Traductions populaires
Anglais - Russe
Pour les entreprises
bet on someone or
bet on someone or something
bet on the wrong horse
be too
be too clever by half
be too funny for words
be too good to be true
be too many for
be too much for one
be torn between
be to shout about
be torqued off
be too much
be thrilled with
be touch-and-go
be touched by
be touched with
be touching cotton
be tough
be touching cloth
be tough as nails
be tough as old boots
be tough as shoe leather
be tough on someone
be tight-assed
be tough on someone or something
be treading on eggshells
be tricken with something
be tricken with
be trapped in a time warp
be togged up in something
betroth someone or oneself to someone or oneself
betroth to
betroth to someone
bet shirt on
betroth someone to someone
bet someone dollars to doughnuts
bet something on or something
bet something on someone or something
better a dollar earned than ten inherited
better be an old man's darling than a young man's slave
Better be an old man's darling than a young man's slave
better be going
better for
be to the good
better get moving
better get used to it
Better be safe than sorry
better half
better half of
be tough on
better hit the road
better keep quiet about it
Better keep still about it
better late than never
better keep still about it
better left unsaid
better luck next time
Better late than never
better mousetrap
better nature
better off
better off dead
better of
better part of
better off than
better placed
Better safe than sorry
better than
better than a kick in the pants
better than a poke in the eye
better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick
better than sex
better the devil you know than the devil you don't know
better things to do
Better the devil you know than the devil you don't know
better to
better to ask the way than go astray
betrothed to
bet the farm
bet the ranch
betting is
betting is that
betting line is line
better of someone or something
be tuckered out
be turfed
better fish to fry
between a rock and a hard place
between ears
between hawk and buzzard
between jobs
between hay and grass
between Scylla and Charybdis
between someone
between projects
between the devil and the deep blue sea
between the hammer and the anvil
between the ears
better safe than sorry
between the jigs and the reels
between the pipes
better get on horse
between two stools, one falls to the ground
between you and me
between two fires
between you and me and the bedpost
between you, and me, and the bedpost
between you me and the bedpost
between you, and me, and the gatepost
between you, me and the gatepost
between you, me, and the bedpost
between you, me, and the gatepost
better to be safe than sorry
be twiddling thumbs
be twice the woman that is
bet with
bet with someone
be twiddling your thumbs
betwixt and between
be two a penny
be two sides of the same coin
bet you dollars to doughnuts
be type
bet your bottom dollar
be ugly as sin
be unable to hear think
between you, me, and the lamppost
be under a microscope
be under a spell
be under close scrutiny
be under control
be under fire
be under feet
be under no illusion
be under orders
be turfed out
be under scrutiny
be under spell
be under suspicion
be under the cosh
be under the illusion that
be under the impression that
between the sheets
be under the pump
be under the wing of
be under the spell of
be under way
be under wing
be under wraps
be up a creek without a paddle
be up
be up against
be up a creek
be up against it
be up against or something
be up against or
be up against someone or something
be up against something
be up against the wall
be up alley
be up against someone or
be up and about
be up and down
be up arse
be up ass
be up before
be up for
be up and around
be up for auction
be up for grabs
be up before someone
be up for sale
be up for reelection
be twice the man that is
be up in arms
be upon
be up on
be upon someone or something
be up the creek
be upside-down
be up the duff
be up the creek without a paddle
be up the pole
be up there with
be up the spout
be up to
be up the stick
be under par
be up-to-date
be up to ears in
be up to eyes in
be up to eyeballs in
be up to knees
be up to neck
be under the microscope
be up to ninety
be up for something
be up to old tricks
be up to one's neck
be up to one's knees
be up to one's neck in something
be up to or something
be up to someone or
be up to someone or something
be up to par
be up to speed
be up to or
be up to the minute
be up to the mark
be up to tricks
be up with
be up with someone
be up with the chickens
be up with the crows
be up with the lark
be up with the larks
be used to or
be used to someone or
be used to someone or something
bevy of beauties
be waiting for the other shoe to drop
be used to or something
be waiting in the wings
be walking a tightrope
be walking on eggshells
be walking on air
be walking on thin ice
beware of
beware of Greeks bearing gifts
Beware of Greeks bearing gifts
Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship
beware of or
beware of or something
beware of someone or something
beware the ides of March
beware of someone or
be wasting your breath
be water off a duck's back
be way off beam
be well aware of
be wasting breath
be well away
be well disposed to or
be welcome to
be up to chin in
be well disposed to someone or
be well disposed to someone or something
be well disposed toward someone or something
be well disposed toward someone or ward
be well disposed toward ward or something
be well disposed toward ward or ward
be well into
be well into something
be up to neck in
be well in with
be up to one
be well on the way towards well
be well on the way to well
be well off for
be well on well way towards well
be well on well way to well
be well disposed to or something
be well rid of
be well turned out
be well rid of someone or something
be well up on
be well placed
be what you appear to be
be well versed in
be whistling Dixie
be whistling in the wind
be white as snow
be whistling in the dark
be wide of the mark
be wide open
be wide open to
be wild about someone or something
be wild about
be wise to or
be wise after the event
be wise to
be wise to or something
be wise to someone or
be wise to someone or something
be wishy-washy
be with
be within a whisker of
be within earshot
be within earshot of something
be within grasp
be within one's rights
be within one's grasp
be within rights
be within sight
be with in spirit
be with it
be with one
be with one in spirit
be without equal
be with you in a minute
be worked up
be woman
be worked up over something
be witness to
be working overtime
be worlds away
be worn to a frazzle
be worse off
be worth it
be worth its weight in gold
be worth weight in gold
be worth while
be wrapped up with someone or something
be wrapped up
be wrapped up in
be wringing hands
be written all over face
be well in
be wrought up
be well off
beyond a shadow of a doubt
beyond a doubt
beyond belief
beyond a reasonable doubt
beyond caring
be well out of
beyond comparison
beyond compare
beyond depth
beyond description
beyond doubt
beyond help
beyond imagination
beyond hope
beyond ken
beyond me
beyond means
beyond one
beyond one's depth
beyond measure
beyond one's ken
beyond one's means
beyond or
beyond pay grade
beyond or something
beyond price
beyond question
beyond recall
beyond repair
be wringing your hands
beyond reproach
beyond someone or
beyond someone or something
beyond suspicion
beyond the horizon
beyond the pale
beyond the realm of possibility
be wrapped up in someone or something
beyond the realms of possibility
beyond the shadow of doubt
beyond wildest dreams
beyond your wildest dreams
be young at heart
beyond the veil
be zozzled
beyond your ken
bias against
bias against or
bias against or something
bias against someone or
bias against someone or something
biased against someone or something
biased against
bias someone against someone or
bias someone against someone or something
Bible Belt
bicker about
bicker over
bicker with
bicker with someone with someone
beyond a shadow of doubt
bicker with about
bid adieu
bid adieu to or
bid adieu to or something
bid defiance
bid adieu to someone or something
bid down
bid adieu to someone or
bide one's time
bide time
beyond some emotional response
bid for
bid for something
bid some amount for some amount
bid some amount on some amount
bid someone or something adieu
bid on
bid something up
bid up
bid something down
big and bold
big and burly
beyond the shadow of a doubt
big around as a molasses barrel
big as all outdoors
big ask
big as life and twice as ugly
big as life
big bad
big bickies
big board
big boned
big boy
big boys
big brother
big bucks
Big Brother is watching you
big C
big cheese
big bully
big daddy
Big D
big deal
big dick
big dick energy
Big Dig
big drink
Big etc
big enchilada
big Dick
big drink of water
big eye
big fish
big fish in a small pond
big five
big face
Big Five
Big Four
bicker with over
bigger bang for buck
bigger fish to fry
bigger than the sum of its parts
bigger than life
bigger the better
bigger they are, the harder they fall
bigger they come, the harder they fall
biggest frog in the puddle
big girl's blouse
big guy
biggest toad in the puddle
bid fair
big H
big hat, no cattle
big head
big hitter
big house
big hand
big in
Big Apple
big iron
big league
big kahuna
big juice
big leagues
Big Mac attack
big moment
big man on campus
big lie
big frog in a small pond
big name
big number-o
big noise
big of
big of one
big ol'
big -o
big ole
big of someone
big on
big one
big picture
big shot
big send-off
big smoke
Big Smoke
big things come in small packages
Big Three
big tent
big spender
big ticket
big time
big-time operator
big-time spender
big top
big white chief
big with
big up
big wheel
big with someone
big Zs
big Z's
big year
big woman on campus
bike boys
bilk one out of one
big gun
bilk out of something
bilk someone out of
bilk someone out of something
bill and coo
Bill Cosby sweater
bill for something
bill for
bill of goods
bill of health
bill one for one
billow out
bill someone for
bill someone for something
big in something or somewhere
bind hand and foot
bind one hand and foot
bind or down
bind off
bind or something down
bind or something up
bind or something together
bind or together
big mouth
bind or up
bind someone or something down
bind someone or down
bind someone or something together
bind someone or something up
bind someone or something up in something
bind someone or together
bind someone or up
bilk out of
bind something or someone down
bind together
bind someone over to someone or something
bind up
bind up with
binge and purge
bio break
biological clock is ticking
bio mom
bio dad
bird has flown
bird in bosom
bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
bird of own brain
bird of passage
bird's eye shot
bird in a gilded cage
bird in the hand
bind down
bird's-eye view
Birds in their little nests agree
birds in their little nests agree
birds of a feather
birds of a feather flock together
Birds of a feather flock together
bird watcher
bind over
bit by a barn mouse
bit by bit
bitch about
bit beyond ken
bitch about or something
bitch about someone or
bitch about someone or something
bitch and moan
bitch about or
bitch box
bind someone over
bitch of
bitch of a
bitch of a someone
bitch or something up
bitch of a something
bitch off
bitch or up
bitch out
bitch session
bitch slammer
bitch someone or something up
bitch someone or up
bitch up
bit dicey
bit dodgy
bite at the cherry
bite back
bitchy resting face
bird's eye view
bite down on
bite head off
bite in
bite in the arse
bite into
bite in the ass
bite into something
bite me
bite nose off to spite face
bite off
bite nails
bite into something or someone
bite off more than can chew
bite off more than one can chew
bite off nose to spite face
bite of the reality sandwich
birth tourism
bite of the cherry
bite on
bite one's nails
bite one's tongue
bite on someone
bite on something
bite on something or someone
biter bit
biter is bit
biter gets bit
bite someone's head off
bite the biscuit
bite the bullet
bite the big one
bite something off
bite the dog that bit you
bite the hand that feeds
bite the dust
bite the hand that feeds you
bite thumb at
bite to eat
bite the ice
bite tongue
bit much
Bite your tongue
bit obtuse
bite your tongue
bit of a
bit of an
bit off
bite down
bit of skirt
bit of the action
bit of all right
bit on the expensive side
bit on the heavy side
bit of rough
bit on the large side
bite off more than you can chew
bit player
bit rich
bit rough around the edge
bit rough and ready
bits and bobs
bit rough around the edges
bit steep
bitten by a barn mouse
bitten by the bug
bite the hand that feeds one
bit strong
bitter and twisted
bitter end
bitter fruits
bitter pill
bit thick
bit of fluff
blab around
bitter pill to swallow
blab out
blab something around
black and blue
blab something out
black and white
black as a raven
black as a raven's wing
black as a skillet
black as hat
black as a raven's feather
black as ink
black as is painted
black as night
black as one is painted
black as pitch
black as Newgate's knocker
black as the devil
black as the ace of spades
black as the minister's coat
black as thunder
black babies
blackball one
blackboard jungle
black box
black-collar worker
black-collar workers
black eye
Black Friday
black hat
black gum
black hole
black magic
blackmail into doing
bit part
blackmail into
black look
blackmail someone into doing
bitten by the same bug
black mark against one
black mark against
black mark beside name
blackmail someone into doing something
black market
black on black
black out
black ox has trod upon foot
black ox has trod upon toe
black rider
black sheep
black sheep of the family
black-silk barge
black stump
black spot
black tie
black something out
black triangle
Black Twitter
black up
blah, blah, blah
Blame Canada
blame for
blame on
blame for something
blame shifting
blame on someone
blame someone for
blame someone for something
blame something on
blanch at
blame something on someone
blanch at something
blanch with
blanch with an emotion
blank canvas
blank check
blank cheque
blanket ban
blanket drill
blanket fever
blanch with something
blanket or something with something
blackmail into doing something
blanket or with something
blanket someone or something with something
blanket someone or something with someone or something
blanket someone or with
blanket someone or with something
blank on
blank look on face
blank out
blank something out
blanket with
blast away
black mark
blasted to smithereens
blast from the past
blast off
blast off for
blast someone or something to kingdom come
blast off for somewhere
blast to kingdom come
blast to smithereens
blaze a trail
Black Russian
blaze away at someone or something
blaze down on someone or something
blaze the trail
blaze up
blaze away at
blaze down on
blaze with
blazing inferno
blaze with something
bleach out
bleach something out
bleed for
bleed for someone or something
bleed for someone
bleed from something
bleed from somewhere
bleed from
bleeding heart
bleed dry
bleed like a pig
bleeding edge
bleeding red ink
bleed like a stuck pig
bleed out
bleed someone or something dry
bleed someone white
bleed the lizard
blanket or with
bleed white
bleep out
bleep something out
blend in
blend into
blend in to something
blend into to
blend something together
blend into the woodwork
blend something together with something
blend together
blare out
blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed
blessed event
blessed with
Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed
bless heart
Bless lucky star,
blessing in disguise
bless my stars
Bless one's lucky star,
bless one with one
bless or something with something
blaze away
bless someone or something with something
bless or with something
bless someone or with something
bless star
bless the world with heels
bless someone or with
bless with
bless you
bless your pointy little head
blight on the land
blimey O'Reilly
blimp out
blind alley
blimey O'Riley
blind as a bat
blind date
blind leading the blind
blind man's holiday
blind one with science
blind side
blind bit of
blind someone to
blind someone with science
blind to
blind spot
blind to something
blind someone to something
blind with science
bling out
blink at
blink at something
blink back tears
blink one's tears back
blink of an eye
blissed out
blink tears back
bliss ninny
bliss one out
bliss someone out
bliss out
bleed to death
blitzed out
bless cotton socks
blitz one out
blitz someone out
blob out
block in
block in some place
bless or with
block off
block on
block out
block someone or something in some place
block someone up
block something off
block something out
block something up
block up
blond bombshell
blonde bombshell
blond moment
blood and guts
blood blister
blood brother
blood and thunder
blood is on hands
bloodied but unbowed
blood is shed
blood is spilled
Blood is thicker than water
blood is thicker than water
blood is up
blood money
blood runs cold
blood runs thicker than water
blood is thicker than
bloodshot eyes
blood sister
blood, sweat, and tears
bloody hell
bloody but unbowed
bloody nose attack
bloody nose strike
bloody oath
bloody up
bloody minded
bloody well
bloom is off
bloom is off the peach
bloom of youth
bloom is off the rose
blossom into
blossom forth
blossom out
blot copy book
blot on escutcheon
blot on the escutcheon
blot on the landscape
blot or out
blot or something out
blot out
blot someone or out
blot someone or something out
blot someone out
blot something out
blow a bundle
blitz out
blow a hole in something
blow a hype
blow a kiss
blow a raspberry
blow a gasket
blow a snot rocket
blow a hole in
blow away the cobwebs
blow a strawberry
blow beets
blow away
blow brains out
blocking and tackling
blow chance
blot your copybook
blow-by-blow description
blow cold
blow chunks
blow cookies
blow cool
blow cover
blow cork
blow donuts
blow doors off