Traductions populaires
Anglais - Russe
Pour les entreprises
pen someone or an animal up
people something with
perform miracles
perform old warhorse
perform on
perch or on
percolate through
perform on someone or
perform on someone or something
perform something on or something
perform something on someone or something
perhaps a little later
Perhaps a little later
perish from something
perish in
perish in something
per curiam
perform on or
perish with
perish with something
perk along
perked up
perform on or something
perk someone up
perk something up
perk up
perk up ears
permeate something with something
permeate through
permeate through something
permeate with
permeate with something
permit in
permit into
permit into something
permit me
permit one inone
permit one out one
permit one through one
permit one up one
permit out
permit someone into
permit someone into something
permit someone out
perish the thought
permit someone through
permit someone up
permit someone up to
permit someone up to something
permit through
permit up
permit up to
permit up to something
perp walk
persecute for
persecute for something
persecute one for one
persecute someone for
persecute someone for something
persevere at
Perish the thought
perish from
persevere in something
persevere with
persevere with something
persist in
persist in doing
persist in doing something
permit someone out of something
persist with something
person after own
persona non grata
person Friday
person of action
person of color
persevere at something
person of substance
perspective on
per stirpes
persuade of
persuade of something
persuade one of one
persuade one to one
persuade someone of
persuade someone of something
persuade someone to do
persuade someone to do something
persuade to
persuade to do
persuade to do something
persevere in
persist with
pertain to or
pertain to or something
pertain to someone or
pertain to someone or something
person of size
perve on
perve on one
perve on someone
pervert the course of justice
pester about
pester about or
pester about or something
pester about someone or
pester about someone or something
pester for
pester into
pester into something
pester one about one
pester one into one one
pester one out of
pester one with one
pester out of
pester out of something
pester someone about someone or
pester someone about someone or something
pester someone into
pester someone into something
pester someone out of
persuasion is better than force
pester someone with
pertain to
pert near, but not plumb
pester the life out of one
pester the life out of someone
pester with
pester with something
Peter Jay
peter out
pester someone out of something
petition for
petition or for
petition or for something
petition or something for something
petition someone or for
petition someone or for something
petition someone or something for something
pester someone with something
petting party
phase down
phase in
phase into
phase or into
phase or into something
phase or out of
pester the life out of
phase or something into something
phase or something out of something
phase out of
phase someone or into
phase someone or into something
phase someone or out of
pet hate
phase someone or something into something
phase someone or something out of something
phat phree
Philadelphia lawyer
phishing attack
phone in
petting pantry
phase or out of something
phone someone up
phone something in
phone something in to someone or something
phone tag
phone up
phonier than a three-dollar bill
phony as a three-dollar bill
phony up
photo op
photo opportunity
phase someone or out of something
phone in to someone or something
phutz with
physician, heal thyself
Physician, heal thyself
pick a bone with
phone it in
pick a fight with someone
pick a lock
pick and choose
pick and mix
pick apart
pick a quarrel
pick a quarrel with
pick a quarrel with one
pick at
pick at one
pick at or
pick at or something
pick at someone or
pick at someone or something
pick at something
pick away
pick away at
pick away at one
pick a winner
pick battle
pick brain
pick clean
picked out of a hat
picked over
pick from
pick gooseberry
pick holes in
pick holes in something
pick moment
pick nits
pick nose
pick of
pick off
pick of something
pick of the bunch
pick of the litter
pick one's way through
pick on or
pick on or something
pick on somebody your own size
pick on someone or
pick on someone or something
pick on someone your own size
pick on your own size
phutz around
pick a fight
pick or from or something
pick or from someone or
pick or from someone or something
pick or off or
pick or off or something
pick or off someone or
pick or off someone or something
pick or out
pick or out of
pick or out of something
pick one's way through something
pick or something from or something
pick or something from someone or something
pick or something off or something
pick or something off someone or something
pick or apart
pick or something out of something
pick or something to pieces
pick or to pieces
pick out of
pick or from or
pick or something apart
pick pocket
pick six
pick someone or apart
pick someone or from someone or
pick someone or from someone or something
pick someone or off someone or
pick someone or off someone or something
pick someone or out
pick someone or out of
pick someone or out of something
pick someone or something apart
pick someone or something from someone or something
pick someone or something off of someone or something
pick someone or something off someone or something
pick someone or something out
pick someone or something out for someone or something
pick someone or something out of a hat
pick someone or something out of someone or something
pick someone or something out of something
pick someone or something to pieces
pick someone or to pieces
pick someone's brain
pick someone's brains
pick something away
pick something over
pick something up
pick through
pick to bits
pick or something out
pick up after
pick up after or
pick out of a hat
pick up after someone or
pick over
pick to pieces
pick-up artist
pick-up community
pick up for a song
pick up marbles and go home
pick up marbles and leave
pick up after or something
pick up someone for a song
pick up speed
pick up steam
pick up sticks
pick up stompies
pick up the ball and run with it
pick up the bill
pick up the check
pick up the gauntlet
pick up the hint
pick up the pace
pick up the pieces
pick up the slack
pick up the tab
pick up the threads
pick up the threads of something
pick up what is putting down
pick up what one is putting down
pick up where left off
pick up your marbles and go home
pick way
pick way through
pick way through something
pick your poison
pics or GTFO
picture as
picture as or
picture as or something
picture as someone or
picture as someone or something
picture in
pick up after someone or oneself
picture is worth a thousand words
picture of
picture of good health
picture of health
picture of something
picture one as one
picture one one
picture perfect
picture someone as someone or
picture someone as someone or something
picture someone in
picture someone in something
picture someone or something insomeone or something someone or something someone or something
piddle around
piddle away
pick up after someone or something
pick up on something
piece of change
piece of garbage
piece of old tackie
piece of one's mind
piece of piss
piece of the action
picture in something
piece of work
piece out
piece something out
piece something together
piece together
pie-eating grin
pie hole
pierce heart
pierce through
pierce through something
piercing scream
Pierian Spring
pigging it
piggy in the middle
pig heaven
pig in a blanket
pig in a poke
pig in the middle
pig of a
pig out
pig out on something
pig's arse
piddle something away
pile into
pile into something
pile it high and sell it cheap
pile it on
pile Jack Rice couldn't jump over
pile of crap
pile off
pile of shit
pile on
pile on the agony
pièce de résistance
piece of the pie
pile on the work
pile in
pile onto to
pile or on or
pile or on or something
pile or on someone or
pile or on someone or something
pile or something on or something
pile or something on someone or something
pile out
pile out of something
pile Pelion on Ossa
piles of
pile someone into
pile someone into something
pile someone or on someone or
pile someone or on someone or something
pile someone or something on someone or something
pile someone or something onto someone or something
pile something up
pile the agony on
pile the gloom on
pile them high and sell them cheap
pile the pounds on
pile the work on
pile up
pilfer from
pilfer from or
pilfer from or something
pilfer from someone or
pilfer from someone or something
pilfer something from or something
pilfer something from someone or something
pillar of
pillar of society
pile on the gloom
pillar of support
pile on the pounds
pile onto
pillar to post
pill mill
pill peddler
pill pusher
pill roller
pilot in
pilot into
pilot into something
pilot or something through
pillar of strength
pilot out
pilot out of
pilot out of something
pilot someone or something through
pilot someone or through
pilot something into something
pilot something out of something
pilot through
pimp steak
pimp stick
pin against
pin back
pin back ears
pin back your ears
pin beneath
pinch and a punch for the first of the month
pinch and scrape
pinch back
pinch for
pinch for something
pinch from
pinch from one
pinch from or
pinch from or something
pinch from someone or
pinch from someone or something
pinch-hit for
pinch-hit for someone
pinch hitter
pinch off
pinch off something
pinch one off
pinch pennies
pinch someone for
pinch someone for something
pinch something back
pinch something from or something
pinch something from someone or something
pinch something off of something
pinch something off something
pine after
pine after or
pine after or something
pine after someone or
pine after someone or something
pillar of the community
pine away
pillars to the temple
pilot or through
pine for someone or something
pin ears back
pine overcoat
pine over someone or something
pin faith on
pin faith on or
pin faith on or something
pin faith on someone or
pin faith on someone or something
ping one
ping someone
pin heart on sleeve
pin heart to sleeve
pin hopes on
pink elephants
pinkie finger
pink it and shrink it
pinko commie
pink slime
pink tax
pink wave
pinky finger
pin on
pin one's faith on or
pin one's faith on or something
pin one's faith on someone or
pin one's faith on someone or something
pin on or
pin on or something
pin on someone or
pin on someone or something
pin or against
pin or against something
pin or beneath
pin or something against something
pin or something beneath
pin or something under or something
pin or something under someone or something
pin or under or
pin or under or something
pin or under someone or
pin or under someone or something
pin someone down
pin someone down on something
pin someone or against
pin someone or against something
pin someone or beneath
pin someone or something against someone or something
pin someone or something against something
pin someone or something beneath
pin someone or something beneath someone or something
pin someone or something beneath someone, something or an animal
pin someone or something underneath someone or something
pin someone or something under someone or something
pin someone or under someone or
pin someone or under someone or something
pin someone's ears back
pin someone’s ears back
pin something back
pin something down
pin something on or something
pine away after someone or something
pin something onto something
pine for
pine over
pin something up onto something
pin the tail on the donkey
pin to
pin something on someone or something
pin under
pin underneath
pin up on
pin up on something
pin something to something
pip at the post
pin something up on something
pin to something
pipe eye
pipe in
pin up onto
pipe something
pipe something away
pipe something from some place from some place
pipe up
pipe up with something
piping hot
pipped at the post
pipped to the post
pipped up
pip someone to the post
pip to the post
pique curiosity
pique someone's curiosity
piss about
piss and moan
piss and vinegar
piss around
piss away
piss blood
pissed about
pissed as a newt
pissed at
pissed off about off
pissed off at off
pissed out of head
pissed out of mind
pissed out of skull
piss elegant
piss factory
piss in Cheerios
piss in Corn Flakes
pissing contest
pissing in the wind
pissing into the wind
pissing match
piss in pocket
piss in the wind
piss into the wind
piss laughing
piss like a racehorse
piss money up the wall
piss on
piss on bonfire
pipe away
piss on ice
pipe dream
pipe into
piss on someone
piss on someone or something
piss on something
piss or get off the can
piss or get off the pot
piss on chips
piss something away
piss up a rope
pit against
pitch a bitch
pitch a bitch about someone or something
pitch a curve
pitch a fit
pitch a line
pitch a story
pitch at
pitch a tent
pitch at or
pitch at or something
pitch at someone or
pitch at someone or something
pitch away
pitch a yarn
piss on it
pitch character
pitched battle
pitcher will go to the well once too often
pitch in
pitch in and help
pitch into
pitch into something
pitch it
pitch on
pitch one a curve one
pitch one a line
pitch one a story
pitch one a yarn
pitch or out
pitch or out something
pitch or over
pitch or over something
pitch or something out something
piss on party
piss pants
pitch over
pitch someone a curve
pitch someone a curveball
pitch someone or out
pitch someone or out something
pitch someone or over
pitch camp
pitch someone or something out of something
pitch or something over something
pitch someone or something over something
pitch something at or something
pitch something at someone or something
pitch something away
pitch something into something
pitch something out
pitch the woo
pitch to
pitch upon
pitch woo
pith of the matter
pit in
pit of stomach
pit of the stomach
pit or against or
pit or against or something
pit or against someone or
pit or against someone or something
pit or something against or something
pit or something against someone or something
pit out
pit someone or against someone or
pit someone or against someone or something
pit someone or something against someone or something
pit stop
pit wits against
pit your wits against
pit your wits against someone
pivot around
pivot on
pivot on something
pixel peep
pixel peeper
pixel peeping
pitch out
pitch someone or over something
pizza puss
place above
place an order
place a premium on
place a premium on something
place a price on head
pitch someone or something out something
place aside
place a strain on
place a strain on or
place a strain on or something
place a strain on someone or
place a strain on someone or something
place at
place at a premium
place at mercy
place back
place behind
pizza face
place a price on one's head
place for everything, and everything in its place
place in
place in an awkward position
place in jeopardy
place in something
place in the sun
place next to
place of business
place of concealment
place on
place on a pedestal
place one in an awkward position
place one's trust in or
place one's trust in or something
place one's trust in someone or
place one's trust in someone or something
place or above or
place or above or something
place before
place or above someone or something
place or at
place or at something
place or before or
place or before or something
place or before someone or
place or before someone or something
place behind someone or something
place or behind or something
place or behind someone or
place or behind someone or something
place or in jeopardy
place or in the trust of
place or in the trust of someone
place down
place or [into] in the care of someone
place or next to or
place or next to or something
place or next to someone or
place or next to someone or something
place or on or
place or on or something
place or on someone or
place or on someone or something
place or something above or something
place or something above someone or something
place or something at something
place or something before or something
place or something before someone or something
place or something behind or something
place or something behind someone or something
place or something in jeopardy
place or something in the trust of
place or something in the trust of someone
place or something [into] in the care of
place or something [into] in the care of someone
place or something next to or something
place or something next to someone or something
place or something on or something
place or something on someone or something
place out of
place someone
place someone in an awkward position
place someone on a pedestal
place someone or above someone or
place someone or above someone or something
place someone or at
place someone or at something
place someone or before someone or
place someone or before someone or something
place someone or behind someone or
place someone or behind someone or something
place someone or in jeopardy
place someone or in the trust of someone
place someone or [into] in the care of someone
place or above someone or
place someone or next to someone or something
place or behind or
place someone or on someone or something
place someone or something above someone or something
place someone or something at someone or something
place someone or something at something
place someone or something before someone or something
place or [into] in the care of
place someone or something in jeopardy
place someone or something in the trust of someone
place someone or something [into] in the care of someone
place someone or something next to someone or something
place someone or something on someone or something
place someone or something someone or something on a pedestal
place someone or next to someone or
place someone or on someone or
place something aside
place something at a premium
place something back
place something down
place something down on something
place something in something
place something under or something
place someone or something behind someone or something
place something up against something
place something with or something
place something with someone or something
place the blame on
place the blame on or
place the blame on or something
place the blame on someone or
place the blame on someone or something
place the blame on someone or something for something
place the order
place to be
place to call one's own
place to call own
place trust in
place trust in or
place trust in or something
place trust in someone or
place someone with someone or
place under
place under or
place under or something
place under someone or
place under someone or something
place up against
place up against something
place someone with someone or something
place with or
place with or something
place with someone or
place with someone or something
plague on both your houses
plague one with one
plague or something with something
plague or with
plague or with something
plague someone or something with something
plague someone or with
place something under someone or something
plague with
plain and simple
plain as a pikestaff
plain as day
plain as the nose on face
plain as the nose on your face
plain sailing
place trust in someone or something
plane away
plane down
plane off
plane something away
plane something down
plane something off
plan for
plan for someone
plan for something
plank over
plank over something
plan on
plan on someone
plan on something
plan out
plan something out
place with
plant a seed of doubt
plant a seed of doubt in someone's mind
plant in
plant in something
plant on
plant one on
plant one on one
plague someone or with something
plant out
plan ahead
plant something in something
plant something on
plant something on someone
plant a seed
plant the seed of doubt in someone's mind
plant the seeds
plant the seeds of
plant the seeds of something
plastered to the wall
plaster hair down
plaster on
plaster one's hair down
plaster onto
plaster onto something
plaster over
plaster over something
plaster something onto something
plaster something up
plaster something with something
plaster up
plaster with
plaster with something
plastic grin
plastic punk
plastic smile
play 3D chess
play a big part
play a big part in something
play a big role
play a big role in something
play a bit part
play a bit part in something
play a bit role
play a bit role in something
play a blinder
play about
play ace
play against
play against or
play against or something
play against someone or
play against someone or something
play a game of cat and mouse
play a good knife and fork
playa hata
play a hunch
play a joke
play a joke on
play a joke on one
play a joke on someone
play a large part
play a large part in something
plant on someone
play a large role in something
plant pears for your heirs
plant the seed of doubt
play a part in
play a part in something
play a large role
play a practical joke on one
play a prank
play a prank on one
play a role in
play around
play around with
play around with someone
play as
play a small part
play a small part in something