Traductions populaires
Anglais - Russe
Pour les entreprises
out some amount of money
outstay welcome
out the blocks
out the gate
out the corner of eye
out the goodness of heart
out the kindness of heart
out the wazoo
out the window
out to
out to a meal
out to get
out to get one
out to get someone
out to lunch
out to some meal
out West
out wheelhouse
out with it
out with
out with someone or something
over a barrel
over again
over and done with
over and over again
overdo it
over-egg the pudding
over easy
overflow into
overflow into something
overflow with
out of your tree
overflow with or
overflow with someone or
overflow with someone or something
over head
over hard
over medium
overnight success
overplay hand
over one’s head
out on strike
outpope the Pope
overflow with or something
over shoes, over boots
overshoot the mark
over someone or something
overstay welcome
overstep its bounds
overstep its mark
overstep bounds
overstep mark
overstep the bounds
overstep the bounds of something
over the course of
overstep the mark
over the edge
over the hump
over the hill
over the line
overplay your hand
over the long run
over with
over the transom
owe a debt of gratitude
over yonder
owe a debt of gratitude to
owe it to someone or oneself to someone or oneself
owe one a debt of gratitude
owe one one
over the hump 1
owe someone one
owe someone a debt of gratitude
owe someone pound of flesh
owe something
owe something to someone to someone
owl prowl
owe to
own man
own man to be
own man to be one's
own mistress
own master
own person
own person, to be one's
own person, to be
own up
own up to
own up to someone
own up to something
own woman
own worst enemy
O ye of little faith
ox is in the ditch
owe it to to
pace around
pace back and forth
pace off
pace around hot porridge like a cat
pace out
pace something
pace up and down
pack a gun
pack a punch
owe one
pack away
pack bag
pace the floor
packed in like sardines
packed like sardines
owe pound of flesh
packed to the gills
packed to the rafters
packing a gun
pack in
pack heat
pace about
pack in something
pack into
pack it in
pack like sardines
pack off
pack off to
pack of lies
pack on
pack on the pounds
pack or into
pack or into something
pack or like sardines
pack or something into something
pack or something like sardines
pack or something together
pack or together
pack rat
pack someone off
pack someone off to someone or something
pack someone or into
pack someone or into something
pack someone or like sardines
pack someone or something in like sardines
pack someone or something into someone or something
pack someone or something into something
pack someone or something like sardines
pack someone or something someone or something like sardines
pack someone or something together
pack someone or together
pack something away
pack something down
pack a wallop
pack someone or something off to someone or something
pack something off
pack something off to someone or something
pack the pounds on
pack them in
pack together
pack your bags
padded account
pad accounts
pack down
paddle own canoe
paddle your own canoe
pad down
pad down some place
pad down somewhere
pad expense account
paddy wagon
pad out
pad something out
pad the accounts
pad the bill
pad the expense account
page in
page out
page three girl
packing heat
paid-up member of something
paid-up member
pain in the arse
pain and suffering
pack something in something
pain in the butt
pain in the rear
paint a black picture
paint a some kind of picture of some kind of
paint a picture of
paint black
paint card
painted with the same brush
paint in
paint a black picture of someone or something
paint into a corner
paint on
paint one black
paddle one's own canoe
paint onto something
paint on something
paint out
paint over something
page through
paint something in
paint something onto something
paint the black
paint onto
paint the devil on the wall
paint the lily
paint the town
paint the town red
paint with a broad brush
paint with the same brush
pair off
pair up with someone
pair of hands
pair up
pal around
pal around with someone
pale as a ghost
pale as death
pale at
pale at something
pale at the notion of
pale at the thought of
pale beside or
pale beside
pale beside or something
pale beside someone or something
pale beside someone or
pale by comparison
pale into insignificance
pale next to
pale in comparison
pale next to someone or something
pally with someone
palm off
palm presser
palm or something off
palm or off
palm someone off
palm someone off on someone
palm someone or off
paint someone or something with the same brush
palm someone or something off on someone on someone
palm something off
palm something off on someone
paint over
pal up
pal up with someone
pan across to
pan across to or
pan across to or something
pan across to someone or
pan across to someone or something
panda car
pander to
pander to one
pander to or something
paint something out
pander to someone or
pander to someone or something
Pandora's box
pan for
pan for something
panic at
palm someone or something off
panic by
panic by something
panic someone by something
panic someone by
panic stations
pan in
pan in on someone or something
pan out
pan over
pander to or
pan over or something
pan over someone or something
pan over someone or
pan over to
pan over to someone or something
pant for
pant for or
pant for air
pant for or something
pant for someone or
pant for someone or something
pants off
pant out
pants off of
panic at something
paper chase
pant something out
paper hanger
panic one by one
paper layer
paper over
paper over something
paper over the cracks
paper over the cracks in something
paper pusher
paper thin
paper tiger
paper trail
parade by
parade in front of
parade in front of someone or something
parade of horribles
parade or in front of or
parade or in front of or something
parade or in front of someone or something
pan over or
parade or something in front of someone or something
parade or in front of someone or
parade out
parade passed by
parade passed one by
pants off someone
paper never refused ink
parade someone or in front of someone or
parade someone or something in front of someone or something
paragon of virtue
parade or something in front of or something
parcel or something out
parcel someone or out
parcel out
parcel someone or something out
parcel something up
parcel up
pardon for
pardon for something
pardon me
pardon me for etc
pardon me for living
Pardon my French,
pardon me for breathing
Pardon me for living
pardon one for one
pardon someone for
pardon someone for something
pare down
parentally challenged
parental unit
pare off
parental units
pare off something
pare something down
pare something down to something
pare to the bone
pare something off something
pare something off of something
par excellence
par for the course
park in
Parkinson's law
park it
park one in
park it somewhere
park that thought
park the bus
pardon me for existing
parlay into something
park the pink Plymouth
parlay into
parlay something into something
parley with
parley with someone
parlor trick
parade someone or an animal out
parrot fashion
parade someone or in front of someone or something
parcel or out
partake in something
partake in
partake of something
partake of
part and parcel of
parley with one
parrot words
part brass rags with one
part company
part company with one
part company with someone
part from someone
part from
partially sighted
part hair
parson's nose
partial to
partial to or
partial to or something
partial to someone or something
participate in
partial to someone or
particulars of something
participate in something in something
part in
parting of the ways
partition into
partition off
parting shot
partition something off
partition something into something
partner up with someone or something
partner up
part of life's rich pageant
part of the furniture
part someone or an animal from someone or an animal
part someone's hair
part to play
part ways
part ways with one
part over
part with
part with or something
part brass rags with
part with someone or
party animal
party crasher
part with someone or something
party is over
party line
Party on
party hearty
party piece
party down
party pooper
party's over
party foul
partial out
party to something
party to
pas devant les enfants
pass a bum check
passage of arms
pass around
pass along
part of life's rich tapestry
pass as or
pass as or something
pass as someone or something
pass back
pass as someone or
pass by someone or something
pass current
pass down
pass expiry date
pass for
pass for or
pass for someone or
pass for or something
pass for something
pass for someone or something
pass forward
part with or
pass from
pass gas
pass go
pass in
passing acquaintance with someone or something
party to a
passing acquaintance with someone
passing acquaintance with something
passing fancy
pass into
pass in review
pass in to
pass in your ally
pass into something
passion pit
pass judgment
pass judgment on someone or something
pass lips
pass muster
pass off
pass on or
pass on or something
pass on someone or
pass on someone or something
pass on the baton
pass on to the Great Beyond
pass as
pass or something by
pass or something up
pass or up
pass out cold
passport to
pass from something
passing acquaintance with
pass sell-by date
pass or by
pass sentence on someone or something
pass someone on to someone
pass someone or something by
pass someone or by
passport to something
pass someone or something over
pass someone or something up
pass someone or up
pass something along
pass something around
pass something around to someone
pass something back to someone
pass something back
pass something down
pass something down to someone
pass something forward
pass something in
pass something in to someone
pass something off
pass something on
pass something off on someone on someone
pass something out
pass something out to someone
pass something over
pass something over to someone
pass something to
pass something to someone
pass the baton
pass the hat
pass the buck
pass the hat around
pass the hat around around
pass the parcel
pass the hat round
pass the Rubicon
pass the time
pass the time of day
pass the torch to
pass the time of day with someone
pass the torch
pass the torch to someone
pass through mind
pass through someone
pass through something
pass sentence
pass time
pass someone on
pass under something
pass under
pass under the yoke
pass up
pass water
pass someone or something off someone or something
pass with flying colours
past best
past caring
past cure
paste down
paste on
paste one
paste on someone
paste something down
paste someone one
paste something on
paste something on someone
paste something up
paste up
past it
past master at something
past master
past prime
past sell-by date
past someone's or something's best
past someone's or something's prime
past someone's prime
past the sell-by date
pastures new
pat answer
patch a quarrel up
patch on
patch someone up
patch quarrel up
patch something together
patch something together with something
patch the quarrel up
patch something up
patch together
patch up a quarrel
pass to
patch up
patch up the quarrel
path less chosen
pat down
path less traveled
path of least resistance
paths cross
patience is a virtue
Patience is a virtue
patience of Job
patience of a saint
patient as Griselda
patient as Job
patient dumping
patient of
patient influencer
pass to someone
patient zero
pass with flying colors
pat or on
pat on the back
pat or on something
pat or something on something
pat someone on the back
patch up quarrel
pat someone or on something
pat someone or something on something
pat someone or something on someone or something
pattern after
pattern after something
pat something down
pattern on
pattern on something
pattern something after something
patter of tiny feet
pause for effect
pattern something on something
Paul Pry
pave over
pave the way
pave the way for someone or something
pave the way for someone or something for someone or something
paw at
pawn off
paw at someone or something
pay a call
pay a backhanded compliment
pay a call on
pay a call to
pay a call on someone or something
pay a call to someone or something
pay a call on someone
pay a compliment
pay a compliment to
pay a compliment to someone or something
pay an arm and a leg
pay a left-handed compliment
pay as goes
pay an arm and a leg for something
pay as one goes
pay a visit
pay a visit to
pay attention to someone or something
pay a visit to someone or something
pay back in kind
pay back in own coin
pay back with interest
pay back in their own coin
pay by
pay by something
pay cash on delivery
pay collect on delivery
pay COD
pay compliment
pay court to
pay court to someone
pay debt
pat on
pay dirt
pay down
pat one on the back
pat someone or on
pay for itself
pay dividends
pay for something
pay for something cash on delivery
pay for something COD
pay for something collect on delivery
pay debt to society
pay for something through for something
pay heed to
pay heed to someone
pay for something in advance
pay homage
pay homage to or
pay homage to or something
pay homage to someone or
pay homage to someone or something
pay in
pay in advance
pay into something
pay into
pay king's ransom
pay its way
pay last respects
pay lip service
pay lip service to something
pay on
pay lip service to
pay one a backhanded compliment
pay one a left-handed compliment
pay one a compliment
pay one back in kind
pay one back in one own coin
pay one off
pay one respect
pay one's debt to society
pay one's debt
pay one back with interest
pay one’s dues
pay one's dues
pay on something
pay one’s dues to society
pay out
pay on the nail
pay out of pocket
pay packet
pay peanuts
pay own way
pay pound of flesh
pay respects
pay scot and lot
pay dues
pay scot and lot for something
pay someone a backhanded compliment
pay dues to society
pay for something out of pocket
pay someone for something for something
pay someone compliment
pay someone or something a call
pay someone off
pay someone or something a compliment
pay someone or something a visit
pay someone
pay someone respect
pay something back
pay something back to someone
pay something down
pay something into something
pay something off
pay something out
pay something out to someone
pay something up
pay the bills
pay the consequences
pay the fiddler
pay the penalty
pay the freight
pay the piper
pay the price
pay the penalty for
pay the water bill
pay through
pay to
pay through the nose for something
pay to do
pay to do something
pay too dearly for whistle
pay tribute to
pay top dollar
pay tribute to or
pay tribute to someone or
pay tribute to or something
pay someone back
pay up
pay someone back in their own coin
pay someone pound of flesh
pay your respects
peace dividend
peace offering
pay through something
peach of a
pea in the shoe
peachy keen
peak TV
peanut gallery
peanut head
peal out
pearls before swine
pearl of wisdom
pearly gates
pearly whites
pea souper
peck at
pecking order
peck out
Peck's bad boy
peck up
peed off
pee in Corn Flakes
pee in Cheerios
peek at
peek at or
peek at or something
peek at someone or
peek in on
peek at someone or something
peek in
peek in on someone or something
pay your money and take your choice
peek out
peek out of something
peek out of
peek out from something
peek over
peek through
pay with the roll of the drum
pay tribute to someone or something
peek under
peek under something
peel away
peel back
peel out
peek into something
peel something away
peel something back
peel something back from something
peel something away from something
peel something off of of
peel something off
pee off
peel the onion
peek over something
peep at or
peep at or something
peep at someone or
peep in
peep into something
peep at someone or something
peek underneath
pee like a racehorse
peep over
peep over something
peep through
peep through something
peep under
peep underneath
peep under something
peer about
peer around
peep at
peer at or
peer at or something
peer at someone or
peer at someone or something
peer in
peer into something
peer out at
peer out at or
peer out at or something
peer out at someone or
peer out at someone or something
peer over
peer over something
peer through
peer under
peer underneath
peer under something
peg as
peg as something
peg away
peg away at something
peep out
peg down as
peep out of something of something
peer at
peg it
peg one as one
peg one down as one
peg one down to one
peg one for one
peg on which to hang
peg on which to hang something
peg down
peg down to
peg someone
peg someone as
peg someone as something
peg something down
peg to hang on
peg up
pelt down
pelt or something with something
peg for
pelt someone or something with someone or something
pelt someone or something with something
pelt someone or with
pelt someone or with something
peg out
penalize for
penalize for something
penalize someone for
penalize someone for something
penalize someone or something for someone or something
penalty box
pen and ink
penchant for
pencil in
pencil neck
pencil or in
pencil or something in
pencil out
pencil pusher
pencil someone or in
pencil someone or something in
pencil whip
Penelope's web
penetrate into
penetrate into or
penetrate into or something
penetrate into someone or
penetrate into someone or something
penetrate something with something
penetrate through
penetrate through someone or something
penetrate through something
penetrate with
penetrate with something
penguin suit
pen in
pen is mightier than the sword
penis wrinkle
penny ante
pelt or with
penny dreadful
penny drops
penny for them
penny for your thoughts
penny pincher
penny saved is a penny earned
penny wedding
pelt or with something
penny-wise and pound-foolish
pen pusher
pension off
pension someone off
pen someone or an animal in someone or an animal
pelt with
people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
people person
people processor
people something or some place with something or some place
people something with someone
people's republic
People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
people with
people with someone
pep or something up
pep or up
pepped up
pepper or something with something
pepper or with
pepper or with something
pepper someone or something with something
pepper someone or with
pepper someone or with something
pepper with
pep pill
pep someone or something up
pep someone or up
pep up
perceive as
perceive or as
perceive or as something
perceive or something as something
perceive someone or as
perceive someone or as something
perceive someone or something as someone or something
perceive someone or something as something
perch on
penny-wise and dollar-foolish
perch or on something
perch or something on something
perch someone or on
perch someone or on something
perch someone or something on something