Traductions populaires
Anglais - Russe
Pour les entreprises
What is waiting for
what it all comes down to
what it comes down to
What'll it be
What'll you have
what makes one tick
What is one getting at
what makes tick
what makes something tick
What makes you think so
What more can do
What is playing at
what, me worry
What more can one do
What more do you want, jam on it
What must be, must be
what nerve
What is someone or something doing someone or something
What nerve
what makes someone tick
What of it
What number are you calling
what one doesn't know won't hurt one
what one has coming
what one is driving at
What more can I do
what one says goes
what or is cracked up to be
what or something is cracked up to be
What planet is from
what must be, must be
What possessed to
What price
What price something
what said
What said
What now
what one is made of
What's beef
What's between friends
what says goes
What's biting
What planet is on
What's buzzin' cousin
what's coming
what's coming to one
what's cooking
What's all that about
What's damage
What's doing
what's all this
what's doing with someone or something
what's done cannot be undone
What's buzzin'
What's done is done
What's cooking
what's eating
What's eating
what's eating someone
What's eating someone
What's going down
what's doing with
What's done cannot be undone
what's good for the goose is good for the gander
what's done is done
What's got into
What's gotten into ten
What's happening
what's her name
what's her face
what's his face
What's going on
what's his name
What's in aid of
What's in a name
What's good
What's it to
What's it to one
What's keeping someone
what's more
What's new
What's good with you
what someone else said
what someone or is cracked up to be
what’s his face
What someone said
what's on tap for
what's on tap for some point in time
What's poppin'
What's popping
What's problem
What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander
What's shakin'
What's shakin' bacon
What's that got to do with the price of cheese
What's that got to do with the price of fish
What's that got to do with the price of eggs
What's new with you
What's that got to do with the price of tea in China
what someone or something is cracked up to be
What's the beef
what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander
What's the betting line
What's the big idea
What's the damage
what's the deal
what's the difference
What's that got to do with the price of meat
What's the drill
What's the good of
What's the good of doing something
What's the good of something
What's the good word
What's the haps
What's that supposed to mean
what's their face
What's the betting
What's the magic word
What's the matter
What's the dilly
What's the problem
What's there to know
What's the scam
What's the scoop
What's the use
What's the idea
What's the word
What's the world coming to
What's to know
what's up
What's up
What's up, doc
what's their name
What's up with up
what's what
What's when it's at home
What's with
What's the matter with someone or something
What's the use of doing something
What's your pleasure
What's your poison
What's up with
what's yours is mine, and what's mine is mine
What's with someone or something
what the blazes
what the blue blazes
What's with or something
What's yours
what the eff
what the eye doesn't see
what the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over
What the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over
what the fuck
what the actual fuck
what the devil
What was one smoking
what the hey
What was smoking
What was your first clue
what will become of
what will become of someone or something
what the dickens
what the fudge
what with
what would Jesus do
What would you like to drink
What would you say if
what the hay
What would you say to
what you appear to be
What you don't know won't hurt you
what you lose on the swings, you gain on the roundabouts
what will be, will be
What will that prove
wheedle away from someone
wheedle into
wheedle into something
wheedle one into one
What would you say if something were to happen
wheedle out of
wheedle someone into
wheedle someone into something
wheedle something away from someone
wheel and deal
wheel around
wheel estate
wheel has come full circle
wheel has turned full circle
wheedle away from
wheeling and dealing
wheedle one out of one
wheel into something or some place
wheel or around
wheedle something away from
wheel or away
wheel or into
wheel or into something
wheel or off
wheel or out of
wheel or out of something
wheel in
wheel or something away
wheel or something into something
wheel or something off
wheel or something out of something
wheel out
wheel out of
wheel out of something or some place
wheel into
wheels are turning
wheels came off
wheels came off the bus
wheel man
wheel or something around
wheels fell off the bus
wheel someone or away
wheel someone or around
wheel someone or into
wheels are in motion
wheel someone or off
wheel someone or out of
wheel someone or out of something
wheel someone or something around
wheel someone or something away
wheel someone or something into something
wheels come off
wheel someone or something out of something
wheels turn
wheel within a wheel
wheels fell off
wheel someone or into something
wheeze out
when all is said and done
wheeze something out
when back is turned
wheel someone or something off
when catches a cold, gets pneumonia
whenever I turn around
whenever farts
whenever one farts
whenever one turns around
wheels within wheels
whenever the fancy takes one
when boat comes in
when in Rome do as the Romans do
When in Rome, do as the Romans do
when is good and ready
when is least expecting it
when it comes right down to it
whenever the fancy takes
when it comes to someone or something
when it comes to something
when it comes to the crunch
when it comes to the point
when it rains, it pours
whenever turns around
when least expects it
when I was your age, I walked to school uphill both ways
when life gives you lemons, make lemonade
when one door closes, another door) opens
When one door shuts, another opens
when fat hit the fire
when it comes to
when one is least expecting it
when one least expects it
when one's ship comes in
when one was a twinkle in one daddy's eye
when one was a twinkle in one father's eye
when I was a kid, I walked to school uphill both ways
when poverty comes in at the door, love flies out at the window
when one door shuts, another door) opens
when poverty comes in the door, love flies out the window
when push comes to shove
when ship comes home
when ship comes in
when sneezes, catches a cold
when one is good and ready
when the band begins to play
when the cat's away, the mice will play
when the China, etc. sneezes, Germany, etc. catches a cold
when pigs have wings
when the China, etc. sneezes, Japan etc. catches a cold
when the dust settles
when the eagle flies
when the fat lady sings
when the going gets tough, the tough get going
When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out of the window
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro
when the rubber hits the road
when the rubber meets the road
when the spirit moves
when the balloon goes up
when the spirit moves one
when the time is ripe
when the UK etc. sneezes, Germany, etc. catches a cold
when the UK etc. sneezes, Japan etc. catches a cold
When the cat's away, the mice will play
when the US etc. sneezes, Japan etc. catches a cold
When the going gets tough, the tough get going
when the shit hits the fan
when the word gets out
when two Fridays come together
when two Sundays come together
when two Sundays meet
when the US etc. sneezes, Germany, etc. catches a cold
when was a twinkle in father's eye
when word gets out
when you get a chance
when you get a minute
when your back is turned
when the wolf comes in at the door, love creeps out at the window
when you think about it
when you've seen one , you've seen them all
Where does get off
when the wolf comes in the door, love creeps out the window
Where do you get off
when was a twinkle in daddy's eye
Where have you been all my life
Where have you been keeping yourself
where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise
Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise
when your ship comes in
Where does one get off one
Where is your powder room
where it's at
where lives
where one is coming from
where one lives
Where do you think you get off
Where's the beef
where the puck is going
where is coming from
where there's muck, there's brass
where the rubber hits the road
where the rubber meets the road
wherever you go, there you are
Where is the restroom
wherewithal for
wherewithal to
wherewithal to do something
Where you been keeping yourself
whet appetite
where someone lives
whether or no
whichever way you slice it
which is which
which way the wind blows
which way the wind is blowing
whiff of
while a period of time away
where the puck is heading
while away
while away the time
while back
while the cat's away
while the going is good
where was I
While there's life there's hope
while the time away
while you are at it
whine about
whether by accident or design
whine about or something
whine about someone or
whine about someone or something
whine out
while a period of time away doing something
whip around
while there's life, there's hope
whip a U-ie
whip away
whip back
whip back on someone
whip by
whine about or
whip hand
whip into a state
whip into doing something
whip into doing
whip into shape
whine something out
whip off to
whip off
whip off to someone
whip on
whip ass
whip or around
whip one off to one
whip or into shape
whip into
whip or something around
whip or something on
whip or something into shape
whip out
whip over
whipping boy
whip into something
whip someone into doing
whip someone into doing something
whip someone into shape
whip someone or around
whip someone or into shape
whip one
whip someone or something around
whip someone or something into shape
whip or on
whip someone into a state
whip something into shape
whip something into something
whip something out
whip something off
whip something over
whip something over to someone
whip someone or on
whip something written off to someone
whip the cat
whip something written off to something written
whip the devil around the stump
whip through
whip through something
whip someone up
whirl around
whirling dervish
whirl or around
whirl or something around
whirl someone or something around
whirl someone or around
whisk around
whip someone or something on
whisk away
whiskey tenor
whisk off
whisk one around
whisk or off
whisk or away
whisk or something away
whisk or something off
whisk someone around
whisk someone or an animal off
whisk someone or away
whisk someone or off
whip something up
whisk someone or something away
whisper about
whisk someone or something off to something
whisper about or
whip up
whisper about someone or
whisper around
whisper about someone or something
whispering campaign
whisper something around
whisper sweet nothings
whiskey nose
whistle a different tune
whistle at
whistle at or
whisk someone or something off
whistle at someone or
whistle at someone or something
whistle Dixie
whistle for or
whistle for
whistle down the wind
whisper about or something
whistle for someone or
whistle for someone or something
whistle for something
whisper sweet nothings in ear
whistle in the wind
whistle one down the wind
whistling Dixie
whistle-stop tour
whistle at or something
whistling in the dark
whistling in the wind
whistling woman and a crowing hen are neither fit for God nor men
white around the gills
whistle for or something
white as a sheet
white as snow
white as the driven snow
whistle in the dark
white coat hypertension
white-collar staff
white-collar worker
whistling girls and crowing hens always come to some bad end
white flag, hang out the
white flag, hang show the
white flight
white hole
White House
white knight
white as a ghost
white Christmas
whited sepulcher
white knuckle
white man
white man's burden
white man's disease
white man’s disease
white marriage
white knuckler
white on rice
white out
white sale
white sheep
white knuckle something
white wedding
Whitman's sampler
whittle at
whittle at something
whittle away
white magic
whittle down
whittle down to size
whittle out of
whittle out of something
whittle someone down to size
whittle someone or something down to size
whiten up
whittle something away
whittle something down to size
whittle something out of something
whiz by
whiz kid
white-van man
whittle away at
whiz past or something
whiz past someone or
whiz past someone or something
whiz through
whittle something down
whiz past
who are you, and what have you done with
Who breaks a butterfly upon a wheel
Who calls the shots here
Who can tell
who could have thought
Who'd have thunk it
whiz past or
Who do you want
who am I kidding
Who do you want to speak to
Who do you want to talk to
Who do you wish to speak to
Who do you wish to talk to
Who goes there
who hell
who in in hell
who in in Sam Hill
Who is on the phone
Who is one to one
Who is to
Whoa, Nelly
whole bag of tricks
whole ball of wax
whole bit
who died and made you boss
whole bunches
whole cloth
whole enchilada
whole fam damily
whole heap
whole heap more
Who does think are
whole jimbang
whole jingbang
Who is watching the watchers
whole lot
whole lot more
whole bunch
whole megillah
whole mess of someone or something
whole mess of someone or whole
whole host of whole
whole mess of whole or whole
whole new ballgame
whole new ball game
whole nine yards
whole nother story
whole nother thing
whole kit and caboodle
whole lot of
whole other thing
whole picture
whole raft of
whole mess of whole or something
whole schmear
whole shebang
whole shooting match
whole team and the dog under the wagon
whole thing
whole other ball of wax
whole wide world
whole world came crashing down around
whole world was turned upside down
whomp on
whom it may concern
whom the gods love die young
whole other kettle of fish
Whom the gods love die young
whom this may concern
who needs
Who needs it
whole raft of whole
whoopie cake
whoopie cakes
whoop it up
whole works
whopping great
whore out
who Sam Hill
Who's calling
who shall remain nameless
whomp up
Who's she, the cat's mother
who shot John
Who's there
Who's to say
who's when she's at home
who's when they're) at home
who's who
Who's your daddy
whoop and a holler
whose foot the shoe is on
who would have thought
who will remain nameless
Who would have thought
Why break the habit of a lifetime
Who watches the watchers
Why buy a cow when milk is so cheap
why doesn't
why doesn't one one
why ever
why don't you
why God invented
why keep a dog and bark yourself
Why keep a dog and bark yourself
Who wears the trousers
whys and wherefores
who will bell the cat
whys and wherefores of something
wicked bad
wicked tongue
wide berth
Why buy a cow when milk is cheap
widen horizons
wide open to
wide place in the road
widow maker
why on earth
widow's mite
widow's peak
wield a big stick
widow's weeds
wide of the mark
wiener nose
whys and wherefores of
wife up
wigged out
wiggle out
wide boy
wiggle out of something
wiggle room
wiggle way out
wig out
wigs on the green
wild about
widow's cruse
wild about or
wild about or something
wild about someone or
wild about someone or something
wild and woolly
wild cherry
wild-goose chase
wild goose never laid a tame egg
wild horses
wild horses couldn't drag away
Wild horses couldn't drag away
wild horses couldn't drag from
wiggle out of
wild horses couldn't drag one to one
wild about one
Wild horses couldn't drag someone away from something
wild horses couldn't drag to
wild horses wouldn't drag one to one
wild horses wouldn't drag from
wild horses wouldn't drag to
wild oats
wild out
wild turkey
will away
will be along
wild goose chase
will be lucky
will come of
will come of something
will eat for breakfast
will eat someone for breakfast
willful ignorance
wild horses couldn't drag one away one
will get nowhere
will have none of
willing and able
willing horse
Will I see you again
Will it play in Peoria
Wild horses couldn't drag someone away
will murder
will never fly
will not hear of
will not hear of something
will be forgiven for
will on
will something away
will something to
will something to someone
will get
will the real please stand up
will there be anything else
will to
will to someone
Will you excuse us, please
wily as a fox
will kill
wimp out of something
win a few, lose a few
will wonders never cease
Win a few, lose a few
will not wash
win at
win at something
will stop at nothing
win by a hair
win by a neck
win by a nose
win by a whisker
wince at
wince at something
wind around
wind around finger
wind around or
wind around or something
wind around someone or
wimp out
wind at back
wind back
wind back the clock
wind in
wind into
win all the marbles
wind into something
wind off
wind around someone or something
wind onto
wind onto something
win back
wind around something
wind on
wind round finger
wind something
wind something down
wind something around something
wind something in
window of opportunity
wind something onto something
wind something up up
wind through
wind through something
wind up as as
window on the world
wind up by by
wind up in
wind up in something or some place
wind pudding and air dip
wind something off
wind up with
wind up with or
wind up with or something
wind up with someone or
wind up as something
windward of
wind way
wind way through
wine and dine
wine and dine someone
wine up
wind up into
winged words
wing heavy
wing it
wind up something
wind up with someone or something
win hands down
win heart
win in a walk
wink at
wink at someone
wink at someone or something
wink away
wink of sleep
wink out
wink something away
wink wink
wing way
winner take all
winner takes all
Winner, winner, chicken dinner
wing its way
wink at something
winnow from
winnow out
win one for the Gipper
win one over
win on points
win or back
win or lose
wink wink nudge nudge
win out
win out out
win over
winning streak
win someone or back
win someone or something back
win someone or something back from someone or something
win someone over
win someone over to something
winnow away
win or something back
win spurs
winter on
winter over
winter over some place
winter rat
win some, lose some
win the day
win the heart of
win the wooden spoon
win through
win through something
win someone's heart
win your spurs
wipe away
wipe down
wipe eye
Wipe it off
win something at something
wipe off the map
win the battle, but lose the war
wipe or off
wipe or off the face of the earth
wipe or something
wipe or something off
wipe or something off the face of the earth
wipe over
wipe slate clean
wipe slate clean and wipe the slate clean
wipe someone or
wipe someone or off
win ugly
wipe someone or something
wipe someone or something off
wipe someone or something off off
wipe someone or something off the face of the earth
wipe someone or something off the map
wipe someone out
wipe off the face of the earth
wipe or
wipe something away
wipe something down
wipe someone or off the face of the earth
wipe something off off
wipe something out
wipe something up
wipe that grin off face
wipe that smile off face
wipe someone's slate clean and wipe the slate clean
wipe the floor up with one
wipe the floor up with someone
wipe the floor with
wipe the floor with someone
wipe the grin off face
wipe something
wipe something off
wipe the floor up with
wire ahead
wire ahead for something
wire back to
wire back to one
wire back to someone
wired into
wired into or
wipe the slate clean
wired into someone
wired into someone or
wired into someone or something
wired into something
wire for
wipe the smile off face
wire in
wipe up
wired into or something
wire or for
wire or for something
wire or something for something
wire someone or for
wire someone or for something
wire someone or something for something
wire something back to
wire something back to someone
wire something in
wire for something
wire something up
wire together
wire up
wise after the event
wise apple
wire into
wise as Solomon
wireless network
wire something together
wise man of Gotham
wise someone up
wise someone up about someone or something
wise to
wise to or
wise as an owl
wise to someone
wise to someone or
wise to someone or something
wise to something
wise up
wise up to someone or something
wish away
wish book
wise guy
wise to or something
wish for or something
wise up to
wish for someone or something
wish ill
wish is father to the thought
wish joy
wish on
wish for
wish one joy
wish one well
wish on someone or something
wish or away
wish or on
wish for or
wish or something away
wish or something on
wish or something on someone
wish for someone or
wish someone or on someone
wish someone or something away
wish someone or something off on someone
wish one ill
wish the ground would swallow one up
wish or on someone
wish well
witch hunt
with a bang
wish someone or away
wish someone or something on someone
with advance notice
wish the ground would swallow up
with a capital
with a forked tongue