Traductions populaires
Anglais - Russe
Pour les entreprises
trespass on
trespass on something
trespass upon
trespass upon something
trespass upon up
trial and error
trial balloon
trial by fire
trial by television
trial by the media
trial run
trials and tribulations
tricken with
tricken with something
trick into
trick into something
treat someone like dirt
trickle down
trickle out
trickle in
trickle out of something or some place
trickle through
trick of the trade
trick on
trick one into one
treat someone or as something
trick oneself or something up
trick on one
trick on someone
treat someone or something as something
trick out
trick out of
trick out of something
tricks of the trade
trick someone into
trick someone into doing doing
trickle away
trick someone into something
trick someone out of
trick someone out of something
trick up
trick up sleeve
trick worth two of
tried and tested
tried and true
trifle away
trifle something away
trifle something away on someone or something
trifle with
trifle with or
trifle with or something
trifle with someone or
trifle with someone or something
trigger happy
trick one out of one
trigger something off
trigger someone off
trim away
trim down
trim from
trim from something
trim off
trim off or
trim off or something
trim off someone or
trim off someone or something
trim something away
trim sails
trim something away from something
trim something down
trim something from something
trim something off of of or something
trim something off of someone or something
trim something off or something
trim something off someone or something
trim something with something
trim up
trim with
trip along
trick someone into doing something
trip for biscuits
triple threat
triple whammy
trip off the tongue
trip on or
trigger off
trip on or something
trip on someone or
trip on someone or something
trip over someone or something
trip over tongue
tripped out
trip the light fantastic
trip to the woodshed
trip up
triumph over
triumph over one
triumph over or
triumph over or something
triumph over someone or
triumph over someone or something
Trojan horse
troll booth
troop across
troop across something or some place
troop in
troop into something
troop into something or some place
trot after
trot after someone
trot after someone or something
trot along
trot off
trot or out
trot or something out
trot out
trot someone or out
trot someone or something out
trot something out
trouble about
trouble about or
trouble about or something
trouble about someone or
trouble about someone or something
trouble and strife
trouble brewing
trouble for
trouble for something
trouble head about
trouble head about or
trouble head about or something
trouble head about someone or
trouble head about someone or something
trouble head with
trouble in paradise
trouble is brewing
Trouble is brewing
trouble one for one
trim with something
trouble oneself about or
trouble oneself about someone or
trip on
trouble oneself to do something
trouble one's head about or
trouble one's head about or something
trouble one's head about someone or
trouble one's head about someone or something
trouble one to do one
trouble shared is a trouble halved
trouble shared is trouble halved
trouble someone about someone or
trouble someone about someone or something
trouble someone for
trouble someone for something
trouble someone or oneself about someone or oneself
trouble someone or oneself with someone or oneself
trouble oneself
trouble someone to do something
trouble someone with
trouble someone with something
trouble to do
trouble to do something
trouble with
trouble with someone or something
trouble with something
trouble oneself about or something
truckle to
truckle to someone or something
tru dat
trudge along
trudge through
trudge through something
true as Bob
true as steel
true believer
true colours
trouble oneself about someone or something
true something up
true that
true to
true to colors
true to form
true to one's word
trouble someone to do
true up
true to word
truck in
true dat
trumped up
trump up
truss or something up
truss or up
truss someone or something up
truss someone or up
truss up
true to someone or something
trust for
trust for something
truly yours
trust in Allah, but tie up your camel
trust in God and keep your powder dry
trust in God, but keep your powder dry
trust in God, but tie up your camel
trust in or
trust in or something
trust in someone or
trump card
trust one to one
trust one for one
trust or something to
trust or something to someone
trust or to
trust or to someone
trust, but verify
trust someone for something
trust someone or something to someone
trust someone or something with someone or something
trust someone or to someone
trust someone to do
trust someone to do something
trust in
trust the process
trust in someone or something
trust to
trust to do
trust to do something
trust with
trust with or something
trust with or
trust with someone or
trust with someone or something
truth be known
truth be told
truth is stranger than fiction
Truth, Justice, and the American Way
truth of the matter
truth will out
truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth
try a fall with
try as I may
try as may
try as might
try as one may
try as one might
try at
try at someone or something
try back
try conclusions with
try damnedest
trust someone for
try for
try for size
try for something
try fortune
try hand
try level best
trying times
try luck
try one's hand
try one's hand at something
try one's luck
try one's luck at something
try one's wings
try one's wings out
try on for size
try on with
trust someone with someone or
try or out
try or something out
try out for something
try out on
try out on someone
try patience
try someone back
try someone back again
try someone for
try someone for something
try someone or out
try someone or something out
try something
try something on on
try something on with
try something on with someone
try something out on
try something out on someone
try the patience of
try to catch you some other time,
try utmost
trust someone with someone or something
try your hand at
try your luck
try your hand at something
try your wings
tube it
tube steak
tub of guts
tub of lard
try every trick in the book
tuck around
tuck around or
tuck around or something
tuck around someone or
tuck around someone or something
tuck away
tucked away
tuckered out
try on with someone
tucker someone out
tuck in
tuck in something
tuck into
tuck into something
tuck someone in
tuck someone in something
tuck someone into something
tuck someone into to
tuck something around or something
tuck something around someone or something
tuck something away
tuck something in something
tuck something in to something
tuck something up
tuck something up under something
tuck up
Tuesday's child is full of grace
tug at
tug at heartstrings
tug at or
tug at or something
tug at someone or
tug at the heartstrings
tug at someone or something
tug at your heartstrings
tug away
tug away at
tug away at someone or something
tug away at something
tug forelock
tug of love
tug on heartstrings
tug on the heartstrings
tug your forelock
tumble along
tumble across
tumble down
try wings
tumble from something
tumble into bed
tumble into
tumble into or
tumble into or something
tumble into someone or
tumble into someone or something
tumble on
tumble or down
tumble or something down something
tumble out of
tumble out
tumble out of something
tumble out of something or some place
tumble over
tumble over or
tumble over or something
tucker out
tumble over someone or something
tumble someone or down
tumble someone or down something
tumble someone or something down something
tumble to
tumble from
tuned in
tuned up
tune into
tune into someone or something
tune in to something
tune of
tune of some amount of money
tune of something
tune or out
tune or something out
tune out
tune someone or out
tune someone or something out
tune someone out
tune something in
tune something out
tune the old cow died of
tune something up
tunnel through
tunnel through something
tunnel under
tunnel under or
tunnel under or something
tunnel under someone or
tunnel under someone or something
turd face
turd in the punchbowl
turfed out
turf one out
turf out
turf war
turkey bacon
turkey shoot
turkey trot
turn 180 degrees
turn a blind eye to
turn a blind eye to someone or something
turn about
turnabout is fair play
Turnabout is fair play
turn a corner
turn a deaf ear
turn a deaf ear to someone or something
turn against
turn against someone or something
turn an honest penny
turn a phrase
tumble or down something
turn a profit
turn around and
turn around and do something
turn around finger
turn aside
turn away away
turn away from
turn away from someone or something
turn back from some place
turn back on
tumble over someone or
turn belly up
tumble upon
turn clock forward
turn coat
turn crank
turn down for what
turn face to the wall
turned off
turn a place upside down
turn full circle
turn geese into swans
turn hand to
turn hand to something
turn head
turn heads
turn back the clock
turning of the tide
turn in grave
turn in one's grave
turn in on oneself
turn inside out
turn in some place
turn clock back
turn into or
turn into or something
turn into someone or
turn into someone or something
turn for the better
turn in upon up
turn King's evidence
turn loose
turn in badge
turn nasty
turn nose up at
turn nose up at or
turn nose up at or something
turn nose up at someone or
turn nose up at someone or something
turn into a pumpkin
turn of fate
turn off something
turn of mind
turn of phrase
turn of speed
turn of the century
turn in upon oneself
turn of the tide
turn of the year
turn on a dime
turn on a sixpence
turn one away from one
turn mind to
turn one's back
turn one's hand to
turn of events
turn one's nose up at or
turn one's nose up at or something
turn one's nose up at someone or
turn one's nose up at someone or something
turn one’s toes up
turn of the screw
turn on its ear
turn on its head
turn on the heat
turn on the waterworks
turn onto
turn one on to one
turn onto someone
turn onto someone or something
turn one's hand to something
turn on, tune in, drop out
turn on someone
Turn on, tune in, drop out
turn or against or
turn or against or something
turn on heel
turn or against someone or something
turn or in
turn or inside out
turn or into or
turn or into or something
turn or into someone or
turn or into someone or something
turn on to
turn or over to or
turn or over to or something
turn or back
turn or over to someone or something
turn or over to someone or
turn or something against or something
turn or something against someone or something
turn onto something
turn or against someone or
turn or something inside out
turn or something into or something
turn or over
turn or something over
turn or something over to or something
turn or something toward or something
turn or something over to someone or something
turn or something toward someone or something
turn or something back
turn or something up
turn or something upside down
turn or to
turn or to something
turn or toward or something
turn or toward or
turn or something in
turn or toward someone or something
turn or something into someone or something
turn or upside down
turn out all right
turn out of
turn or something to something
turn out that
turn or toward someone or
turn out to be or
turn out to be or something
turn out to be someone or
turn out to be someone or something
turn out to grass
turn over a new leaf
turn or up
turn over in one's grave
turn over in one's mind
turn over in over grave
turn out of something
turn over to someone or something
turn Queen's evidence
turn round finger
turn someone aside
turn out to be
turn someone off
turn someone on
turn someone or against someone or
turn someone or against someone or something
turn over in mind
turn someone or an animal away someone or an animal
turn someone or an animal out of something
turn someone or back
turn someone or in
turn someone or inside out
turn someone or into someone or
turn someone or into someone or something
turn over to
turn someone or over to someone or
turn someone or over to someone or something
turn someone down
turn someone or something back
turn someone or something in
turn someone or something inside out
turn someone or something in to someone or something
turn someone or an animal out of someone or an animal
turn someone or something loose
turn someone or something out of someone or something
turn someone or something out to grass
turn someone or something over
turn someone or something over to someone or something
turn someone or something to something
turn someone or something toward someone or something
turn someone or something up
turn someone or over
turn someone or to
turn someone or to something
turn someone or toward someone or
turn someone or toward someone or something
turn someone or up
turn someone or something against someone or something
turn someone's head
turn someone or something into someone or something
turn someone’s stomach
turn someone's water off
turn someone’s water off
turn someone or something upside down
turn some place inside out
turn something around
turn something aside
turn something down
turn something off
turn someone or upside down
turn something out
turn something over in mind
turn something over in one's mind
turn something to advantage
turn something to one's advantage
turn someone's stomach
turn something up
turn something upside down
turn sour
turn someone upside down
turn tail
turn stomach
turn something on
turn something to your advantage
turn the air blue
turn the cat in the pan
turn the clock back
turn the clock forward
turn the clocks back
turn state's evidence
turn the corner
turn the heat on
turn tail and run
turn the heat up
turn the heat up on someone
turn the knife
turn the other cheek
turn something under
turn the scale
turn the scales
turn the clocks forward
turn the screws s
turn the tables
turn the tables on
turn the tables on one
turn the tables on someone
turn the heat on someone or something
turn the other way
turn the screw
turn thumbs down on someone or something
turn thumbs up
turn thumbs up on someone or something
turn thumbs up on something
turn the trick
turn to account
turn to advantage
turn toes up
turn to ashes in mouth
turn to one's advantage
turn thumbs down
turn to or something
turn thumbs down on something
turn to someone or
turn to someone or something
turn tits up
turn toward someone or something
turn toward
turn to your advantage
turn turtle
turn two
turn under
turn to or
turn-up for the book
turn up like a bad penny
turn up one's nose at, to
turn up one's toes
turn up nose at, to
turn up nose at
turn to good account
turn up the heat
turn up the heat on someone
turn up the heat on someone or something
turn up the heat on
turn up toes
turn to someone or something for something
turn up your nose at
turn up your nose at something
turn-up for the books
turn water off
turn your back on
turn your back on someone
turn your back on something
turn your hand to
turn upside down
turtle heading
turtle head
tussle with
tussle with or
turn up trumps
turn up your toes
tussle with someone or something
TV dinner
turn your hand to something
tweak off or
tweak off or something
tweak off
tweak off someone or
tweak off someone or something
tweak something off of of or something
tweak something off of someone or something
tweak something off someone or something
tweedledee and tweedledum
tussle with or something
twelve good men and true
tweak something off or something
twelve good people and true
twenty-four seven
twenty-four, seven
tussle with someone or
twenty-twenty hindsight
twenty winks
twice the man that is
tweak off of
twiddle one's thumbs
twiddle thumbs
twiddle with something
twiddle with
twiddling thumbs
twiddling your thumbs
twilight years
twine around
twilight zone
twine around something
twinkle in daddy's eye
twinkle in father's eye
twinkle with
twinkle in eye
twinkle with something
twice the woman that is
twist around little finger
twist around finger
twist around or
twiddle one’s thumbs
twist around or something
twist around one's little finger
twist around someone or
twist around someone or something
twine around someone or something
twist into
twist into something
twist off
twist of fate
twist off something
twist out of
twist arm
twistslowly in the wind
twist slowly in the wind
twist someone around one's little finger
twist someone around little finger
twist someone's arm
twist someone's words
twist around
twist something around or something
twist someone's words around
twist something around someone or something
twist in the wind
twist something off of something
twist something off something
twist something out of something
twist the knife
twist out of something
twist the lion's tail
twist words
twist up
two and eight
two a penny
twist someone’s arm
Two Bob
two bricks shy of a full load
Two can play at this game at
two bricks shy of a load
twist something into something
twist the knife in the wound
two can play this game
two cents' worth
two-edged sword
two bits
two for two
two fingers
two hoops and a holler
Two is company, but three's a crowd
Two is company, three's a crowd
two jumps ahead
two jumps ahead of
two can play at this game
two jumps ahead of someone or something
two of a kind
two pennies
two peas in a pod
two penn'orth
two's company
Two can play this game
two-fisted drinker
two jumps ahead of someone
two shakes of a lamb’s tail
two sheets to the wind
two sides of the same shield
two-time loser
two-second rule
two sides of the same coin
two-time someone
two umlauts
two whoops and a holler
two-way street
two's company, three's a crowd
two shakes of a lamb's tail
type in
type out
type into
two strings to bow
type over
type over something
type something into something
Two wrongs do not make a right
type something up
type up
Typhoid Mary
ugly as a toad
ugly as sin
ugly customer
type into something
um and ah
unable to go on
type something out
unaccustomed to
unaccustomed to or
unaccustomed to or something
unaccustomed to someone or
unaccustomed to someone or something
unavailable energy
ugly duckling
unbeknownst to one
unbeknown to one
unbeknown to
unbosom oneself to
unbosom oneself to someone
unbosom to someone
ultra vires
unburden oneself to someone
unburden to
unburden oneself to
unable to hear think
uncalled for
uncanny valley
uncharted territory
uncharted waters
unbeknownst to
Uncle nabs
Uncle Sid
Uncle Sugar
Uncle Tom
Uncle Tom Cobleigh and all
unbosom to
Uncle Whiskers
unco guid
uncrowned king of
uncrowned queen of
under a cloud of suspicion
under age
unburden to someone
Uncle nab
under a spell
under auspices
Uncle Tom Cobley and all
under breath
under canvas
under care
under certain conditions
under close scrutiny
under a microscope
under erasure
under false colors
under false pretenses
under fire
under foot
under glass
under arrest
under hat
under belt
under no illusion
under normal circumstances
under nose
under oath
under offer
under cover of
under one's own steam
under one's) radar
under one's wing, to be
under one's wing, to be someone
under one's wing, to take
under one's wing, to take someone
underground railroad
under own steam
under pain of
under par
underpromise and overdeliver
under heel
under roof
under one roof
under shadow
under siege
under skin
under someone's auspices
under someone's feet
under orders
under someone's or something's shadow
under someone's thumb
under someone’s thumb
under something's auspices
under spell
under starter's orders
under protest
undertake to
undertake to do
undertake to do something
under the aegis of
under the aegis of someone
under the affluence of incohol
under scrutiny
under the auspices of someone or something
under the banner
under the banner of of
under the baton of
under the circumstances
under the cosh
under someone's nose
under suspicion
under the eye of
under the gun
under the harrow
under the hatches
under the heel of
under the illusion that
under the impression
under the impression that
under the influence of alcohol
under the microscope
under the pump
under the radar screen
under the rose
under the same roof
under the auspices of
under the shadow of someone or something
under the spell of
under the spotlight
under the watchful eye of
under the wing of
under the wing of someone
under the wing of something
under the counter
under the covers
under thumb
under very eyes
under the shadow of
under way
under wing
under wing, to be
under wing, to be someone