something
by way of
by way of something
by wits
by word of mouth
by yourselves
cabbage onto
cabbage onto someone or something
cackling geese
cack up
cactus buttons
cactus juice
cadge from
cadge from someone
cadge off
cadge something from
cadge something from someone
Caesar's wife
Caesar's wife must be above suspicion
café society
cage in
cage of anger
cage or in
cage or something in
cage or something up
cage or up
cage someone or in
cage someone or something in
cage someone or something up
cage someone or something up in something
cage someone or something up someone or something
by the scruff of the neck
cage up
cajole into
cajole into something
cajole one into one
cajole one out of one
cajole out of
cajole out of something
by the sweat of one's brow
cajole someone into something
by the sweat of your brow
cage someone or up
cake hole
cake is a lie
cake is dough
cakes and ale
cake someone or something with someone or something
cake with
calculate in
calculate into
calculate into something
calculate on
calculate on something
calculate something into something
calendar year
calf love
call a
call about
call about something
call a group together
call a halt to
call a halt to something
call all the shots
call a meeting
call a meeting to order
call a meeting to order and call the meeting to order
call an audible
call around
call around about someone or something
call a spade a spade
call at
call at some place
call attention to
call attention to or
call attention to or something
call attention to someone or
call attention to someone or something
call attention to something
call away
call bluff
call by
call by a name
call down
call Earl
call for or
call for or something
call for someone or
call for someone or something
call forth
call forward
cajole someone into
call house
cajole someone out of
calling card
cajole someone out of something
call hogs
call into
call into play
call into question
call in to some place
call in your chips
call it a night
call it quits
call names
call no man happy till he dies
Call no man happy till he dies,
call off dogs
call off or
call off or something
call off someone or
call off someone or something
call off the dogs
call off your dogs
call of nature
call one forward
call one names
call one on one
call one on the carpet
call one over
call one to attention
call one to task
call on someone
call on someone or something
call on something
call on the carpet
call or back
call or in
call or into
call or into question
call or into something
call or out
call or something back
call or something in
call or something into question
call or something into something
call or something out
call or something up
call or up
call out to someone
call over
call own
call Ralph
call roll
call Ruth
call shotgun
call shots
call someone about
call someone about something
call Hughie
call someone away from something
call in marker
call someone by a name
call in sick
call someone away
call someone forward
call someone in
call someone names
call someone off someone or
call someone off someone or something
call someone or an animal off someone or or an animal
call someone or an animal off someone or something
call someone or back
call someone or in
call someone or into
call someone or into question
call someone or into something
call someone or out
call someone or something back
call someone or something in
call someone or something into question
call someone or something into something
call someone or something out
call someone or something to someone or something attention
call someone or something up
call someone or up
call someone out
call someone over
call someone over to some place
call someone's attention to
call someone's attention to something
call someone's bluff
call someone to account
call someone to attention
call someone together
call someone to heel
call someone up
call something back in
call something down
call something down to someone
call something in
call something off
call something out
call something square
call something to mind
call something up
call square
call the burn ward
call the dogs off
call the meeting to order
call the roll
call the tune
call someone back
call time on something
call someone down
call to account
call someone forth
call time on
call together
call to heel
call to mind
call to someone
call to task
call to the bar
call upon
call upon someone or something
call to
call upon up up
call your own
call to arms
calm before the storm
calm someone down
calm someone or an animal down
calm your tits
camel is a horse designed by a committee
camel's nose
camel's nose under the tent
camel through the eye of a needle
call to attention
call upon someone up
campaign against or something
campaign against someone or
campaign against someone or something
campaign for
campaign for or
campaign for or something
campaign for someone or
campaign for someone or something
camp candlestick
camp follower
camp in the boondocks
camp it up
camp out
canary in a coal mine
can barely hear think
can carry a tune
cancel Christmas
cancel each other out
cancel out
cancel out of
cancel out of something
cancel someone out of
cancel someone out of something
cancel someone's Christmas
cancel someone’s Christmas
cancel something out
cancer stick
candidate for a pair of wings
can do something on do something ear
can do something standing on your head
can do standing on your head
can do worse
can drive a truck through
can drive a truck through something
can hardly believe eyes
can hardly hear think
Can I be excused
Can I buy you a drink
Can I call you
Can I come in
Can I get by, please
Can I get you Can I Can I
Can I get you something Can I
Can I have a lift
Can I have a word with you
calm after a storm
Can I have one call you
Can I join you
Can I leave a message
Can I see you again
Can I see you in my office
Can I speak to
Can I speak to one
can it
campaign against
Can I take your order
campaign against or
Can I tell who's calling
Can I use your powder room
can just whistle for just
can just whistle for something
can kiss goodbye
can kiss my arse
can kiss my ass
canned laughter
cannon fodder
cannot but
cannot choose but
cannot for the life of her
cannot for the life of him
cannot for the life of me
cannot for the life of them
cannot for the life of us
cannot help but
cannot help doing
cannot help doing something
cannot make head nor tail of
cannot make head nor tail of something
cannot see the wood for the trees
can of corn
can of worms
can on ear
can scarcely believe eyes
can see a mile off
can see from a mile off
can take it to the bank
can take to the bank
can talk the hind leg off a donkey
can talk the hind legs off a donkey
can talk under water
can't argue with that
can't bear to think about
can't beat that
can't be bad
can't be bothered
can't be doing with
can't be helped. and couldn't be helped
Can I have call you
can't believe ears
Can I take a message
can't call one's soul one's own
Can I tell one who's calling
can't call soul own
can't call time own
can't carry a tune
can't carry a tune in a bushel basket
can't carry a tune in a paper sack
can't complain
can't complain. and nothing to complain about
can't cut the mustard
can't do anything with
can't do anything with or
can't do anything with or something
can't do anything with someone or
can't do anything with someone or something
can't do for toffee
can't do something for nuts
can't do something for toffee
can't do something to save do something life
can't do something to save your life
can't do to save your life
can't even
can't fight city hall
can't find butt with both hands
can't find butt with both hands in broad daylight
can’t find one’s butt with both hands
can’t find one’s butt with both hands in broad daylight
can't for nuts
can't for the life of me
can't be in two places at once
can't but
can't get enough of something
can't get for love or money
can't get over
can't get there from here
can't go on
can't hack it
can't have it both ways
can't hear think
can't hear yourself think
can't help
can't help but
can't help but do something
can't help but notice
can't help but notice that that
can't help doing something
can't help noticing
can't help noticing that that
can't hit the broad side of a barn
can’t hit the broad side of a barn
can't hit the side of a barn
can’t hit the side of a barn
can't call soul one's own
can't hold a candle to someone
can't hold a candle to someone or something
can't hold a candle to something
can't hold drink
can't hold it
can't hold it in
can't for toffee
can't keep hands off
can't keep your eyes off
can't keep your eyes off someone
can't keep your eyes off something
can't live with them, can't live without them
can't make anything out
can't make anything out of something
can't make a silk purse of a sow's ear
can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear
can't get enough
can't hold a candle to
can't make heads nor tails of
can't make heads nor tails of someone or something
can't make heads or tails of
can't make heads or tails out of out
can't nail down
can too
can't please everyone
can't punch way out of a paper bag
can't put a name to
can't remember a fucking thing
can't remember shit
can't rightly say
can't say as I do
can't say as I do,
can't say as I do, can't say as I don't
can't say boo to a goose
can't say fairer than that
can't say for sure
can't say I have
can't say's I do
can't say that I do
can't say that I have
can't say that I have,
can't see a hole in a ladder
can't see any further than the end of any nose
can't see beyond the end of nose
can't see farther than nose
can't see farther than the end of nose
can't see further than nose
can't see further than the end of nose
can't see further than the end of the end of the end of nose
can't see hand in front of face
can't seem to
can't see past the end of nose
can't see straight
can't see the forest for the trees
can't see the wood for the trees
can't stand
can't stand someone or something
can't stand the pace
can't stand the sight of
can't stand the sight of someone or something
can't stomach
can't take anywhere
can't take eyes off
can't take it with you
can't take the pace
can't tell arse from elbow
can't keep eyes off
can't thank you enough
can't think straight
can't top that
can't to save life
can't very well
can't very well do something
can't make head nor tail of
can't wait to do something
can't win
can't make head nor tail of someone or something
can't win them all
Can we continue this later
can whistle for
can whistle for it
can whistle for something
can you beat it
can you beat that
Can you excuse us, please
Can you hold
Can you hold, please
can you imagine
Can you imagine
Can you keep a secret
capable of doing
capable of doing something
cap and gown
capful of wind
capitalize on
capitalize on something
cap it all
cap it all off
cap it off
capitulate to
capitulate to or
capitulate to or something
capitulate to someone or
capitulate to someone or something
cap off
Captain Obvious
captain of industry
captive audience
capture imagination
capture lightning in a bottle
capture someone's imagination
carbo load
carb up
cardboard city
card-carrying member
card-carrying member of something
card in
can't tell shit from Shinola
cards are stacked against
can't wait
cards are stacked in favor
cards are stacked in favor of
cards are stacked in favor of someone or something
can't win for losing
cards beat all the players
card up sleeve
care about or
care about or something
care about someone or
care about someone or something
care a fig
care a hoot
care a toss
care a whit
care for another
care for or
care for or something
care for someone
care for someone or
care for someone or something
care for something
careful not to
careful not to do
careful not to do something
careful with something
care if I join you
care nothing about
care nothing about or
care nothing about or something
card out
cards are stacked against someone or something
care nothing for
care nothing for or
care nothing for or something
care nothing for someone or
care nothing for someone or something
care package
care to
care to dance
care to do
care to do something
care to join me
care to join us
care two hoots
carp about
carp about or
carp about or something
carp about someone or
carp about someone or something
carp at
carp at one
cards are stacked in someone's or something's favor
carp at or something
carp at someone
carp at someone about someone or something
carp at someone or
care nothing about someone or
carpet matches the drapes
carpets match the drapes
carriage and pair
carriage trade
carried out feet first
carrot and stick
carrot on a stick
carrot or stick
carry a big stick
carry about
carry all before
carry all before one
carry all before you
carry along
carry along with
carry a lot of weight a lot of
carry an amount of weight
carry a rope in pocket
carry a secret to grave
carry a secret to the grave
carry a torch
carry a torch for
carry a torch for one
carry a torch for someone
carry a tune
carry back
carry bat
carry coals to Newcastle
carry cross
care nothing about someone or something
carry fire in one hand and water in the other
carry forward
carry in
carrying a heavy load
carrying a load
carrying charge
carry into effect
carry into to
carry off their feet
carry one back
carry one one
carry one's own weight
carry one's weight
carry on shoulders
carry on somehow
carry on someone's shoulders
carp at or
carry onto something
carry on without
carry on without or
carry on without or something
carry on without someone or
carry on without someone or something
carp at someone or something
carry or about
carry or away
carry or into some place
carry or off
carry or out
carry down
carry or over from something
carry or over to
carry or over to something
carry or something about
carry or something away
carry or something into some place
carry or something off
carry or something out
carry or something over from something
carry or something over to something
carry or something through something
carry or through
carry or through something
carry over from
carry over to
carry onto
carry over until
carry over until some day or time
carry own weight
carry someone along
carry on with something
carry someone around
carry someone back
carry someone back to some time
carry someone or about
carry someone or away
carry someone or into some place
carry someone or off
carry someone or out
carry someone or over from
carry someone or over from something
carry someone or over to
carry someone or over to something
carry someone or something about
carry someone or something along with someone or something
carry someone or something away
carry someone or something into some place
carry someone or something off
carry someone or something out
carry someone or something over from someone or something
carry someone or something over from something
carry someone or something over to someone or something
carry someone or something over to something
carry someone or something through something
carry someone or through
carry someone or through something
carry someone through
carry something along
carry something along with someone
carry something around
carry something around with one
carry something back
carry something down
carry something forward
carry something off
carry something on
carry something on shoulders
carry or over from
carry something onto something
carry something out
carry something over
carry something over until some time
carry something with one
carry the ball
carry over to some day or time
carry the day
carry the mail
carry the mail for someone
carry the message to Garcia