Traductions populaires
Anglais - Russe
Pour les entreprises
ant may well destroy a whole dam
ants in pants
ants in the pants
a nudge and a wink
a number of
a number one
an Uncle Tom
an unknown quantity
an uphill battle
an uphill fight
an uphill job
an uphill struggle
an uphill task
any advance on
any amount of
anybody's call
anybody's guess
anybody who is anybody
any day
any day now
any fool could
an own goal
any friend of
answer for
Any friend of someone's 's
answer for someone or
any minute
any nook or cranny
any old nook or cranny
any old place
any old thing
any old time
anyone I know
Anyone I know
anyone in their right mind
anyone's call
any fool could do something
anyone's guess
anyone who is anybody
any one worth one salt
anyone would think
any port in a storm
anything can happen
anything else
anything goes
anything going on
anything in it
anything in it for
anything in it for one
anything is possible
anything like that
anything new down your way
Anything new down your way
any time
any time means no time
anytime soon
Anytime you are ready,
anytime you're ready
any Tom, Dick, and Harry
any Tom, Dick, or Harry
any way you slice it
any worth salt
a of substance
a one for a
a one-in-a-million chance
a one-trick pony
a one-way street
a one-way ticket
a one-way ticket to
a one-way ticket to somewhere or something
a or two
a paid-up member of
Any friend of someone
a pain in the arse
any luck
a pair of hands
a paragon of virtue
apart from
anyone's game
a party to a
a passing acquaintance with
a passing acquaintance with someone
a passing acquaintance with someone or something
a passing acquaintance with something
a passing fancy
a paid-up member of something
a patch on
a peach of a
ape behavior
a peg on which to hang
a peg on which to hang something
a peg to hang on
ape hangers
ape leader
a penny for them
a penny saved is a penny earned
a people person
a person after own
a person of action
a person of substance
a picture
a picture is worth a thousand words
a piece of cake
a piece of mind
a piece of old tackie
a piece of work
a pig of a
a pile
a pile Jack Rice couldn't jump over
a pinch and a punch for the first of the month
a place for everything, and everything in its place
a place in the sun
a place of business
a place to call one's own
a plague on both your houses
a plum in mouth
a plum in your mouth
a point of honor
a point of pride
a point of view
a polite fiction
apologize for
a pain in the neck
apology for
a poor craftsman blames his tools
a poor man's
a poor man's someone or something
a poor second
a poor third
a portent of things to come
a part in
a poster child for something
a pasting
a pox on a
appeal against
appeal against something
appeal from Philip drunk to Philip sober
appeal to
appeal to a court to a court
appeal to Caesar
appeal to someone
appearances can be deceiving
Appearances can be deceiving
appear as
appear at
apologize to someone for to someone
appear before
appear before someone
appear before something
appear for
appear for someone
appear in
appear in court
appear in something
appear on
appear on something
appear out of nowhere
appear out of thin air
appear to
appear to be rooted to the spot
appear to naked eye
appear to someone
appear to someone that
a poster child for
appear under the name of
appear upon something
appear upon up
append something onto something
append something to something
append to
apothecary's Latin
appertain to
applaud one to the echo
applaud to the echo
apple a day
apple a day keeps the doctor away
apple does not fall far from the tree
apple never falls far from the tree
apple of
apple of discord
apple of eye
apple of one's eye
apple of someone's eye
apple of your eye
apple-pie order
apples and oranges
apples to oranges
apply for
appear at some time
apply oneself
appear under the name
apply oneself to something
apply something to something
apply to
apply to someone or something to someone or something
apply to something
apply within
appoint one to
appoint someone to
appoint someone to something
appoint to
appoint to something
apportion out
apportion out among
apportion something out
apportion something out among some people
appraise at
append to something
appraise something at something
apprentice one to
apprentice someone to someone
apprentice to
apprentice to someone
apprise of
apprise of something
apprise one of
apply for Chiltern Hundreds
apprise someone of something
approach about
approach about or
approach about or something
approach about someone or
approach about someone or something
approach one about
approach someone about someone or
approach someone about someone or something
appropriate for
appropriate for something
appropriate something for something
approve of
approve of or
approve of or something
apply oneself to
approve of someone or something
a prelude to
après moi, le déluge
après nous, le déluge
a pretty pass
a pretty penny
a pretty sight
a pretty state of affairs
appraise at something
a price on someone's head
a pricking in thumbs
April showers bring May flowers
a priori
a problem shared is a problem halved
apron string
apron-string hold
apron strings
apron-string tenure
a prophet is not without honor save in his own country
apropos of
apprise someone of
a quarter of a
a question of time
a quick drop and a sudden stop
a race against time
a raft of
a ragged colt may make a good horse
a rainy day
a rake's progress
a rare bird
arbitrate between
arbitrate between someone and someone else
approve of someone or
arbitrate in a dispute
arch cove
arch dell
arch doxy
arch over
arch over or
arch over or something
arch over someone or
arch over someone or something
arch rogue
arch something over or something
arch something over someone or something
ardent admirer
a real dilly
a real dish
a real doozy
a real dynamo
a real frog-choker
a real gas
a real frog-strangler
a real howler
a real looker
a real toad-choker
a real toad-strangler
a real winner
a price on head
apropos of nothing
a recipe for disaster
a red face
a red flag before a bull
a red flag to a bull
a red rag to a bull
a reed before the wind lives on
a reed before the wind lives on, while mighty oaks do fall
a reflection on
are some loose ends
Are things getting you down
a revelation
are we away
are we having fun yet
Are you allergic to any medications
Are you a man or a mouse
Are you deaf
Are you doing anything
arbitrate in
Are you doing okay
Are you feeling okay
Are you going my way
Are you having a laugh
are you leaving so soon
Are you leaving so soon
Are you OK
Are you ready for this
Are you ready to order
are your ears burning
Are you religious
Are you single
area of influence
Are you still riding the goat
Are you taking any medications
Are you threatening me
argue about
argue against
argue around and around
argue back
argue down
argue for
argue for or
argue for or something
argue for someone or
argue for someone or something
argue into
argue into doing
argue into doing something
a recipe for
Are you doing anything on a particular day
argue one's way out of something
argue out
argue round and round
argue someone down
argue someone into doing
argue someone into doing something
argue someone or something down
argue something down
argue something out
argue the point
argue the toss
argue way out
argue way out of
argue way out of something
argue with
argue with about
argue with one
argue with someone with someone
argue with something
arguing for the sake of arguing
arguing for the sake of argument
Are you sorry you asked
a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma
a riddle wrapped in an enigma
a rift in the lute
a righteous collar
a right to
a right to do a
a right to do do
a right to do something
a ringside view
arise from
arise from something
arise out of
ark at ee
ark ruffian
arm and a leg
arm candy
armchair critic
armchair general
armchair traveler
argue one into
armed to the teeth
argue one's way out of
a rich man's joke is always funny
armpit of some place
armpit of somewhere
armpit of the universe
armpit of the world
arm someone against someone or something someone against someone or something
arm someone, something, or oneself with someone, something, or oneself
arm with
army brat
army marches on its stomach
army volunteer
a roaring success
a rod in pickle
a Roland for an Oliver
a roller-coaster ride
a rolling stone gathers no moss
a roll Jack Rice couldn't jump over
a roof over your head
a rose by any other name
a rose by any other name would smell as sweet
a rotten apple
a rotten apple spoils the bunch
a rotten apple spoils the bushel
a rotten apple spoils the whole bunch
a rotten apple spoils the whole bushel
a rotten egg
a rough passage
a rough patch
a rough ride
a rough time
a rough trot
around and around
around ears
around here
around or
around or something
a round peg in a square hole
around Robin Hood's barn
around someone or
around someone or something
around the bend
around the block
around the clock
around the corner
around the horn
around these parts
arouse from
arouse from something
arouse one from
arouse someone from
armed and dangerous
a rousing send-off
arm in arm
arrange for
armpit of
arouse someone from something
arrange for someone or
arrange for someone or something
arrange for someone to do something
arrange for something
arrange for some time
arrange some music for
arrange some music for something
arrange something for or something
arrange something for someone or something
arrange something for some time
arrange something with or something
arrange something with someone or something
arrange with
arrange with or
arrange with or something
arrange with someone or
arrange with someone or something
arrive ahead of time
arrive at
arrive at a decision
arrive at the scene
arrive at the scene of something
arrive at the stroke of
arrive back
arrive back some place
arrive in a body
arrive in the nick of time
arrive in the very nick of time
arrive on a wing and a prayer
arrive on the dot
arrive on the scene
arrive on the stroke of
arrive some place in a body
arrive somewhere at the stroke of somewhere
arrive somewhere on the dot
arrive somewhere somewhereon the stroke of somewhere
arrive upon the scene
arrive upon the scene up
arrow in the quiver
arrow of time
arse about
arse around
art and part of
art for art's sake
artful as a wagonload of monkeys
artful dodger
article of faith
artificial language
art is long and life is short
Art is long and life is short
artistic license
artistic style
artsy fartsy
a royal pain
a rum go
arrange for or
a run of bad luck
arrange for or something
a run of luck
a run on
a rush of blood
a rush of blood to the head
a rush on
a Sabbath day's journey
as accommodating as a hog on ice
a sacred cow
a saddle on a sow
a rum do
a sad sight
a sad state
a sad state of affairs
as against
as a general rule
as a last resort
as alike as as peas in a pod
as all get out
as a man sows, so shall he reap
as a matter of fact
as American as apple pie
as American as motherhood and apple pie
as an aside
as ancient as the hills
a sandwich shy of a picnic
as a pig loves marjoram
as a result
as a result of
as a result of something
as artful as a wagonload of monkeys
as a rule
as as
as as all get-out
as as as Dick's hatband
as a service
as aslike as as peas in a pod
as as the next man
as as the next person
as as the next woman
as as they come
as as you please
as a token
as a token of
as a token of something
as awkward as a cow on a crutch
a running start
as awkward as bull in a china shop
a run of good luck
a say in something
as bad as all that
as bald as a baby's backside
as bald as a coot
as baleful as death
as best can
as a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly
as big as all outdoors
as big as life
as black as a raven
as black as a raven's feather
as black as a raven's wing
as black as as hat
as awkward as a cow on roller skates
as black as a skillet
as black as ink
as black as is painted
as black as Newgate's knocker
as black as night
as black as pitch
as black as the ace of spades
as black as the devil
as black as the minister's coat
as black as thunder
as blind as a bat
as bold as Beauchamp
as bold as brass
as bright as a button
as bright as a new pin
as broad as a barn door
as brown as a berry
as busy as a beaver as
as busy as a bee
as busy as a cat on a hot tin roof
as busy as a cranberry merchant as
as busy as a hibernating bear
as busy as a one-armed paperhanger as
as busy as a peddler
as busy as Grand Central Station
as busy as popcorn on a skillet
as certain as death and taxes
ascertain from
ascertain from or
ascertain from or something
ascertain from someone or
ascertain from someone or something
ascertain something from or something
ascertain something from someone or something
as cheap as chips
a scholar and a gentleman
as clean as a hound's tooth
as clean as a new pin
as clean as a whistle
as clear as a bell
as clear as anything
as clear as crystal
a say
as clear as mud
as clear as vodka
as clever as a wagonload of monkeys
as close as stink on shit
as close as two coats of paint
as cocky as the king of spades
as cold as a well digger's ass as
as best one can
as cold as a witch's caress
as black as as is painted
as cold as a witch's tit
as cold as charity
as cold as ice
as cold as marble
as comfortable as an old shoe
as common as an old shoe
as common as muck
as conceited as a barber's cat
a scooch
as cool as a cucumber
a score to settle
as crafty as a fox
as crazy as a bedbug
as crazy as a peach-orchard boar
ascribe something to or something
ascribe something to someone or something
as clear as day
ascribe to or
ascribe to or something
ascribe to someone or
ascribe to someone or something
as crooked as a barrel of fish hooks
as crooked as a dog's hind leg
as crooked as a fish hook
as cross as a bear
as cross as a bear with a sore head
as cunning as a fox
as cute as a bug's ear
as cute as a button
as daft as a brush
as dead as a dodo
as dead as a doornail
as dead as a herring
as dead as mutton
as deaf as a post
as Dick's hatband
as different as chalk and cheese
as different as night and day
as drunk as a lord
as drunk as a skunk
as dry as a bone
as dry as dust
as dull as dishwater
as dull as ditchwater
as dumb as a post
as easy as ABC
as easy as anything
as easy as falling off a log
as cold as a well digger's feet as
as easy as one-two-three
as cold as a witch's teat
as easy as rolling off a log
as easy as rolling off as a log
as easy as shelling peas
as easy as taking candy from a baby
as easy as winking
a second bite of the cherry
ascribe to
a sense of occasion
a serpent in bosom
a set price
as ever trod shoe-leather
as easy as falling off as a log
as far as
as far as anyone knows
as far as goes
as far as I can recall
as far as I can remember
as far as I can see
as far as I'm concerned
as far as I recall
as far as I remember
as far as is concerned
as far as it goes
as far as I understand
as far as I understand it
as far as knows
as far as one knows
as far as possible
as far as someone is concerned
as far as someone or something is concerned
as far as something is concerned
as far as the eye can see
as fast as legs can carry
as fast as lightning
as fat as a beached whale
as fat as a pig
as fine as Dick's hatband
as fit as a fiddle
as fit as a flea
as flat as a board
as flat as a pancake
as flat as a strap
as flat as a tack
as for
as for or
as for or something
as for someone or
as for someone or something
as easy as pie
as free as a bird
as free as as air
as fresh as a daisy
as from
as full as a boot
as full as a goog
as full as a tick
as funny as a barrel of monkeys
as funny as a crutch
a second thought
as gaudy as a butterfly
as exciting as watching paint dry
as go
as good as
as good as dead
as good as done
as good as finished
as good as gold
as good as gone
as good as it gets
as good as new
as good as one's word
as good as word
as graceful as a swan
as green as a gooseberry
as green as grass
as gruff as a bear
a shade
as fouled up as Hogan's goat
a shadow of former self
a shadow of old self
a shadow of someone's or something's former self
a shadow of your former self
as happy as a clam
as happy as a clam as
as happy as a clam at high tide
as happy as a clam in butter sauce
as happy as a duck in Arizona
as happy as a lark
as happy as a pig in clover
as happy as a pig in muck
as happy as a pig in slop
as happy as a sandboy
as happy as can be
as happy as Larry
as happy as the day is long
as hard as a rock
as hard as nails
as hard as stone
as hard as the nether millstone
a shell game
ashes to ashes, dust to dust
as high as a kite
as high as the sky
a shining example
a shining example of someone or something
a shitload
a shit ton
a shiver down spine
a shiver goes down spine
a shiver ran down spine
a shiver ran up spine
a shiver runs down spine
a shiver went down spine
a shiver went up spine
as game as Ned Kelly
as honest as the day is long
as gentle as a lamb
a shopping list
a shopping list of
a short fuse
a short, sharp shock
as hot as blazes
as hot as fire
as hot as hell
as hot as highway blacktop
a shadow of
as hot as the dickens
a shot at
a shot at someone or something
a shot in the arm
a shot in the locker
a shout
a show of hands
as hungry as a bear
as hungry as a hunter
as hoarse as a crow
a side of the picture
a side of the story
as I expected
as if
as if I care
as if life depends on it
as if one owns the place
a shoo-in
as if someone owns the place
as if that were not enough
as if there's no tomorrow
as if there was no tomorrow
as if there were no tomorrow
as if the sun shines out backside
a sight better
a sight fewer
a sight for sore eyes
as hot as the devil
a sight more
a sight to behold
a sight too
a sight worse
a sign of the times
a sign of things to come
as I live and breathe
As I live and breathe
a sick puppy
as innocent as a lamb
as if owns the place
a sight less
as innocent as a newborn babe
as it is
ask about
ask after
ask after someone
ask around
ask around about
ask around about someone or something
ask a stupid question and you'll get a stupid answer
ask back
ask down
as keen as mustard
as it turned out
ask for it
ask for knuckle sandwich
ask for or
ask for or something
ask for someone or
ask for someone or something
ask for something
ask for something bad or dire
ask for the moon
ask for trouble
ask in
asking for trouble
asking price
ask me another
ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies
ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies
ask me one on sport
ask my arse
a sixth sense
ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for
ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for someone or something
ask of
ask of or
ask of or something
ask of someone or
ask of someone or something
ask one around
ask one inone
ask one out
ask one over
ask one point-blank
a skosh
ask out
ask over
as jober as a sudge
ask round
ask someone down
ask someone for
ask someone for something
ask someone in
ask someone into to
ask for hand
ask someone out to something
ask someone over
ask someone up
ask something of or something
ask something of someone or something
ask up
a slam dunk
as large as life
a slave of
a slave to
ask no odds
asleep at the wheel
asleep at the switch
asleep on the job
a sleepwalk
a slew of
a slice of the action
as light as a feather
as light as air
as likely as not
as long as
as long as arm
as luck would have it
a slue of
a sly dog
as mad as a hatter
as mad as a hornet
as mad as a March hare
as mad as a snake
as mad as a wet hen
as mad as hops
ask point-blank
a small cog in a large wheel
a small frog in a big pond
as many as
as mean as a junkyard dog
as messed up as Hogan's goat
a smidge
a smidgen
a smile is worth a thousand words
as miserable as sin
ask someone out
as much as anything
as much as anything else
as much as could do
as much as life is worth
as much as one could do one one
as much as the traffic will bear
a sledgehammer to crack a nut
as much fun as a barrel of monkeys
as much use as a chocolate fireguard
a snack
a snake in bosom
a snap
as near as dammit
as neat as a pin
as neat as ninepence
as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs
as nice as ninepence
as nice as pie
as nothing compared to compared
as nothing to
a snowball's chance in hell
as nutty as a fruitcake
a sobering thought
as obstinate as a mule
a soft answer turneth away wrath
a soft answer turns away wrath
a soft berth
as often as not
a soft spot
a soft touch
as oil and water
as old as Adam
as old as Methuselah
as old as my eyes and a little bit older than my teeth
as old as my eyes and a little older than my teeth
as old as the hills
a solid grasp of
a solid grasp on
a sometime thing
as one door closes, another one opens
as one door closes, another opens
a small cog in a large machine
as one pleases
a song in heart
as opposed to
a sop to Cerberus
a sore head
a sore loser
a sorry sight
a sorry state
a sorry state of affairs
a sound grasp of
a sound grasp on
as pale as a ghost
as pale as death
as much as
a spare prick at a wedding
as much chance as a wax cat in hell
a sparring partner
as patient as Job
a spent force
as per
as per usual
asphalt jungle