Traductions populaires
Anglais - Russe
Pour les entreprises
play a small role
play a small role in something
play as something
play a straight bat
play at
play at doing something
play at full blast
play at own game
play a trick
play a trick on
play a trick on one
play a trick on someone
play at something
play at their own game
play a waiting game
play back
play ball
play ball with
play ball with one
play ball with someone
play both ends against the middle
play both sides against the middle
play by ear
play by own rules
play-by-play description
play by rules
play by the book
play by the rules
play cards
play cards close to chest
play cards close to one's chest
play cards close to vest
play cards right
play cards well
play cat and mouse
play cat and mouse with
play cat and mouse with someone
play catch-up
play close to chest
play close to the vest
play close to vest
play Cupid
play dead
play all the angles
play dirty
play a losing game
play a practical joke
play down to someone
play ducks and drakes with
play ducks and drakes with one
play devil's advocate
play dumb
play down
play each side against the other
played like a fiddle
played out
play fair
play false
play down to
play fast and loose with someone or something
play fast and loose with something
play favourites
play first chair
play first fiddle
play for
play for a fool
play for all is worth
play for a sucker
play for keeps
play for laughs
play for love
play for something
play for the other team
play for time
play freeze out
play freeze-out
play game
play ducks and drakes with someone
play games with someone
play God
play gooseberry
play hardball
play hardball with one
play hardball with someone
play havoc with
play each end against the other
play heart out
play fast and loose
play hell with or
play hell with or something
play hell with someone
play hell with someone or
play hell with someone or something
play games with one
play hob
play hob with someone or something
play hooky
play hunch
play ignorant
play in
play innocent
play in Peoria
play in something
play in the big leagues
play into hands
play into the hands of
play it for all it's worth
play it safe
play it straight
play kissy-face
play havoc with someone or something
play kissy-kissy
play kissy-kissy with someone
play like
play like a fiddle
play like or
play hell with
play hell with something
play like someone or something
play merry hell
play merry hell with
play merry hell with merry
play merry hell with something
play musical chairs
play no part in
play no part of
play off against
play off as
play kissy-face with someone
play like or something
play on
play one against another
play one at one own game
play like someone or
play one false
play one for a fool
play one for a sucker
play one off against another other other
play one off against another the other
play one off against each other other
play one off against each the other
play one's cards close to one's chest
play one's cards right
play one side against the other
play on heartstrings
play on or
play on or something
play on someone or
play on someone or something
play on someone's heartstrings
play on something
play on the heartstrings
play on words
play or down
play or something down
play or something up
play or up
play out of skin
play over
play part
play phone tag
play pocket pool
play politics
play Old Harry with
play right into right hands
play right into the hands of right
play Russian roulette
play safe
play second fiddle
play second fiddle to someone
play old warhorse
play one end against the other
play someone against someone else
play someone at their own game
play someone for a fool
play possum
play someone off against someone else
play someone or down
play someone or something down
play someone or something up
play someone or up
play something as something
play something at full blast
play something back
play something back to someone
play something by ear
play something off
play something on or something
play something on someone or something
play something out
play something over
play something through
play something up
play something with or something
play something with someone or something
play straight
play telephone tag
play the angles
play the card
play the devil's advocate
play the devil with
play the devil with something
play the dozens
play the field
play silly buggers
play the gender card
play the goat
play someone against
play someone off against
play the heavy
play the horses
play the papers
play the percentage game
play the percentages
play the ponies
play the race card
play the fool
play the waiting game
play three-dimensional chess
play through
play to
play tonsil hockey
play to or
play to or something
play to someone or
play to someone or something
play to strengths
play to the crowd
play to the gallery
play tricks on
play tricks on someone
play truant
play trump card
play up
play upon something
play upon up
play up to
play up to one
play up to someone
play wag
play well with others
play with
play with a full deck
play with loaded dice
play with one
play with or
play with or something
play with someone or
play with someone or something
play the hand is dealt
play your cards right
plead down to
plead for
plead for someone
play the hand one is dealt
play the wag
plead guilty to
plead guilty to something
plead not guilty
plead not guilty to something
plead the Fifth
play your ace
plead to
plead to something
plead with
plead with one
plead with someone
pleasantly plastered
pleased as punch
pleased as Punch
pleased for
pleased for one
pleased for or
pleased for or something
pleased for someone or
pleased for someone or something
please don't get up
Please don't get up
pleased with
pleased with or
pleased with or something
pleased with someone or
pleased with someone or something
Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally
please oneself
please the eye
please yourself
pleasing to the eye
pledge something
plenty of something
plenty rugged
plight one's troth to
plight one's troth to someone
plight troth
plight troth to
plight troth to someone
plod along
plod away
plod away at
plod away at something
plod on
plod through
plod through something
plonk down
plonked up
plonk someone or something up
plonk someone, something, or oneself down
plonk something down
plonk up
plot against
plot against or
plot against or something
plot against someone or
plead for something
plot against something or someone
plead guilty
plead the Fifth Amendment
plot out
plot something on something
plot something out
plot thickens
plot with
plot with one
plot against someone or something
plough a lone furrow
plough a lonely furrow
plough on
plough own furrow
plow ahead
plow back
plot on
plow back into something
plowed under
plot on something
plowing water
plot with someone
plow into or
plow into or something
plow into someone or
plow into someone or something
plow back into
plow something back into something
plow something in
plow something under
plow something up
plow the sands
plow through
plow through something
plow under
plow up
plow water
pluck a rose
pluck at
pluck at or
pluck at or something
pluck at someone or
pluck at someone or something
pluck from
pluck from or
pluck from or something
pluck from someone or
pluck from someone or something
pluck from the air
pluck off
pluck off or
pluck off or something
pluck off someone or
pluck off someone or something
pluck out
pluck out of and pluck out
pluck out of and pluck something out
plow in
pluck out of the air
pluck out of thin air
pluck something from or something
pluck something from someone or something
pluck something from the air
plow into
pluck something off of someone or something
pluck something off or something
pluck something off someone or something
pluck something out of something and pluck something out
pluck up courage
pluck up someone's courage
pluck up the courage to
pluck up the courage to do something
plug away
plug away at something
plugged into
plugging along
plug into
plow on
plug something into something
plug something into something and plug something in
plug something up
plug up
plumber's crack
pluck out of something and pluck something out
plumber's smile
plumber’s smile
plumb loco
plumb new depths
plumb new depths of something
plumb the depths
plumb the depths of something
plume on
plum in mouth
plum in your mouth
plummet down to down
plummet down to earth
plummet to
plummet to earth
plummet to something
plump down
plump for
plump for or
plump for or something
plump for someone or
plump for someone or something
plump something down
plump something up
plump up
plunge down
plunge down something
plunge from
plunge from something
plunge in
plunge into
plunge into or
plunge into or something
plunge into someone or
plunge into someone or something
plunge into something
plunge something into or something
plunge something into someone or something
plunge to
plunge to death
plunge to something
plunk down
pluck something off of of or something
plunk or something down
plunk someone or down
plunk someone or something down
plunk someone, something, or oneself down
plural of anecdote is not data
plus ça change
plus ça change plus c'est la même chose
plug into something
plus or minus
ply between
plumber's helper
ply for business
ply for hire
ply for trade
ply one with one
ply someone with something else
ply trade
plunk or down
poacher turned gamekeeper
poach on territory
po' boy
pocket dial
pocket of resistance
pocket of time
pocket veto
pock something with something
pock with
pock with something
poetic license
P off
pogey bait
point at or
point at or something
point at someone or
point at someone or something
point down to
point down to someone or something
plus interest
ply between something and something else
ply with
point is well taken
point man
point of
point of contact
point of departure
point of honor
point of pride
point of sale
point of something or of doing something
point down to something
point in the right direction
point or something out
point Percy at the porcelain
point someone in the right direction
point someone or out
point someone or something out
point in time
point one in the right direction
point something up
point taken
point the bone at
point the bone at someone or something
point the finger at
point the finger at one
point the finger at someone
point or out
point the way to something
point to as
point something at or something
point to or
point to or something
point to someone or
point to someone or something
point to someone or something as someone or something
point something at someone or something
point to something as something
point toward
point toward or
point toward or something
point toward someone or
point toward someone or something
point woman
pointy end
poised for
poised for something
poised to
poised to do
poised to do something
poise for
poise for something
poise oneself for
poise oneself for something
poise over
poise over or
poise over or something
poise over someone or
poise over someone or something
poison against
poison against or
poison against or something
poison against someone or
poison against someone or something
poisoned chalice
poison one against one
poison pen
poison-pen letter
poison pill
poison someone against someone or
poison someone against someone or something
poison someone or an animal with someone or an animal
poison someone or an animal with something
poison something with something
poison with
poison with something
poke about
poke about in something
poke a hole in
poke a hole in something
point the way
poke along
poke around
poke at
poke at or
point to as something
poke at someone or
poke at someone or something
point to something
poke borak at
poke borak at someone or something
poke fun at
poke fun at or
poke fun at or something
poke fun at someone
poke a hole through
poke fun at someone or something
poke fun at something
poke in
poke in something
poke into
poke into someone or something
poke into something
poke mullock at
poke mullock at someone or something
poke nose in
poke nose into
poke one in one
poke at or something
poke one's nose into
poke one's nose in to something
poke out
poke out of
poke out of something
poke someone in
poke someone in something
poke bib in
poke fun at someone or
poke something into something
poke something out of something
poke something through or something
poke something through someone or something
poke the borax at
poke the borax at someone or something
poke through
poke through or
poke through or something
poke one's nose in
poke through someone or something
pokey hat
poke your bib in
polarize into
polarize into something
polarize one group of people into one group of people
polarize something into something
pole dancer
poles apart
police blotter
policy of pin pricks
polish a turd
polished up
polish off
polish something up
polish the apple
polish up
polite fiction
political football
politically correct
politics makes strange bedfellows
Politics makes strange bedfellows
pollute something or some place with something or some place
pollute with
ponder on
ponder on something
ponder upon something
ponder upon up
pond scum
pontificate on
pontificate on something
pony up
pooch out
poke something at or something
pooped out
poke something at someone or something
poop or out
poop or something out
poop out
poop pants
poop sheet
poop someone or out
poop someone or something out
poor as a church mouse
poor as a Job's turkey
poor but clean
poor craftsman blames his tools
poor little rich boy
poor little rich girl
poor little rich kid
poor man's
poke through someone or
poor man's something
poor old
poor relation
poor second
poor third
pop a cap in ass
pop around
pop around for a visit
pop a squat
pop a wheelie
pop back
pop back for something
pop bubble
pop by
pop by for a visit
pop clogs
pop cork
popcorn film
popcorn flick
popcorn movie
pop down
pop down for a visit
pope's mustard maker
pope's nose
pop for
pop for something
pop in for a visit
pop into
pop into head
pop into something
pop on
pop one's cork
pool up
pop on something
pop out of
pop out of something
pop over for a visit
pop pills
popsicle stand
pop someone
pop someone off
pop someone on something
pop something into something
pop something on something
poor man's someone or something
pop something out of something
pop one’s cork
pop some tops
pop the bubble of
pop the question
pop tops
pop up some place
pop wine
pop your clogs
pore over
pore over something
pork barrel
pork chop
pork out
pork out on something
pork pies
pork up
porky pies
portent of things to come
port in a storm
port in the storm
portion out
portion something out
portmanteau word
port of call
portray as
portray as or
portray as or something
pop over
portray as someone or something
portray or as
portray or as someone
portray or something as
portray or something as someone
portray someone as someone or
portray someone as someone or something
portray someone or as someone
portray someone or something as someone
portray someone or something as someone or something
Portuguese man-of-war
pose a question
pose as
pose as or
pose as or something
pose as someone
pose as someone or
pose as someone or something
pose for
pose for or
pose for or something
pose for someone or
pop something onto something
possessed by
pop something up
possessed of
possessed of something
possession is nine parts of the law
possession is nine points of the law
portray as someone or
Possession is nine-tenths of the law
postage and handling
poster boy
poster child
poster child for
poster child for something
poster girl
post off
post on
post on something
postpone something until something
postpone until
postpone until some later date or time
postpone until something
post someone
post someone somewhere
post something on something
post something to
post something to someone
post something up
post to
post to someone
post up
posture as
posture as or
posture as or something
posture as someone or
posture as someone or something
potayto, potahto
pot boiler
pot calling the kettle black
Potemkin village
potential formal date
pot hound
pot is calling the kettle black
pot luck
pot, meet kettle
pot of gold
pot shot
pot something up
potter about
potter along
potter around
pose for someone or something
potter's field
possessed by something
potty mouth
pot up
pounce at
pounce at the death
possession is nine-tenths of the law
pounce on or
pounce on or something
pounce on someone or
pounce on someone or something
pounce upon someone or something
potter's clay
pounce upon up or something
pounce upon up or up
pound a beat
pound a beer
pound along
pound along something
pound away
pound away at someone or something
pound beer
pound down
pound ear
pound head in
pound in head
pound into
pound into head
potty about
pounce on
pounce upon someone or up
pound of flesh
pound into thick skull
pound on
pound on or
pound one's ear
pound one’s ear
pound on or something
pound on someone or
pound on someone or something
pound someone’s head in
pound something on or something
pound something down
pound salt
pound something on someone or something
pound something out
pound something up
pound the books
pound the pavement
pound up
pound out
pour all over someone or all
pour all over all or something
pour all over someone or something
pour back
pour along
pour along something
pour cold water on
pour cold water on something
pour down
pour forth
pour fuel on the fire
pour gasoline on the fire
pour gas on the fire
pour heart out
pour heart out to
pour heart out to someone
pound sand
pour in
pour into
pour into something
pour into something or some place
pour it on thick
pour money down the drain
pour off
pour oil on troubled water
pour on
pour on coal
pound someone's head in
pour oneself into something
pour oil on troubled waters
pour one's heart out to
pour on something
pour on the coal
pour one's heart out to someone
pour out heart
pour all over all or all
pour out one's soul
pour out on or
pour out on someone or
pour out on or something
pour out on someone or something
pour out onto
pour out onto someone or something
pour out soul
pour over or
pour over or something
pouring rain
pour over someone or something
pour rain
pour salt in the wound
pour salt into the woundto
pour salt into to woundto
pour salt in wound
pour scorn on head
pour something back
pour oneself into
pour something into something
pour out on
pour something on to something
pour something out on or something
pour something out on someone or something
pour something out on to someone or something
pour something out on to to or something
pour something over or something
pour something over someone or something
pour soul out
pour something through something
pour through
pour through something
pour with rain
pour over someone or
pour your heart out
pout about or
pout about or something
pout about someone or
pout about someone or something
pout around
poverty is no crime
poverty is not a crime
poverty is no sin
Poverty is not a crime
poverty is not a sin
powder boy
powder face
powdered up
powder keg
powder monkey
powder nose
powder one's nose
powder one’s nose
powder room
powder up
power behind the throne
power chord
power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely
power hitter
power something up
power something with something
powers that be
power tool
power with
power with something
pox doctor's clerk
pox on
pox on a
pox on or
pox on someone or
pox on someone or something
pox on or something
practice on
practice on or
pour something back in
practice on someone or
pour something on something
practice, practice, practice
practice upon someone or something
pout about
practice upon up or something
practice upon up or up
practice what one preaches