Traductions populaires
Anglais - Russe
Pour les entreprises
write someone or up
write something against or something
write someone down as something
write someone in on something
write something back to someone
write something down
write someone or something about something
write something in round numbers
write something into something
write something off
write something off on one's taxes
write something against someone or something
write something to
write something to someone
write something to something
write something up
write something back to
write to
write to someone
write to someone or something
write to something
write something in plain language
writhe in
writhe under
writhe under something
write something out
writhe with something
writing is like chicken scratch
writing is on the wall
writ large
writ runs
write ticket
written all over your face
written in stone
wrong crowd
wrong end of the stick
wrong number
wrong side of
wrong side of the blanket
wrong side of the tracks
wrote the book on
wrote the book on something
wrought up
wuss out
wuss out of something
write up
writhe with
X’d out
X'ed out
written all over face
X marks the spot
X or out
X or something out
x out
X out
x's and o's
X's and Y's and Z's, oh my
X someone or out
X'd out
yack head off
X factor
yack on at one
yack one's head off
yack something up
yack up
yada, yada
yada, yada, yada
yak at
X someone or something out
yack on
yak on
yak on at one
yak shaving
yak up
yammer about
yammer about or
yak at one
yak it up
yammer about someone or something
yammer away about
yammer away about away or away
yammer away about away or something
yammer away about someone or away
yammer away about someone or something
yammer on
yammer on about
yammer on at one
yank apart
yank around
yank at or
yank at or something
yammer about or something
yank at someone or something
yank away
yammer about someone or
yammer on and on about and on
yank crank
yankee dime
Yankee ingenuity
yank on
yank on someone or something
yank on something
yank or apart
yank or something apart
yank someone around
yank someone or apart
yank at someone or
yank someone's chain
yank someone’s chain
yap about
yap about or
yap about or something
yap about someone or
yap about someone or something
yank away at
yap at one
yank chain
yap away about someone or something
yap on about
yap on and on about and on
yap, yap, yapping all day
yap, yap, yapping all day long
yank someone or something apart
yard dog
yard sale
yap at
yap away about
yea big
yardarm to yardarm
yeah, sure
year dot
yasss queen
year in, year out
yearn for
yearn for or
yearn for or something
yearn for someone or
yearning desire
yearn over
yearn over someone or something
year on year
yeah, right
Ye gods
Ye gods and little fishes
yell at
year in, and year out
yell at or something
yell at someone or
yell at someone or something
yell bloody murder
yearn for someone or something
yell head off
yell one's head off
yell one’s head off
yell out
yellow-bellied chicken
yea tall
yellow dog
yellow grease
yellow journalism
yellow press
yellow state
yell at or
yellow streak down someone's back
yell silently
yell something at or something
yell something at someone or something
yell something out
yell guts out
yellow brick road
yen for
yellow streak
yen for or something
yen for someone or
yen for someone or something
yell something out at someone or something
yeoman's service
Yer dern tootin'
yer man
yer one
yer wan
yes and no
yes, indeed
yes, indeedy
yen for or
yes one to death
Yes siree
Yes siree, Bob
yesterday isn't soon enough
yesterday isn't too soon
yesterday's news
yesterday's woman
yesterday wouldn't be soon enough
yesterday wouldn't be too soon
yer woman
yield or
yield or something
yield or something up
Yes indeedy do
yield right-of-way
yield someone or
yield someone or something
yield someone or something over over
yield someone or something up
yield someone or something up to someone
yesterday's man
yield the ghost
yield to
yield to pressure
yield to someone
yield to someone or something
yield up
yes to death
yizzle a wild card word for words beginning with
yock it up
yield or up
yoink something
yoke around neck
yield someone or up
yoked up
yoke people or things together
yok it up
yield up to someone or something
yo mama
Yo mama
Yo momma
You ain't just whistlin' Dixie
you ain't just whistling Dixie
You ain't seen nothing yet
yodeling in a canyon
yoke around someone's neck
You and what army
You and who else
you and whose army
You and whose army
you are else
You are more than welcome
you ain't whistling Dixie
you are something else
You are something else
you are something else again
You are something else again
you attract more flies with honey than vinegar
You always give up too easy always
You bet
you betcha
You betcha
You are else
You better believe it
you are never too old to learn
you bet your bippy
you bet your boots
you bet your life
You bet your life
you bet your patoot
you bet
You bet your sweet life
You called
You can bet the farm
you can bet the farm on
you can bet the farm on someone or something
You can bet the farm on someone or something
you better believe it
you can bet the farm that something will happen or is the case
you can bet your boots
you bet your ass
you can bet your can bippy
you can bet your can life
you can bet your can patoot
you can bet your can patootie
you can bet your life
you bet your patootie
you can bet the farm that
you can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar
you can dish it out, but you can't take it
you can dispense with
you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink
you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink
you can bet your can ass
you can never tell with
you can never tell with someone or something
You cannot get a quart into a pint pot
You cannot lose what you never had
you can catch more flies with honey than can vinegar
You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear
You cannot make bricks without straw
You cannot please everyone
You cannot put new wine in old bottles
You cannot serve God and mammon
You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar
you can run, but you can't hide
you can say that again
you can take a horse to water, but you can't make him drink
you can talk
you can't be a little bit pregnant
You can't beat that
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink
you can't be too careful
you can't bluff a bluffer
you can't dance at two weddings
you can't dance at two weddings at once
you can't dance at two weddings at the same time
you cannot make a crab walk straight
You can't expect me to believe that
you can't expect one to believe one
you can't expect to believe
you can't fight city hall
You can't fight city hall
You cannot teach an old dog new tricks
you can't get blood from a stone
you can't get blood from a turnip
you can't get blood out of a turnip
you can't get there from here
You can't get there from here
you can't go wrong
you can't be half pregnant
you can't have your cake and eat it, too
you can't judge a book by its cover
you can't judge a book by the cover
you can't keep a good man down
you can't keep a good woman down
you can't dance at two weddings with one behind
you can't lose what you never had
you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs
you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs
you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs
you can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs
you can't make a silk purse of a sow's ear
you can't get a quart into a pint pot
you can't make bricks without straw
you can't please everyone
you can't polish a turd
you can't put an old head on young shoulders
you can't put a wise head on young shoulders
you can't put new wine in an old bottle
you can't put new wine in an old wineskin
you can't put new wine in old bottles
you can't put new wine in old wineskins
you can't put new wine into an old bottle
you can't have your cake and eat it
you can't put new wine into old bottles
you can't put new wine into old wineskins
you can't live with them, you can't live without them
you can't serve both God and mammon
you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear
you can't put new wine into an old wineskin
you can't sit in two chairs at the same time
you can't run with the hare and hunt with the hounds
you can't squeeze blood from a turnip
You can't take it with you
you can't take it with you you
you can't teach an old dog new tricks
you can't tell a book by its cover
you can't unring a bell
you can't win them all
you catch more flies with honey than vinegar
you can't serve God and mammon
you could cut the atmosphere with a knife
you could cut with a knife
you could eat off the floor
you could eat off the floors
you can't sit in two chairs at once
You could have fooled me
you can't sit in two chairs with one butt
you coulda fooled me
you could have fooled me
you could hear the grass grow
you could have knocked me down with a feather
You couldn't
You couldn't do that
you crumb
you'd be late for your own funeral
you'd be late to your own funeral
you could have knocked me over with a feather
You'd better believe it
You'd better get moving
you'd complain if you were hung with a new rope
You don't change horses in the middle of the race
you could hear a pin drop
you don't expect one to believe one
you don't expect to believe
You don't get for nothing
You don't get something for nothing
you don't have to be a rocket scientist
you don't have to be a rocket scientist to do something
you could hear the grass growing
you don't know where it's been
you dope
you do the math
you'd better believe it
You eat with that mouth
you feel
you first
You first
you gals
You don't change horses mid-race
You get what you pay for
you give up too easily
you give up too easy
You give up too easy
You don't know the half of it
you got me there
you eat with that mouth
you got to do what you got to do
You got to do what you got to do
you had one job
you had to be there
you have got to be kidding
you get what you pay for
you have got to laugh
you have made your bed and will have to lie on it
you have mistaken me for someone who gives a shit
you have mistaken me for who gives a shit
you have no idea
you got me beat
you have to break eggs to make an omelet
you have to eat a peck of dirt before you die
You have to eat a peck of dirt before you die
you have to laugh
you have to learn to walk before you learn to run
You got me there
you heard
you heard one
You heard someone
you heard the man
you hear me
you just wait just
you have got to be kidding me
you kiss your grandmother with that mouth
you kiss your granny with that mouth
you kiss your mama with that mouth
you kiss your momma with that mouth
you kiss your mother with that mouth
you know what
you have to be cruel to be kind
you little imp
you little scallywag
you'll be late for your own funeral
you'll be late to your own funeral
you'll be sorry you asked
You'll be sorry you asked
you'll be the death of me
you have to walk before you run
you'll catch your death of cold
you'll get into it
You just wait just
You'll get onto it
you'll get the hang of it
You'll get the hang of it
You'll never get away with it
you'll never know till you try
you leaving so soon
you look like a million
you lost me
You mad, bro
you made your bed, now lie in it
you'll catch your death
You make a better door than you do a window
you make me laugh
you may well ask
you mean to tell me
you must be joking
you'll get onto it
you look a little peaked
you must be tired, because you've been running through my mind all day
you must have mistaken me for must who gives a shit
you must have mistaken me for someone who gives a shit
you must learn to walk before you learn to run
you must lose a fly to catch a trout
You must lose a fly to catch a trout
you must walk before you run
you name it, got it
you need to bait the hook to catch the fish
you never know till you try
you make a better door than you do a window
You never know what you can do till you try
you never know what you've got till it's gone
you never know with
you never know with someone or something
you never miss the water till the well runs dry
you must be kidding
young at heart
younger brother
younger sister
young fogey
you must be kidding me
Young men may die, but old men must die
young once
young Turk
you pays your money, and you takes your chance
You never know till you try
you pays your money, and you takes your chances
You pays your money and you takes your chances
you pays your money, and you takes your choice
you pay your money and take your choice
you pay your money, and you take your choice
your actual
your bark is worse than your bite
your best bib and tucker
your better half
your blood's worth bottling
You never miss the water till the well runs dry
you read me
you're a fine one to talk
you're a godsend
you're a lifesaver
You really said a mouthful
young men may die, but old men must die
you're a numbskull
you're a peach
you reap what you sow
you're breaking my heart
you're chicken
You pays your money and you takes your chance
you're excused
you're imagining things
You're in the army now
you're joking
You're just wasting my time
you're kidding
you're kidding me
your bootstraps
you're on
you're only as old as you feel
you're only young once
you're pulling my leg
you're seeing things
you're telling me
you're an angel
you're the doctor
You're dern tootin'
You're the man
You're too much
you're wasting my time
You're wasting my time
your eyes glued on
you're nuts
your fair-haired boy
your fingertips
your guess is as good as mine
You're telling me
your hands are tied
your heart bleeds for
your heart bleeds for someone
your heart is in the right place
your heart is in your mouth
You're the doctor
your heart isn't in something
your eyes glued on something
your heart's desire
your life is in hands
your life is in someone's hands
your man
your mileage may vary
Your guess is as good as mine
your mother is a whore
your mother wears army boots
your nearest and dearest
your neck of the woods
your own worst enemy
your heart isn't in
your pride and joy
your right-hand woman
your salad days
Your secret is safe with me
yours ever
your significant other
your two cents' worth
your heart's content
your mom
your pound of flesh
You said a mouthful
you said it
you saved the day
You scared the hell out of me
you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours
you should know a man seven years before you stir his fire
you shouldn't have
you shouldn't speak ill of the dead
you should talk
you shred it, wheat
you silly goose
your two penn'orth
You the man
you think
youth is wasted on the young
youth must be served
Youth must be served
your wish is my command
you've got a lot of nerve
you've got another thing coming
you've got another think coming
you said a mouthful
you've got a point there
you've got it
you've got me
you've got me stumped
You've got me stumped
you snooze, you lose
You've got to be kidding
you've got to be out of your mind
you've got to crack a few eggs to make an omelet
you've got to do what you've got to do
You took the words right out of my mouth
you've lost me
you've made your bed, now lie in it
you've made your bed, now lie on it
you've said a mouthful
You've got another think coming
You wait
you've got me there
you wanna make you of it
you wanna piece of me
You wanna step outside
you want a piece of me
You want a piece of me
you've got to get up pretty early in the morning to you've
you will catch more flies with honey than vinegar
you will catch more flies with honey than with vinegar
you win a few, you lose a few
you win some, you lose some
you wait
You wouldn't dare
You wouldn't dare to do something
You You watch
you wanna make something of it
you weasel
yuke up
yuk it up
zap out
You win some, you lose some
zealous devotee
zeek out
zerked out
zerk out
zero dark thirty
yuck it up
zero hour
zero in
zero in on
zero in on someone or something
zero-sum game
zigged when one should've zagged
zigged when should have zagged
zip along
zip by
zip down
zip gun
Zip it
Zip it up
zip on
zip past
zip past or
zip past or something
zip past someone or
zip past someone or something
zipper head
zipper morals
zip something on
zip something up
zip through
zip up
Zip up your lip
Zip up your lipup
Zip up your mouthup
Zip your lip
Zip your lips up
Zip your lip up
Zip your mouth
Zip your trap
zenith of career
zero fucks given
zero out
zombie out
zone as
zit doctor
zoned out
zone for
zone for something
zone in and out
zone off
zone some place as some place
zone something as something
zone something for something
zone something off
zonked out
zonk out
zonk someone out
zoom across
zoom along
zoom along to
zoom by
zoom in on someone or something
zoom in on something
zoom off
zit face
zombie apocalypse
zoom or to
zoom or to someone
zoom over
zone as something
zoom or something to
zoom or something to someone
zoom over or
zoom over or something
zoom over someone or
zoom past or
zoom past
zoom past or something
zoom over someone or something
zoom past someone or
zoom someone or something over to someone
zoom someone or something to someone
zoom over to
zoom someone out
zoom through
zoom over to someone or something
zoom past someone or something
zoom someone or to someone
zoom up
zoot suit