Traductions populaires
Anglais - Russe
Pour les entreprises
the mind's ear
the minute
the luck of the Irish
the mixture as before
the model of
the moment of truth
the moment that
the moon on a stick
the moral high ground
the more one thing happens, the more one thing happens
the more the merrier
the more , the more
the more things change, the more they stay the same
the more you get, the more you want
the medium is the message
the Midas touch
the morning after the night before
the most unkindest cut most
the most unkindest cut of all
the mother country
the mother and father of all
the mother of all
the mother tongue
the minute that
the more you have, the more you want
the morning after
the movers and shakers
the moving spirit
them's fighting words
Them's fighting words
them's the breaks
then again
them's the facts
the nail that sticks out gets hammered down
the naked eye
the name of the game
the natives are getting restless
the natives are restless
the nature of the beast
the nearer the bone, the sweeter the meat
the nearer the church, the farther from God
the necessary
the nerve of
the never-never plan
the new black
the new kid on the block
the next best thing
the next thing the knows
the next world
then fat hit the fire
the Nikon choir
the nitty-gritty
the noble art
the noble art of self-defense
the noes have it
the noose is hanging
the normal run
the normal run of something
the nosebleeds
the nosebleed section
the not-so-distant future
the not-so-distant past
the not-too-distant future
the not-too-distant past
the nouveau riche
the mountain must go to Mohammed
the nuts
the nuts and bolts of
the nuts and bolts
the N-word
the nuts and bolts of something
the object of the exercise
the odd man out
the mot juste
the mouse that has but one hole is quickly taken
the odds are against someone or something
the odds are against the
the odds are stacked against
the odds are stacked against someone or something
the odds are stacked in favor
the odds are stacked in favor of
the odds are stacked in favor of someone or something
the odds are stacked in someone's or something's favor
the odds are the
the of this world
the old Adam
the old ball and chain
the Old Bill
the old boy network
the old-boy network
the old college try
the numbers game
the old days
the oldest trick in the book
the odd one out
the old guard
the old heave-ho
the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street
the old man
the odds are against
the old one-two
the old school tie
the old sod
the old switcheroo
the olive branch
the one who got away
the only free cheese is in the mousetrap
the only game in town
the only way to go
the old country
the operative word
the opiate of the masses
the opium of the masses
the opium of the people
the opposite sex
the order of the day
the organ grinder's monkey
theorize about
theorize about or
theorize about or something
theorize about someone or
theorize about someone or something
theorize on
theorize on something
the O-sign
the other place
the other side of the coin
the other side of the tracks
the outside world
the ox is in the ditch
the pants off
the pants off of
the pants off someone
the parade passed by
the parade passed one by
the particulars
the party is over
the party line
the path less chosen
the path less traveled
the path of least resistance
the patience of a saint
the patience of Job
the patter of tiny feet
the pearly gates
the pecking order
the Pennsy
the penny drops
the pick of
the picture of
the pièce de résistance
the pitcher will go to the well once too often
the pit of stomach
the pit of the stomach
the pits
the old gray mare ain't what she used to be
the plot thickens
the old one-two punch
the pointy end
the pokey
the poor man's
the poor man's someone or something
the poor man's something
the opening of an envelope
the pot calling the kettle black
the pot is calling the kettle black
the power behind the throne
the powers that be
the present day
the price has to pay
the price is right
the price one has to pay
the prime of life
the primrose path
the printed page
the printed word
the promised land
the place to be
the prodigal son
the proof of the pudding
the psychological moment
the Q-sign
the public weal
the Queensberry Rules
the Queen's English
the quick and the dead
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy do
the rabbit died
the race card
the rag trade
the rat race
there ain't no free lunchthere
there ain't no such thing as a free lunch
There ain't nothin' to it
the real deal
the real McCoy
the real Simon Pure
the real thing
there are clouds on the horizon
there are many ways to skin a cat
there are no flies on
there are no flies on someone
there aren't enough hours in the day
There aren't enough hours in the day
there are only 24 hours in a day
there are other fish in the sea
the plural of anecdote is not data
there are other pebbles on the beach
there are plenty more fish in the sea
there are plenty more pebbles on the beach
there are plenty more where he came from
there are plenty more where she came from
there are plenty more where they came from
There are plenty of fish in the sea
there are plenty of fish in the sea
there are plenty of other fish in the sea
There are plenty of other fish in the sea
there are plenty of other pebbles on the beach
there are plenty of pebbles on the beach
there are tricks in every trade
there are too many chiefs and not enough Indians
There are tricks in every trade
there are two sides to every question
There are two sides to every question
there are two sides to every story
there but for the grace of God
There but for the grace of God
there but for the grace of God go I
the pope's mustard maker
thereby hangs a tale
the proof is in the pudding
the received wisdom
the red carpet
the red-carpet treatment
the red mist descends
there for
there for one
there for someone
there for the taking
there goes again
therein lies
therein lies the rub
there is about
there is a fine line between
there is a fine line between and
there is a fine line between something and something else
there is a method in a madness
there is always room at the top
there is a method to a madness
there is an exception to every rule
there is a remedy for everything except death
There is a remedy for everything except death
There is a tide in the affairs of men
there is a tide in the affairs of men
there is a time and a place for everything
There is a time and a place for everything
there is a time and place for everything
there is honor among thieves
there is many a slip twixt cup and lip
There is honor among thieves
there is method in madness
there is method in someone's madness
there is method to madness
there is more to someone or something than meets the eye
there is more to than meets the eye
There is no accounting for taste
there are other good fish in the sea
there is no chance
there is no doing something
there is no doing
There but for the grace of God go I
thereby lies a tale
there is no harm in doing
there is no love lost between
there is no love lost between someone and someone else
there is no love lost between two people
there is no pleasure without pain
There is no accounting for tastes
there is no problem with that
There is no rest for the weary
There is no royal road to learning
there is no royal road to learning
there is no such animal
there is no such thing
there is no such thing as a stupid question
there is no such thing as bad publicity
There is nothing new under the sun
there is nothing permanent except change
there is reason in the roasting of eggs
There is safety in numbers
there is something about
there is something about someone or something
there is truth in wine
there it is
there lies the rub
there'll be hell to pay
there, now
there one goes again
there or be square
there ought to be a law
there's about
there's a first time for everything
there's a good boy
there's a good girl
there's a lot to be said for
there's a grain of truth in every joke
there's a sucker born every minute
there's a time and a place
there's a turn-up for the book
there's a time and a place for something
there's a turn-up for the books
there's gold in them there hills
there's life in the old dog yet
there's little to choose between
there's little to choose between two people or things
there's many a good tune played on an old fiddle
There's many a good tune played on an old fiddle
there's many a slip twixt cup and lip
there's many a true word spoken in jest
There's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip
there's more than meets the eye
there's more than one way to skin a cat
There's more than one way to skin a cat
there's more to someone than meets the eye
there's more to something than meets the eye
there's more to than meets the eye
there's more where that came from
there's much to be said for
there's no accounting for taste
there is no free lunch
there's nobody home
there is no love lost
there's no comparison
There's no flies on
there's no fear of there's
There is no pleasure without pain
there's no fool like an old fool
There's no fool like an old fool
there's no getting around
there's no getting away from
there's) no good crying over spilt milk
there's no harm in doing
there's no harm in doing something
there's no help for
there's no helping
there's no holding
There's no accounting for taste
there's no knowing
there's no law against
there's no mistaking
there's no mistaking someone or something
there's no need there's
there's none so blind as those who will not see
There's nobody home
There's no flies on someone
there's none so deaf as those who will not hear
There's none so deaf as those who will not hear
there's no peace for the weary
there's no I in team
there's no place like home
There's no place like home
there's no point crying over spilt milk
there's no point there's there's
there's no question of
There's none so blind as those who will not see
there's no rest for the wicked
there's no rose without a thorn
there's no saying
There's no rose without a thorn
there's no smoke without fire
There's no smoke without fire
there's no stopping
there's no such thing as a free lunch
there's no telling
There's no such thing as a free lunch
there's nothing else for it else
there's nothing for it
there's nothing like
there's nothing new under the sun
there's none so deaf as those that will not hear
there's nothing to choose between two people or things
there's nothing to it
There's nothing to it
there's no time like the present
There's no time like the present
there's not much to choose between
there's not much to choose between two people or things
there's no use
there's no use crying over spilled milk
there's) no use crying over spilled milk
there's) no use crying over spilt milk
there's no way to tell
There's no way to tell
there's nowt so queer as folk
there's one born every minute
there's one for record the bookrecord
there's one for the book
there's only one thing for it
there's plenty more where that came from
there's safety in numbers
there's some question of
there's something about
there's something about someone or something
there's storm brewing
there's that
there's the rub
the rest is gravy
the rest is history
there's trouble brewing
there, there
There, there
the reverse of the medal
there was about
there wasn't a dry eye in the house
there was something about
there was something about someone or something
there we go
there's no peace for the wicked
there will be the deuce to pay
there will be the devil to pay
there with bells on
there you have it
there's no rest for the weary
the right of way
the right side of
the right side of the tracks
the right to
the right to do do
the road less traveled
the road to hell is paved with good intentions
the root of the issue
the roof caves in
the root of the matter
the root of the problem
the ropes
the rot sets in
the rough and tumble of
the rough edge of tongue
the rough end of the pineapple
the rough side of tongue
the royal road
the rub
the rubber meets the road
the rubber hits the road
the rub of the green
the ruin of
the ruin of someone or something
there's nothing to choose between
the Rust Belt
the same as
the same again
the same as someone or something
the same fire that melts the butter hardens the egg
there will be hell to pay
the same mixture as before
the same old rigmarole
the same with me
the sands of time
the sawdust circuit
the sawdust trail
the scales fall from somebody's eyes
the scales fall from your eyes
the schoolmaster is abroad
the school of hard knocks
the school of life
The Sco
the scum of the earth
the seamier side
the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing
the seamy side
the seamy side of something
the shame of it
the shame of it all
the shape of things to come
the sharp end
the shifting sands of
the shirt off back
the rules of the game
the shit hits the fan
the shit is going to hit the fan
the shit will hit the fan
the shock of life
the shoe is on the other foot
the short and the long of it
the short end of the stick
the short straw
the sick man of
the sick man of something or somewhere
the same for me
the silent treatment
the silent majority
the silver screen
the seamier side of something
the sixty-four-thousand-dollar question
the skinny
the shirt off your back
the sky's the limit
the sky’s the limit
The sky's the limit
the slammer
the sicks
the small hours
the small hours of the morning
the small hours of the night
the sixty-four-dollar question
the small print
the small screen
the smart money
the smart money is on
the sky
the smart money is on the
the smart set
the smell of an oily rag
the smell of the lamp
the smoking gun
the slip
the soft option
the small matter of
the soul of discretion
the soul of
the sow that eats her farrow
the sparks fly
the spectre at the feast
the smart money is on something
the spirit is willing, but body is weak
the spirit is willing, but flesh is weak
the spirit is willing, but the body is weak
the social ladder
the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak
the sooner the better
the spice of life
the spirit of the law
the spit and image of
the spit and image of one
the spit of
the spit of one
The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak
the spitten image of one
the spitting image
the spitting image of one
the sport of kings
the spirit moves
the squeaking wheel gets the grease
the squeaking wheel gets the oil
the squeaky wheel gets the grease
the squeaky wheel gets the oil
the staff of life
the staggers
the standard bearer
the stars align
the Stars and Stripes
the stars are aligned
the stars have aligned
the state of play
the sticks
the status quo
the still of night
the still of the night
the still, small voice
the story goes
the stink eye
the story goes that
the straight and narrow
the straight goods
the straw that breaks the donkey's back
the spirit moves one
the street
the spitten image of
the streets are paved with gold
the strong, silent type
the struggle is real
the stumbles
the sum and substance
the spitting image of
the Sun Belt
the sun is over the yardarm
the sunny side
the straw that breaks the camel's back
the sunny side of an age
the survival of the fittest
the sweat of brow
the sweet hereafter
the sweet smell of success
the straw that broke the donkey's back
the swing of things
the sword of Damocles hangs over
the sword of Damocles hangs over head
the Sword of Damocles hangs over head
the sword of Damocles hangs over one
the Sword of Damocles hangs over someone's head
the tables are turned
the sun belt
the tail end of something
the sunny side of
the sweet smell of victory
the talk of some place
the talk of the town
the tea is piping hot
the tender age of
the tail end of
the terrorists will have won
the thin edge of the wedge
the thin end of the wedge
the thing is
the thing of dreams
the thing of it is
the three Rs
the throne
the tail wagging the dog
the time is ripe
the time of day
the time of life
the times are a-changin
the times they are a-changinthey
the talk of
the tip of the iceberg
the toast of
the toast of some place
the toast of the town
the to end all
the tools of the trade
the tools of trade
the terrible twos
the toothpaste is out of the tube
the top brass
the top dog
the top etc
the top five
the top flight
the top of the heap
the top of the ladder
the top of the line
the top of the hour
the top of the tree
the top rung on the ladder
the top ten
the town bicycle
the trouble with
the trouble with someone or something
the truth of the matter
the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth
the tide turns
the tune the old cow died of
the turn
the tip of an iceberg
the turn of the year
the unco guid
the uncrowned king of
the unexpected always happens
the uncrowned queen of
the university of life
the unkindest cut
the upper crust
the unwashed masses
the upshot
the upper hand
the upshot of something
the usual run of something
the usual run
the vale of years
the tools of your trade
the very dinky
the very idea
the very image of very
The very idea
the very last
the very thing
the village bicycle
the villain of the piece
the voice of an angel
the wages of sin
the wages of sin is death
The wages of sin is death
the truth will out
the walls have ears
the walking wounded
the watches of the night
the turn of the century
the way of the world
the very dinkum
the way the wind is blowing
the way things are
the way things are going
the way to heart
the weed of crime bears bitter fruit
the wee hours
the wee hours of the morning
the wee small hours
the wee small hours of the morning
the weight of the world
the well has run dry
the wheel has come full circle
the wheel has turned full circle
the wheel of fortune
the wheels are in motion
the wheels came off
the wheels are turning
the wheels came off the bus
the wheels come off
the wheels fell off
the wheels fell off the bus
the wheels turn
the wherewithal for
the waiting game
the wherewithal to do something
the whip hand
the White House
the white man's burden
the way it plays
the way the crow flies
the whole fam damily
the whole enchilada
the whole jimbang
the whole jingbang
the wherewithal to
the whole megillah
the whole nine yards
the whole picture
the whole schmear
the whole shebang
the whole shooting match
the whole team and the dog under the wagon
the whole thing
the whole wide world
the whole works
the whys and wherefores
the whole ball of wax
the wish is father to the thought
the witching hour
The wish is father to the thought
the wolf is at the door
the wolf is at door
The wolf is at the door
the woman in life
the woman of the hour
the woman of dreams
the whole bit
the woman of the moment
the woman on the street
the wooden spoon
the woods are full of
the woods are full of someone or something
the woods are full of something
the world and his wife
The world is one's oyster
the world is oyster
The world is oyster
the whole kit and caboodle
the world, the flesh, and the devil
the world to
the world to one
the winds of change
the worm turned
the worm turns
the worse for drink
the worse for wear
the worst-case scenario
the worst of
the worst of both worlds
the writing is on the wall
the writing on the wall
the wrong crowd
the wrong end of the stick
the wrong side of
the wrong side of the tracks
they also serve who only stand and wait
They also serve who only stand and wait
they also serve who stand and wait
they broke the mold when they made
they broke the mold when they made someone or something
they broke the mould when they made
they broke the mould when they made someone
they don't make them like they used to
They don't make them like they used to
the year dot
They must have seen you coming
the youth must be served
They went that a'way
thick as a brick
thick as a shit
thick as a short plank
thick as mince
thick as pea soup
thick as pig shit
thick as shit
thick as two planks
thick as two short planks
thicken something up
thicken up
thick head
thick on the ground
thick skin
thick with
thick with someone or something
thief in the night
thigh gap
thin air
thin as a rail
thin as a rake
thin as a stick
thin down
the woman on the Clapham omnibus
thin edge of the wedge
the world over
the worm has turned
thing is
thing of beauty is a joy forever
thing of dreams
thing of shreds and patches
thing of it is
thin dime
thing or two
thing or two about someone or something
things are getting hairy
things are seldom as they seem
things are seldom what they seem
Things are seldom what they seem
things getting you down
things haven't been easy
thin end of the wedge
things will work out
things will work out for the best
think about or
think about or something
thine own self be true
think about someone or something
thing of the past
think a great deal of someone or something
think ahead
think ahead of one's time
think ahead of time
think ahead to something
think a lot of
think a lot of or something
things that go bump in the night
think a lot of someone or
think a lot of someone or something
think about someone or
think back to something
think before
think back
think before doing
think before doing something
think better of
think a great deal of
think a lot of or
think better of or
think aloud
think better of someone or something
think better of something
think fit
think box
think fit for
think fit for something
think fit to do something
think greatly of someone or something
think for
think greatly of
think highly of
think highly of someone or something
think better of it
think hung the moon and the stars
think ill of
think ill of someone or something
think is fit for
think little of
think better of or something
think better of someone or
think little of or something
think little of someone or
think long and hard
think little of someone or something
think hung the moon
think much of someone or something
think nothing of
think nothing of doing something
think nothing of it
think nothing of someone or something
think little of or
think of or something
think of someone or
think of someone or something
think of the children
think on
think one hung the moon
think one owns the place
think on feet
think on one's feet
think on someone or something
think on your feet
think or fit for or
think or fit for or something
think or fit for someone or something
think inside the box
think or something fit for or something
think or something fit for someone or something
think out
think out of the box
think much of
think outside of the box
think owes you a living
think owns the place
think of or
think poorly of
think poorly of someone or something
think shit doesn't stink
think shit don't stink
think or fit for someone or
think someone fit for something
think someone hung the moon
think someone hung the moon and stars
think someone or fit for someone or
think someone or fit for someone or something
think someone or something fit for someone or something
think someone or something is fit for someone or something
think someone owes you a living
think something of or something
think something of someone or something
think something out
think something over
think something owes you a living
think something through
think something up
think that
think the better of the
think the sun rises and sets on
think the sun rises and sets on someone
think the sun shines out arse
think the sun shines out backside
think the sun shines out of of arse
think the world of
think the world of or
think the world of or something
think the world of someone
think the world of someone or
think the world of someone or something
think the world owes a living
think the world owes one a living
think through
think to
think to do
think twice about or
think twice about or something
think to do something
think twice about someone or
think twice about someone or something
think twice before doing something
think under fire
think up
think well of
think well of someone or something
think out loud
thin line between love and hate
thin on the ground
thin on top
thin out
thin section
thin skin
thin someone down
thin something down
thin something out
think piece
third rail
third string
third time lucky
think someone fit for
third time's the charm
third wheel
third world
thirst after
thirst-aid station
thirst for
thirst for something
thirsty for
thin line
thirsty for something
thirsty soul
this a-way and that a-way
this-a-way and that-a-way
third degree
third time's a charm
this is my floor
This is where I came in
this is why we can't have nice things
this minute
thirsty for someone or something
This one is on
this one is on one
This one is on someone
this ought to be good
This doesn't quite suit me
this side of the black stump
this taken
this, that, and the other
this too shall happen to you