Traductions populaires
Anglais - Russe
Pour les entreprises
under the yoke
under wing, to take someone
under your belt
under your nose
under your own steam
uneasy is the head that wears a crown
uneasy is the head that wears the crown
under the yolk
underwater basket weaving
uneasy lies the head that wears the crown
unexpected always happens
under wing, to take
unfamiliar waters
unfold into
unfold into something
unfold something into something
uneasy lies the head that wears a crown
unheard of
unify into
unify or into
unify or into something
unify or something into something
unify someone or into
Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown
unfamiliar territory
union is strength
Union is strength
unite against
unite against or
unite against or something
unite against someone or something
united we stand
united we stand, divided we fall
United we stand, divided we fall
unite for
unite for someone or something
unite for something
unite in
unify someone or into something
unite in something
unite into
unite into someone or something
unite or
unite or into
unite or into something
unify someone or something into something
unite against someone or
unite or something with or something
unite or something with someone or something
unite or with or
unite or with or something
unite or with someone or
unite in someone or something
unite someone against someone or
unite someone against someone or something
unite someone in
unite someone in something
unite someone or
unite someone or into
unite someone or into something
unite or something
unite someone or something into something
unite someone or something together
unite someone or something with someone or something
unite someone or with someone or
unite someone or with someone or something
unite or something into something
unite or with someone or something
unite with someone or something
unit of time or two
university of life
unite someone or something
unknown country
unknown quantity
unknown to
unknown to one
unite with
unleash on
unleash or against or
unleash or against or something
unleash or against someone or
unleash or against someone or something
unleash or on or
unite with someone
unkindest cut
unleash or on someone or something
unleash or something against or something
unleash or something against someone or something
unleash or something on or something
unleash against
unleash someone or against someone or
unleash someone or against someone or something
unleash someone or on someone or
unleash someone or on someone or something
unleash someone or something against someone or something
unleash someone or something on someone or something
unleash or on or something
unload from
unload from something
unload on
unload on someone or something
unload onto
unleash or on someone or
unload or on
unleash or something on someone or something
unload or something on
unload or something on someone
unload someone or on someone
unload someone or something on someone
unleash someone or something upon someone or something
unload something from something
unmade bed
uno ab alto
unload onto someone or something
unring a bell
unsung hero
unsusceptible of
unsusceptible to
untested waters
unload or on someone
unload someone or something on to someone
until doomsday
until dying day
until is blue in the face
until later
until next time
until one is blue in the face
until the bitter end
until all hours
until then
until you are blue in the face
unwashed masses
unwritten rule
up a blind alley
up a creek
until all hours of the day and night
until kingdom come
up against a brick wall
up against it
up against or
up against or something
until the cows come home
up against someone or something
up against something
up against the wall
up a gum tree
up alley
up and
up and about
up and around
up a creek without a paddle
up and away
up and coming
up and did
up and did something
up and do something
up against
up against someone or
up arse
up ass
up and at 'em
up a stump
up a tree
up before
up before someone
up before someone or something
upbraid for
upbraid for something
upbraid someone for
upbraid someone for something
upbraid someone or something for someone or something someone or something
up and down like a yo-yo
up close and personal
update about
update about or
update about or something
update about someone or
update about someone or something
up and running
up a storm
update someone about someone or
update someone about someone or something
up for
up for auction
up for grabs
up for reelection
up for sale
update on
up front
upgrade or something to something
upgrade or to
upgrade or to something
upgrade someone or something to something
update one about one
upgrade someone or to
upgrade someone or to something
upgrade to
upgrade to something
upgrade with
update one on one
up hill and down dale
uphill battle
uphill fight
uphill job
up for something
uphill task
up in arms
up in arms about
up in gold ones
up in grill
up in someone’s gold ones
upgrade someone or something with someone or something
up in the air about someone or something
up in the air about something
up in years
up North
up on
up high
up on ear
up one’s alley
up one side and down the other
uphill struggle
upon my word
up on or
up on or something
up on someone or
up in the air about
upon someone or something
upper crust
upper hand
upper story
uproot from
up on bumper
uproot someone from
uproot someone or something from someone or something
uproot something from some place
ups and downs
upset applecart
upset plans
upon impact
upset the applecart
upset the apple cart
up shit creek
up on someone or something
up shit's creek
up shit's creek without a paddle
upshot of
upshot of something
uproot from some place
up sleeve
up stakes
up sticks
upset someone's plans
up the ante
up the creek
up the creek without a paddle
up the duff
up the pole
up shit creek without a paddle
up there loves me
up there with
upside the head
up the spout
up street
up the wazoo
up the yin-yang
up time
up to a certain point
up to a point
up to armpits
up to chin in
up to doing something
up to ears
up to ears in
up to ears in debt
up there is looking out for me
up to eleven
up to eyeballs
up to eyeballs in
up to eyes
up to eyes in
up to grade
up the river
up to neck
up to neck in
up the stick
up to elbows
up to no good
up to old tricks
up to one
up to one's ears
up to knees
up to one's knees
up to one’s knees
up to one's neck
up to one’s neck
up to one's neck in something
up to or
up to neck in alligators
up top
up to par
up to putty
up to ninety
up to one’s eyeballs
up to someone or
up to someone or something
up to something
up to speed
up to or something
up to the eyeballs in something
up to the eyes
up to the eyes in something
up to the gills
up to the hilt
up to the knocker
up to scratch
up to the minute
up to tricks
up to snuff
up to your ears in debt
up to your eyeballs
up to your eyes
up to the eyeballs
up to your old tricks
upwardly mobile
upward of
upwards of s
up with
up to the mark
up with someone or something
up with the chickens
up with the crows
up with the lark
up with the larks
up with the roosters
up yours
urban legend
urban myth
urban tale
urge along
up to your ears
up to your neck
up with someone
urge one forward
urge one to one
urge on someone
urge someone along
urge someone forward
urge forward
urge someone to do something
urge something on
urge something on someone
urge something upon someone
urge something upon up
urge to
urge to do
urge to do something
urge to purge
urine test
urge on
urge one along
urge someone to do
use as a carrot
use as an excuse
use a sledgehammer to crack a nut
use by something
used to do something
used to or something
used to someone or
used to someone or something
use every trick in the book
use for
use foul language
useful as a chocolate teapot
useful as tits on a bull
use head
use head for more than a hat rack
use it or lose it
useless as tits on a boar hog
use loaf
use noggin
use noodle
use one's head
use or as
use as
use or for
used to or
use or something as an excuse
use or something as something
use or something for something
use over
use some elbow grease
use or as an excuse
use someone or as an excuse
use someone or as something
use someone or for
use someone or for something
use someone or something as an excuse
use someone or something as an excuse someone or something
use someone or something as someone or something
use someone or something as something
use someone or something for someone or something
use someone or something for something
use someone up
use some shut-eye
use something as a carrot
use something by something
use something over
use something over again
use something with something
use strong language
use the bathroom
use the restroom
use or as something
use or for something
use someone or as
use your head for more than a hatrack
usher from
usher in
usher into
usher or into some place
use the toilet
usher or something into some place
usher or something out of some place
usher out
usher out of
usher someone or into some place
usher someone or out of some place
usher someone or something from someone or something
usher someone or something into someone or something
usher someone or something into some place
usher someone or something out of someone or something
usher someone or something out of some place
usher someone or something to someone or something
usher to
usual run
usual run of something
utilize for
utilize or for
use with
use with something
utilize someone or for
utilize someone or for something
utilize someone or something for someone or something
utilize someone or something for something
usher or out of some place
vaccinate against
vaccinate against something
vaccinated with a gramophone needle
vaccinated with a Victrola needle
vaccinate for
vaccinate someone or an animal against someone or an animal
vaccinate someone or an animal against something
vaccinate someone or an animal with someone or an animal
vaccinate someone or an animal with something
vaccinate someone or something with someone or something
utilize or for something
vaccinate with something
vacillate between
vacillate between and
vacillate between one person or thing and one person or thing
vacillate between someone and someone else someone and someone else
vacuum out
utilize or something for something
vacuum something up
vacuum something up from something
vacuum up
vaccinate with
vale of years
valley of death
valley of the shadow of death
value above
value as
vacuum something out
value at something
value for
value judgment
value or above or
value or above or something
value or above someone or
vain as a peacock
value or as
vale of tears
value at
value or for something
value or something above or something
value or something above someone or something
value or something as something
value or something for something
value someone or above someone or
value or above someone or something
value someone or as
value someone or as something
value someone or for
value someone or for something
value someone or something above someone or something
value or as something
value someone or something as something
value someone or something for someone or something
value someone or something for something
value something at something
value or for
vamp up
vanish away
vanish from
vanish from something
vanish into
value someone or above someone or something
vanish into something or some place
value someone or something as someone or something
vanish into thin air
vanish without a trace
vanish without trace
variation on the theme of
variety is the spice of life
Variety is the spice of life
variety shop
various and sundry
vary between
vanish into something
vary between someone and someone else
vary between someone or something
vary between someone or something and someone or something
vanish into the woodwork
vary from someone or something
vary from something from something
vary from something to something
vary up
variety store
vary with something
Vatican roulette
vault into
vault into something
vault into something or some place
vary between and
vault over or
vault over or something
vault over someone or
vault over someone or something
vary from
veer away away
veer away from
veer away from someone or something
vary with
veer into someone or something
veer off
veer off from someone or something
veer off of of
veer toward
vault over
veer toward or something
veer toward someone or
veer toward someone or something
veg out
velvet handcuffs
vent on
vent one's spleen
vent one’s spleen
vent on someone or something
veer into
venture forth
veer toward or
venture into some place
venture on
venture on someone or something
venture out
venture out of
vel non
venture upon
vent spleen
vent your spleen
Venus turns out a whelp
verbal assault
verbal contract isn't worth the paper it's written on
venture into
verb. sap
venture out of some place
verb. sat sap
verbum sap
verbum sapienti
verbum sapienti sat est
verbum sat
venture upon someone or something
verbum sat sapienti
verbal diarrhea
verb. sat
verge into something
verge of
verge on
verbum sat sap
verge upon something
verge upon up
verify something with
verify something with someone
verify with
verbum sat sapienti est
Vermont charity
verse in
verse someone or oneself in someone or oneself
vertical bath
vertical bathtub
verge into
verge on something
very dinky
very idea
very image of very
verify with someone
very picture of something
very picture of very
very thing
vested interest
vest in
vertically challenged
vest in or something
vest in someone or
vest in someone or something
vest one with one
vest someone with
vest someone with something
vest something in or something
vest something in someone or something
vest with
vest with something
very dinkum
vibe out
very last
victor belong the spoils
victor, the spoils
vest in or
video jock
vie for
vie over
vie with
vie with for
vexed question
vie with one for one
vie with one over one
vie with over
vie with someone with someone
village bicycle
Vicar of Bray
villain of the piece
vim and vigor
vindicate of
vindicate of something
vindicate someone of
video blog
vindicate someone or oneself of someone or oneself
viper in bosom
virgin ears
virgin some kind of drink
vie with one
virtual reality
virtue is her own reward
virtue is its own reward
Virtue is its own reward
virtue signaling
village idiot
visit from Aunt Flo
visit from Flo
visit from the stork
visiting fireman
visiting Mrs. Murphy
visit on
vindicate someone of something
visit something on
virgin territory
visit something upon someone
visit something upon up
visible tonaked eye
visit upon
visit with
visit with one
visit with someone
visualize as
visualize or as or
visualize or as or something
visit on someone
visualize or as someone or something
visualize or something as or something
visualize or something as someone or something
visualize someone or as someone or
visualize someone or as someone or something
visit something on someone
visually impaired
vital statistics
visit the plumbing
vocal fry
voice crying in the wilderness
voice in something
visualize or as someone or
voice of an angel
volunteer as
volunteer as something
volunteer for
volunteer for something
vomit forth
vomit out
visualize someone or something as someone or something
vomit something up
vomit up
vote against
vote against or
viviparous lizard
voice in the wilderness
vote against someone or something
vote a split ticket
vote a straight ticket
vomit something out
vote for
vote for or
vote for or something
vote for someone or
vote for someone or something
vote against or something
vote into
vote into law
vote of confidence
vote of thanks
vote on
vote against someone or
vote down
vote or down
vote or something down
vote out
vote out of
vote out of something
vote in
vote someone onto something
vote someone or down
vote someone or something down
vote someone out of
vote someone out of something
vote something into law
vote one into one
vote through
vote upon up
vote with feet
vote with one's feet
vote with one’s feet
vote one out of one
vouch for
vouch for or
vouch for or something
vouch for someone or
vouch for someone or something
vote someone on
vote something through
wack job
wack someone
wack someone up
wack something
wack something up
vote with your feet
wade across
wade across something
wade in
wade into
wade into one
wade into something
vújà day
wading bird
wad up
waffle about
wag chin
wage against
wage against or
wage against or something
wack up
wage against someone or something
wager a pound to a penny
wager on
wager on or
wade through
wager on someone or
wager on someone or something
wager something on or something
wager something on someone or something
wages of sin
waffle around
wage something against or something
wage against someone or
wage war on someone or something
wager on or something
wages of sin is death
wag one's chin
wag one’s chin
wag tongue
waifs and strays
wailing and gnashing of teeth
wail like a banshee
wage something against someone or something
wag it
wail on someone or something
wait-and-see attitude
wait around
wait around around
wait a second
wag off
wait at something
wait at something for someone or something
wait at something or some place
wait at table
wait for boat to come in
wait for dead men's shoes
wail on
wait for someone or something
wait for the next wave
wait for the other shoe to drop
waiting for the other shoe to drop
wail on someone
wait at
wait in the wings
wait for ship to come in
wait one's turn
wait on hand and foot
wait on someone
wait on someone hand and foot
wait on someone or something
wait on table
wait on tables
waiting game
wait something out
wait tables
wait till
wait turn
wait until
waiting in the wings
wait up a minute
wait upon
wait upon hand and foot
wait upon someone
wait on
wait upon up
wait up until something
wake from
wake from something
waken to
wait out
wake someone up
wake someone up to something
wake the dead
wake to
wake to something
wait up
wake up feeling human
wake up from something
wake up from up
wake up on the wrong side of bed
wake up on the wrong side of the bed
wake up to
wait upon someone or something
wake someone or an animal up
wake up with the chickens
walk across
walk across something
walk across something or some place
walk a fine line between
walk ahead
wake-up call
walk ahead of or something
walk ahead of someone or
walk ahead of someone or something
walk all over
walk all over or
wake up to something
walk all over someone or
walk all over someone or something
walk along
walk along something
walk a mile in shoes
wake up to up
walk and chew gum at the same time
walk around something
walk a thin line
walk ahead of or
walk away from
walk all over or something
walk away from or something
walk away from someone or
walk away from someone or something
walk away scot-free
walk away with
walk away with someone or an animal
walk away with something
walk and chew gum
walk back to to
walk down
walk down memory lane
walk down something
walk down the aisle
walk feet off
walk a tightrope
walk away from or
walk in
walk back
walk in a single file
walking a tightrope
walk free
walking dictionary
walking disaster
walking encyclopedia
walking on air
walking on eggs
walk heavy
walking on rocky socks
walking on thin ice
walking wounded
walk in on
walk in on or
walk in on or something
walking dandruff
walk in on someone or something
walk in single file
walk in the park
walk into
walk into or
walking on eggshells
walk into someone or
walking papers
walk in on someone or
walk into the lion's den
walk it off
walk off feet
walk into or something
walk off with
walk on
walk on air
walk on eggs
walk on eggshells
walk into someone or something
walk on rocky socks
walk on stage and off again
walk on sunshine
walk on the wild side
walk on thin ice
walk out on
walk into something
walk out on something
walk out with
walk out with someone
walk out with someone or something
walk over
walk off the job
walk over to or
walk over to or something
walk over to someone or
walk one off one feet
walk right in
walk right into
walk right into right or right
walk right into right or something
walk out on someone or something
walk right into someone or something
walk right up
walk right up to someone or something
walk soft
walk over to
walk someone out
walk over to someone or something
walk someone over to someone or something
walk someone's feet off
walk Spanish
walk tall
walk the chalk
walk right into someone or right