Traductions populaires
Anglais - Russe
Pour les entreprises
aim for the sky
aim for the stars
aim something at or something
aim something at someone or something
aim to
aim to do
a holy terror
ain’t 1
ain't fittin' to roll with a pig
ain't got a grain of sense
ain't got the brains God gave a squirrel
ain't got the sense God gave geese
a in the making
ain't it the truth
ain't long enough
ain’t long enough
ain't no free lunch
ain't no such thing as a free lunch
ain't particular
ain't seen nothing yet
air bags
air ball
air belly
air biscuit
air dirty laundry in public
air dirty linen in public
air grievances
air guitar
air hose
air kiss
air lungs
air of pretension
air one out
air one’s belly
aid someone in doing
air one's grievances
air one's lungs
air opinion
air out
air paunch
air quotes
air rage
air something out
air your dirty laundry in public
a Jack of all trades is a master of none
aim for
a jiff
a Jill of all trades is a master of none
a job of work
a joke
a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
a joy to behold
a juggling act
a kangaroo loose in the top paddock
aim to do something
a kick at the can
a kick at the cat
a kick in the balls
a kick in the butt
a kick in the face
a kick in the head
a kick in the pants
a kick in the shins
a kick in the teeth
a kick up the arse
a kick up the backside
a kind of
a kind of reflection on kind of
a kind of something
a kind of turn of mind
a kindred soul
a kindred spirit
a kind word for everybody
a knee-slapper
a knife in the back
a knight in shining armour
a knock-down, drag-out fight
à la
a labour of love
à la carte
Aladdin's cave
Aladdin's lamp
à la mode
alarm bell
alarm bells start ringing
alarm bells start to ring
alarmist tactics
alarms and excursions
air one's dirty linen in public
a lash of scorpions
a laugh a minute
a laundry list of
a law unto
a law unto yourself
albatross around a neck
albatross round neck
albatross round your neck
a jaundiced eye
a legend in own lifetime
a legend in own lunchtime
a legend in own mind
a legend in own time
a leg in the door
a leopard cannot change its spots
a leopard can't change its spots
a leopard doesn't change its spots
a kernel of truth
alert the public
al fresco
a liar is not believed when he tells the truth
Alibi Ike
a licence to print money
a license to
a license to do something
a license to print money
a lick of paint
a lick of work
alienate from
alienate from or
alienate from or something
alienate from someone or
alienate from someone or something
alienate one from
alienate someone from someone or
alienate someone from someone or something
a life of its own
a light bulb goes off in brain
a light bulb goes off in head
a light bulb goes on in brain
a light bulb goes on in head
a light-bulb moment
alight from
alight from something
a lightning rod for
a lightning rod for something
alight on
alight on or
alarums and excursions
alight on someone or
a lean patch
alight upon
alight upon someone or something
alight upon someone or up
alight upon up or something
alight upon up or up
align oneself with or
alert someone
align oneself with someone or
align oneself with someone or something
align something with something
align with
align with or
align with or something
align with someone or
align with someone or something
align with something
alike as peas in a pod
alike as two peas in a pod
a line on
a line on someone or something
a lion in the way
alight on or something
a litmus test
a little birdie told me
a little bird told me
a little bit pricey
a little bit steep
alight on someone or something
a little dab will do you
a little fire is quickly trodden out
a little frog in a big pond
a little from column A, a little from column B
a little green
a little hard work never hurt anybody
a little hard work never hurt anyone
a little hard work never killed anybody
a little hard work never killed anyone
a little knowledge is a dangerous thing
a little later, perhaps
a little learning is a dangerous thing
a little leery
a little new to a little this
a little off
a little pricey
a little slow on the uptake
a little steep
a little work never hurt anybody
a little work never hurt anyone
a little work never killed anybody
a little work never killed anyone
alive and kicking
alive and well
a live one
alive to
a live wire
alive with
a living legend
a living soul
align oneself with or something
all able-bodied people
all aboard
all about
all about someone, something, or oneself
all agog
all along the line
a list as long as your arm
all and sundry
all appearances
all around
all around Robin Hood's barn
all at once
all at sea
all at sea all
all balled up
all bark and no bite
a little dab'll do ya
all bets are off
all better
all better now
all brawn and no brain
all brawn and no brains
all brothers under the skin
all but
all by lonesome
all by one's lonesome
all cats are gray at night
all cats are gray by night
all cats are gray in the dark
All cats are gray in the dark
all choked up
all Christmases have come at once
all comers
all correct
all could do to
all cry and no wool
all dolled up
all done by mirrors
all done up like a pox doctor's clerk
all done with mirrors
all downhill from here
all dressed up
all dressed up and nowhere to go
all dressed up like a pox doctor's clerk
all dressed up with no place to go
all duck or no dinner
all ears
alkied up
all else being equal
alley apple
all eyes
all eyes are on
all eyes are on someone
all eyes are on someone or something
all eyes are on something
all fingers and thumbs
all for naught
all fun and games
all fur coat and no knickers
all gas and gaiters
all geese are swans
all good things must come to an end
All good things must come to an end
all beer and skittles
All good things must end
all great minds run in the same channel
all hands
all hands on deck
all hat and no cattle
all heart
all hell breaks loose
all hell breaks out
all hell broke loose
all het up
all holiday
all hollow
all eggs in one basket
all horns and rattles
all hours
all hours of the day and night
all in
all in a day's work
all in head
all for all
all in one
all in one breath
all intents and purposes
all in the family
all in the Kool-Aid and don't know the flavor
all in the Kool-Aid but don't know the flavor
all in the mind
all is fair in love and war
all good things must end
all is grist that comes to the mill
all it's cracked up to be
all joking apart
all joking aside
all kidding aside
all kinds of
all kinds of or
all kinds of or something
all kinds of people or things
all kinds of someone or
all kinds of someone or something
all life is worth
all life's worth
all like
all Lombard Street to a China orange
all manner of
all manner of or
all manner of or something
all manner of someone or
all manner of someone or something
all meat and no potatoes
all men are created equal
all mod cons
all moonlight and roses
all mops and brooms
all mouth
all mouth and no trousers
all mouth and trousers
all my eye
all hope abandon, ye who enter here
all nations
all oak and iron bound
all oak and iron bound and *sound as a barrel
allocate among
allocate between
allocate something to or something
allocate something to someone or something
allocate to
allocate to or
all in mind
allocate to someone or
allocate to someone or something
all of
all of a dither
all of a doodah
all of a piece
all of a piece with
all of a sudden
all one
all is fish that comes to his net
all options stink
all or nothing
all other things being equal
allot something to or something
allot something to someone or something
allot to
allot to or
allot to or something
allot to someone or
allot to someone or something
all-out effort
all out to all
all-out war
all over
all over again
all over bar the shouting
all over creation
all over face
all over hell and gone
all over Hell and half of Georgia
all over hell's half acre
all over like a cheap suit
all over like a rash
all over one
all my eye and Betty Martin
all over one like a rash
all-over oneself
all over some place
all over something
all over the board
all over the lot
allocate to or something
all over the place
all over the shop
all over the world
all over town
all over with
allow for
allow free rein
allow full play
allow full rein
allow in
allow me
allow nature to take its course
allow of
allow one free rein
allow one full rein
allow one up
all one could do one to one
allow or something into a place
allow some elbow room
allow someone or into a place
allow someone or something insomeone or something someone or something
allow someone or something into a place
allow up
alloy something with something
alloy with
alloy with something
all part of life's rich pageant
all part of life's rich tapestry
all over one like a cheap suit
all present and accounted for
all present and correct
all quiet on the Potomac
all quiet on the Western Front
all right
all right already
All right already
all right for you
All right for you
all rights reserved
all right with
all right with one
all right with someone
all righty
all righty already
All righty already
all roads lead to Rome
All roads lead to Rome
all over the map
all roses
all round
all sealed up
all set
all set all
all's fair in love and war
All's fair in love and war
all shot to hell
all show and no go
all-singing, all-dancing
all Sir Garnet
all sisters under the skin
all sizzle and no steak
all skin and boneall
all skin and bones
all smiles
allow or into a place
all spruced up
all students take calculus
all sweetness and light
all systems are go
All systems are go
all systems go
All systems go
all politics is local
all talk and no action
all talk and no cider
all talk and no trousers
all talked out
all that
all that glistens is not gold
all that glitters is not gold
All that glitters is not gold,
all that jazz
all that meat and no potatoes
all the
all the best
all the best to
all the better for all
all the better to all
all the fixings
all rolled into one
all the more reason for
all the more reason for doing something
all the more reason to
all the more reason to do something
all the one
all the one the
all the rage
all there
all the same
all the same to
all the same to one
all the same to someone
all the tea in China
all the time
all the trimmings
all the way
all the way to Egery and back
all the world loves a lover
all the world over
all the world's a stage
all the worse for wear
all things are difficult before they are easy
all things being equal
all spiffed out
all things to all men
all things to all people
all things will pass
all thumbs
all told
all too
all tore up
all tore up about something
all torn up
all to smash
all talk
allude to
allude to or
allude to or something
allude to someone or
allude to someone or something
all uphill from here
all very fine
all very well
all vine and no taters
all washed up
all well and good
all wet
all wool and a yard wide
all wool and no shoddy
all work and no play
all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
all wrought up
all y'all
all y'all's
all year round
all the marbles
ally oneself to or something
ally oneself to someone or
ally oneself to someone or something
all your base are belong to us
all yours
ally to
ally to or
ally to or something
ally to someone or
ally to someone or something
all things considered
almighty dollar
almost doesn't count
almost jump out of almost skin
almost jump out of one's skin
almost lost it
almost never
almost there
all tuckered out
a load of
a load of baloney
a load of bunk
a load of cobblers
a load of cobblers' awls
a load off feet
a load off mind
a load off your mind
a load of nonsense
a load of old cobblers
a load of old cobblers' awls
a load of rubbish
a load of shit
a London particular
a lonely little petunia in an onion patch
a lone wolf
a long dozen
a long haul
a long row to hoe
a long shot
alongside of
alongside of of or of
alongside of of or something
alongside of someone or of
alongside of someone or something
alongside or
ally oneself to or
alongside someone or
alongside someone or something
along similar lines
along the beaten track
along the lines of
along these lines
along the way
along with
aloof from
aloof from or
aloof from or something
aloof from someone or
aloof from someone or something
a look-see
alma mater
a losing game
a lot
a lot of
a lot of baloney
a lot of bunk
a lot of malarkey
a lot of moola
a lot of nerve
a lot of promise
almost upon almost
a loud mouth
alpha and omega
alphabet soup
alpha male
Alpha mom
alright me lover
alright my lover
also known as
alongside or something
alter beyond all recognition
alter beyond recognition
alter ego
alternate between
alternate between people or things
alternate between someone and someone else
alternate with
alternative facts
alternative right
alter out of all recognition
alter out of recognition
alt-tab out
a lulu
aluminum shower
a lump in your throat
always chasing rainbows
always be on guard
always the bridesmaid
always the bridesmaid, never the bride
always the way
a magician never reveals his secrets
amalgamate something with something
amalgamate with
amalgamate with something
a man after own heart
a man cannot serve two masters
a man for all seasons
a man is judged by his deeds, not by his words
a man is known by the company he keeps
a man of action
a man of few words
a man of her word
a man of his word
a man of my kidney
a man of the people
a man on a mission
a losing battle
a man's home is his castle
a lot on plate
a man with a mission
a marvel to behold
a mass of
a match made in heaven
a match made in hell
amateur hour
a matter of
a matter of course
a matter of doing something
a matter of life or death
a matter of opinion
a matter of record
a matter of time
Ambassador of Morocco
amber gambler
amber nectar
amble along
ambulance at the bottom of a cliff
ambulance chaser
ambulance chasing
a mean
a mean something
a member for Barkshire
amen corner
a man's got to do what a man's got to do
amen to that
American as apple pie
American dream
American Dream
a method in a madness
a method to a madness
a metric shitload
a metric shit ton
a Mickey Finn
am I glad to see you
Am I glad to see you
a mile away
a man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client
a mill cannot grind with water that is past
a million
a million and one
a million miles away
a millstone about neck
a millstone around neck
Am I my brother's keeper
a millstone round neck
a mind like a sieve
a mind of its own
a mind is a terrible thing to waste
a miss is as good as a mile
a mite
Am I under arrest
a mixed picture
a mixed blessing
a model of
a modest proposal
a matter of form
a moot point
a moot question
a morning person
a mother hen
a month of Sundays
a motor mouth
amount to a hill of beans
amount to much
amount to
amen curler
amount to the same thing
amount to nothing
amour propre
a mug's game
a mover and a shaker
a multitude of sins
amuse someone or something with
amuse someone with
amuse with something
amuse with
a must
a mile off
a mystery to
a mystery to one
amuse someone with something
an about-face
an accident waiting to happen
an Achilles heel
anaconda mortgage
an act of faith
a monkey on your back
an admirable Crichton
an advantage over someone or something
an advantage over
an aide-mémoire
an Aladdin's cave
an Aladdin's lamp
an albatross round your neck
an all-out effort
a nail-biter
an all-rounder
an ambulance at the bottom of a cliff
an ambulance chaser
an answer to prayer
an apology for
an ant may well destroy a whole dam
an apple a day keeps the doctor away
an apple a day
an arm and a leg
An apple a day keeps the doctor away
an armchair critic
an armchair traveler
an army marches on its stomach
An army marches on its stomach
a millstone round your neck
an article of faith
a nasty piece of work
a nasty wallop
an attack of
an attorney who represents himself has a fool for a client
an attack of some illness
an awkward customer
an axe hanging over
a must do
an axe hanging over someone
an axe hanging over something
an ax hanging over
an axe to grind
an ax to grind
ancient as the hills
ancient history
and a good job, too
Ancient of Days
an act of war
and a half
and all
and all that
and a partridge in a pear tree
and all that jazz
and change
and how
an artistic style
and hang the cost
and be done with it
and I don't play one on TV
and not before time
and one for luck
and one more for luck
and so forth
and no mistake
and some change
and something to spare
and so on
and so on and so forth
and stuff like that
and stuff like that there
and that
and that's flat
and that's that
and that ain't hay
And that's that
and the band played on
and the rest
and things
and things like that
and those
an axe hanging over e
and then some
and what have you
and whatnot
and yet
and you
And your point is
and yourself
an earful
an eagle eye
And you
an early bath
a near thing
an easy touch
an easy berth
a necktie party
an edge on
an edge on someone or something
an elegant sufficiency
an elephant never forgets
an embarrassment of riches
an empty sack cannot stand upright
An empty sack cannot stand upright
an endangered species
an end in itself
and a good thing, too
a new ballgame
a new broom sweeps clean
a new lease of life
a new lease on life
a new lick of paint
a new one on me
a new slant
a new one
And how
a New York minute
an eye for an eye
an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
an eye for the main chance
an eye on the main chance
an eye to the main chance
angel hair
angel dust
angel in the house
and to spare
angle at
angle for
angle for farthings
angle off
angle of attack
angle off to or toward something
angry young man
an honest mistake
an honest broker
angry enough to chew nails
a night on the tiles
an idle brain is the devil's workshop
a night out
a night person
a night to remember
an Englishman's home is his castle
a new wrinkle
an Indian summer
an insult to one is an insult to all
an iron fist in a velvet glove
an iron hand in a velvet glove
an itching palm
an itchy palm
an inside job
an itchy trigger finger
an item
ankle biter
an ivory tower
annex to
Annie Oakley
announce for
announce for or
announce for or something
announce for someone or something
announce for someone or
announce one's support for one's support or one's support
announce one's support for one's support or something
announce one's support for someone or one's support
announce one's support for someone or something
announce something to
announce to
announce something to someone
an object lesson
an ocean of
announce to someone
a nod and a wink
a nodding acquaintance
a nodding acquaintance with
a nodding acquaintance with someone or something
angel's advocate
a nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse
a nobody
a nod is as good as a wink to a blind man
a nod's as good as a wink
an offer can't refuse
an Indian giver
a no-go area
animal, vegetable, or mineral
a nod is as good as a wink
anoint with
anoint someone with something
anoint with something
an old hand
an old flame
an old head on young shoulders
an oldie but goodie
an old one
an old poacher makes the best gamekeeper
an oldie but a goodie
an olive branch
a non-denial denial
anonymous tip
a no-no
an open-and-shut case
an open book
a nose for
a nose for something
an open invitation
a nosey parker
a notch above
a notch better than
a notch on belt
a notch better than someone or something
a notch in belt
another kettle of fish
another matter
another lie nailed to the counter
another nail in another coffin
another county heard from
another nail in coffin
another of life's great mysteries
another nail in the coffin
another peep
another peep out of
an offer one can't refuse
another string to bow
another peep out of you
another string to your bow
another thing
an ounce of common sense is worth a pound of theory
an ounce of discretion is worth a pound of wit
an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
answer back
anoint oneself) with
answer back to someone
anoint someone with
another peep out of one
answer for or something
answer for someone
answer for or
answer for someone or something
answer nature's call
answer purpose
answer one back
answer's a lemon
answer on a postcard
answer someone's purpose
answer the call
answer the call of nature
answer the door
answer to
answer to prayer
answer to someone
answer to the description
answer to the description of
answer to the description of someone
answer to the name
answer to the name of
answer to the name of of
answer to the name of something
answer to the name something
ante in
ante up