Traductions populaires
Anglais - Russe
Pour les entreprises
one's heart is dead set against dead
one's heart is dead set against something
one's heart is in one's mouth
one's heart is in the right place
one's heart is set against
one's heart is set against something
one's heart is set on
one's heart is set on something
one's heart misses a beat
one's heart's content
one's heart stands still
one's home away from home
one shot in locker
one shot in your locker
one should be so lucky
one sick puppy
one side of the picture
one side of the story
one's John Henry
one's last resting place
one's better half
one smart apple
one's mind went blank
one's brother's keeper
one's next-door neighbor
one's next of kin
one's nose is in the air
one's number is up
one's old stamping ground
one's own worst enemy
one's sunset years
one step ahead
one swallow does not a spring make
one swallow does not a summer make
one swallow does not make a spring
one swallow does not make a summer
one's future looks bright
one swallow doesn't make a summer
one's way of life
one's word is one's bond
one's work is cut out for one
one that got away
one thing after another
one thing leads to another
one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind
one thing or person after another
one to a customer
one today is worth two tomorrows
one tough cookie
one-trick pony
one true pairing
one-two punch
one, two, three strikes against one, two, three
one up
one up on
one up on someone
one up on someone or something
on every hand
on everyone's lips
one way or the other
one-way street
one-way ticket
one-way ticket to
one-way ticket to somewhere or something
one who got away
one will be forgiven for one
one will be lucky
one will eat one for breakfast
one will kill one
one will murder one
one woke up on the right side of the grass
one-woman show
one won't be one again in a hurry
one won't bite one
one won't eat one
one won't give up without a fight
one won't hear of one
one won't one again in a hurry
one would be forgiven for one
one would be lucky
one would do well to one
one wouldn't one again in a hurry
one's name is mud
one zigged when one should have zagged
on false pretenses
on feet
on firm ground
on friendly terms with
on full alert
on game
on good behavior
One swallow does not make a summer,
on good terms
on good terms with someone
One thing leads to another
on hand
on hands
on hands and knees
on head
on head be it
one would one as soon one
on high
on high horse
on hind legs
on good side
on hobby-horse
on home ground
on home patch
on home turf
on honor
on guard
on heels
on ice
on impulse
on in years
on its feet
on its knees
on hire
on Jack
on knees
on land
on last legs
on lips
on location
on lonesome
on losing streak
on lucky streak
only a matter of time
only a question of time
only daughter
only free cheese is in the mousetrap
only game in town
only got one pair of hands
only has one pair of hands
only have eyes for
only have eyes for one
only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun
only Nixon could go to China
only the good die young
only to
only to be expected
only to do something
only too
only way to go
only wondering
on mature consideration
on mature reflection
on medication
on merits
on mettle
on mind
on moral grounds
on nerves
on neutral ground
on no account
on nodding terms
on nodding terms with someone
on oath
on occasion
on offer
on one
on one hand
on one's
on one’s ass
on one's best behavior
on one's deathbed
on one's feet
on one's high horse
on one’s high horse
on honour
on one’s last legs
on hunkers
on its last legs
on one's own account
on one's own hook
on one’s own hook
on one's own time
on one's toes
on one's honor
on one's way to some place
on opposite sides of the barricade
on opposite sides of the barricades
on own
on own account
on own ground
on own hook
on own initiative
on own time
on own volition
on pain of
on paper
on par
on parole
on part
on par with someone or something
on pat
on one's mind
on person
on pins
on pins and needles
on plate
on present form
on principle
on probation
on production of
on Queer Street
on one's own
on one's way
on relief
on right side
on say-so
on shaky ground
on shank's pony
on shipboard
on shit list
on short notice
on shoulder
on shoulders
on Pat Malone
on side
on sight
on six
on skid row
on slate
on soapbox
on someone's
on someone's account
on someone's back
on someone's case
on someone's last legs
on someone's lips
on someone's nerves
on someone's or something's last legs
on someone's or something's someone's or something's merits
on someone's radar
on someone's say-so
on someone's shoulders
on someone’s tail
on someone's watch
on someone’s watch
on song
on speaking terms
on spec
on standby
on steroids
on stream
on sufferance
on suggestion
on suss
on tail
on tap
on target
on task
on tenterhooks
on terms
on that score
on the agenda
on the air
on the alert for someone or something
on the anvil
on the anxious seat
on the attack
on the back burner
on the back foot
on the back of
on radar
on the back of a postage stamp
on the bandwagon
on red alert
on the beam-ends
on the beat
on the beaten track
on the bench
on the bias
on the bleeding edge
on the blink
on the block
on show
on the borderline
on the bottom rung
on the bottom rung of the ladder
on the brain
on the breadline
on the brink
on the brink of
on the brink of doing something
on the back of an envelope
on the bubble
on the bum
on the buroo
on the button
on the barrelhead
on the boil
on the broo
on the chance
on the chopping block
on the clock
on the coat-tails of
on the coattails of
on the coat-tails of someone
on the coat-tails of something
on the cards
on the credit side of the ledger
on the carpet
on the crest of the wave
on the case
on the cusp
on the cusp of something
on the cutting edge of
on the credit side
on the danger list
on the defensive
on the DL
on the dole
on the door
on the crest of a wave
on the dot
on the downgrade
on the down low
on the downside
on the edge of
on the edge of chair
on the edge of seat
on the eve of
on the eve of something
on the expensive side
on the factory floor
on the fast track
on the cuff
on the firing line
on the flat
on the fringe
on the fritz
on the front burner
on the front foot
on the cutting edge of something
on the front line of
on the front lines of s
on the gad
on the doorstep
on the good side of
on the good side of someone
on the grapevine
on the gravy train
on the heavy side
on the heels of
on the heels of someone or something
on the heels of something
on the high-road to Needham
on the home straight
on the fence
on the hoof
on the hook
on the hop
on the horizon
on the horn
on the horns of a dilemma
on the hot seat
on the hour
on the hush
on the hush-hush
on the in
on the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog
on the jar
on the front line
on the juice
on the knocker
on the lam
on the land
on the large side
on the latch
on the leading edge
on the level
on the line
on the lines of
on the long finger
on the lookout
on the lookout for someone or something
on the make
on the march
on the margins of
on the market
on the mat
on the mend
on the mojo
on the money
on the never-never
on the nose
on the off chance
on the off-chance
on the off chance that that
on the offensive
on the order of
on the outs
on the outside
on the gooch
on the outs with one
on the outs with someone
on the pad
on the part of
on the phone
on the home stretch
on the piss
on the plus side
on the point of
on the point of doing
on the point of doing something
on the prod
on the job
on the prowl
on the QT
on the qui vive
on the radar
on the radar screen
on the outside, looking in
on the rampage
on the razor's edge
on the razzle
on the rebound
on the receiving end
on the reezie
on the regular
on the right lines
on the right side of on
on the pill
on the right track
on the rilla
on the production of the
on the road to
on the road to recovery
on the road to stardom
on the ropes
on the same page
on the ragged edge
on the sauce
on the scene
on the scent
on the scent of someone or something
on the scent of something
on the scrap heap
on the scrounge
on the scrounge for something
on the shady side of
on the shelf
on the sick list
on the side
on the sidelines
on the side of the angels
on the skids
on the slate
on the sly
on the square
on the squiff
on the stage
on the straight and narrow
on the streets
on the strength of
on the strength of something
on the stroke of
on the stroke of some specific time
on the struggle bus
on the take
on the right tack
on the tapis
on the tapis rouge
on the telephone
on the threshold of
on the throne
on the tip of tongue
on the tip of your tongue
on the toss of the coin
on the town
on the track of
on the track of someone or something
on the trail of
on the trail of someone or something
on the trot
on the understanding that
on the rise
on the up and up
on the same wavelength
on the upgrade
on the upside
on the upswing
on the verge
on the verge of
on the verge of doing doing
on the tank
on the wagon
on the waiting list
on the wait list
on the wallaby
on the wallaby track
on the wane
on the warpath
on the watch
on the watch for someone or something
on the up
on the up-and-up
on the way to
on the way to something or some place
on the way towards
on the wing
on the wrong end of
on the wrong end of something
on the wrong scent
on the wrong side of
on the wrong side of history
on the wrong side of on
on the verge of doing something
on the wrong side of the blanket
on the wrong side of the tracks
on the wrong tack
on the wrong track
on thin ice
on thorns
on tilt
on tiptoe
on to a good thing
onto a good thing
onto a winner
on the way in
on toes
ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny
on the way out
on the wrong side of someone
on top of something
on top of that
on top of the world, to be
on tod
on to someone or something
onto something
onto the defensive
on track
on trail
on trend
on trial
on top of
on vinyl
on waivers
onwards and upwards
on watch
on top of someone or something
on way out
on way to
on way towards
on welfare
on wheels
onto someone
on with someone
on uppers
on your bike
On your bike
on your home ground
on your last legs
on your mark, get set, go
on your marks
on way
on your own head be it
on your own hook
on your soapbox
on your tail
on your tod
ooze from
ooze out
ooze out of
ooze out of someone or something
ooze out out
ooze with
ooze with something
open a can of worms
on with
open a conversation with one
open a few doors
open and aboveboard
open and shut
open-and-shut case
open a Pandora's box
open big mouth
on wrong side
open confession is good for the soul
Open confession is good for the soul
open eyes
open eyes to
open eyes to or
open eyes to or something
open eyes to someone or
open eyes to someone or something
open fire on
open fire on someone or something
on your marks, get set, go
open heart
open heart to or
open heart to or something
open heart to someone or
open heart to someone or something
open house
open a conversation
opening of an envelope
open into
open into something
open invitation
open kimono
open letter
Open can of worms
open for business
open on
open oneself to criticism
open one's heart to or
open one's heart to or something
opening gambit
open one's heart to someone or something
open one's kimono
open one’s kimono
open one up
open out
open mouth
open out on something
open out onto something
open out onto to
open Pandora's box
open question
open season
open season on someone
open season on someone or something
open secret
open sesame
open old wounds
open one's heart to someone or
open someone's eyes
open someone's eyes to or
open someone's eyes to or something
open out on
open someone's eyes to someone or something
open someone up
open something out
open something up
open something up to someone
open some doors
open the door for someone or something
open the door to
open the door to someone or something
open the door to something
open the eyes of
open the floodgates
open the kimono
open the way for
open the way for one
open the way to
open to
open some doors for someone
open someone's eyes to someone or
open the door for
open to question
open up a can of worms
open up a lead
open up lead
open up up kimono
open with
open up to
open up to something
open with one
open with or
open with or something
open with someone or
open with someone or something
operate against
operate against or
open to criticism
operate against someone or
operate against or something
operate against someone or something
open up one's kimono
operate from something
operate from some place
operate on
operate on something
operate on someone
operate out of
operate out of some place
operative word
open up one’s kimono
open to something
opportunity knocks
opium of the people
opportunity knocks at every man's door
opportunity knocks but once
Opportunity knocks but once
operate from
Opportunity makes a thief
opposed to
opposed to someone or something
opiate of the masses
opposite number
opposite sex
opposite sides of the same coin
opt for
opium of the masses
opt in
opt in favor of
opt in favor of or
opt in favor of or something
opt in favor of someone or something
opportunity makes a thief
opt into something
opt out of something
orbit around around or something
orbit around around or around
opt in favor of someone or
orbit around someone or around
orbit around someone or something
orbit or
orbit someone or
orbit or something
orbit someone or something
or bust
ordain as
ordain one as one
ordain someone
ordeal by fire
order about
order around
order from
order from or
order from or something
order from someone or
order from someone or something
order in
order off
order off the field
order of the day
order one about
order one off the field
order one around
order one out one
order one off
order out
order out of some place
order someone about
order someone in
order someone in to something
order someone off of something
order someone out of some place
opposed to something
order something from or something
order something from someone or something
order something in
Oreo cookie
or from hell
opt for something
or else
or get off the pot
orient someone to
org chart
orient someone to something
orient to
orient to something
opt in to something
originate from some place or something
originate in
originate from something
originate in some place or something
originate in something
order someone off
originate with or
originate with or something
originate with someone or
originate with someone or something
ornament something with something
ornament with
ornament with something
or no
or other
or otherwise
or something
or something from hell
or something like that
or two
organ grinder's monkey
or whatever
originate from
oscillate between someone or something and someone or something else
oscillate between two people or things
O tempora! O mores
other day
other fish to fry
other half
other place
other side of the coin
other side of the tracks
originate with
other times, other manners
other way around
other way round
other way round, the
or what
ounce of common sense is worth a pound of theory
ounce of discretion is worth a pound of wit
ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
ours not to reason why
oust from something
oust one from
oust from
oust someone from
oust someone from something
out an amount of money
out after scalp
oscillate between
out at some place
out at the
out at the elbows
out at the heel
other things being equal
out at the knees
outdo oneself
out East
outer core
out for
Otis drunk
out for the count
out from something
out from
out from under
out front
out at
out in bloom
out in force
out in large numbers
out in the cold
out in left field
out in the middle of nowhere
out in the open
out like a light
out of a clear blue sky
out of action
out of a clear sky
out of all proportion
out of all scotch and notch
out at the heels
out of character
out of circulation
out of central casting
out of commission
out of consideration
out for scalp
out of consideration for someone or something
out of consideration of
out of context
out of countenance
out of court
out-Herod Herod
out of courtesy to one
out of courtesy to someone
out of curl
out of depth
out of doors
out of element
out of earshot
out of favor
out of favor with one
out of favor with someone
out of fix
out of focus
out of gas
out of gear
out of gourd
out of hair
out of hand
out of hands
out of here
out of head
out of hock
out of house and home
out of humour
out of it
out of joint
out of keeping with
out of kilter
out of league
out of line
out of left field
out of luck
out of mind with
out of nowhere
out of one's
out of one's element
out of one's depth
out of one's mind
out of one's skull
out of one’s skull
out of patience
out of own pocket
out of phase
out of perspective
out of play
out of an abundance of caution
out of pocket
out of consideration for
out-of-pocket expenses
out of phase with someone or something
out of practice
out of courtesy
out of road
out of senses
out of shape
out of shell
out of sight, out of mind
out of plumb
out of sorts
out of square
out of steam
out of step
out of sympathy with
out of sympathy with someone or something
out of sync
out of sync with someone or something
out of system
out of the ark
out of the ballpark
out of the blocks
out of the clear blue sky
out of the chute
out of the clear sky
out of the closet
out of the corner of of eye
out of the frying pan and into the fire
out of the frying pan into the fire
out of the doldrums
out of the goodness of one's heart
out of the limelight
out of the loop
out of the mouths of babes
Out of the mouths of babes
Out of the mouths of babes oft times come gems
out of the of blocks
out of the of gate
out of the reckoning
out of the picture
out of the running
out of the swim
out of the swim of things
out of the top drawer
out of the window
out of the way
out of the wood
out of time with someone or something
out of thin air
out of touch with
out of touch with someone or something
out of proportion
out of tree
out of true
out of the woodwork
out of tune
out of turn
out of use
out of wack
out of wack and out of whack
out of way
out of trim
out of wedlock
out of someone's hair
out of whole cloth
out of your hands
out of your depth
out of your head
out of your mind
out of the goodness of heart
out on a limb
out on bail
out on feet
out on parole
out on ear
out on patrol
out of town
out on the piss
out on the tiles
out on the razzle
out on the town
out on your ear
out of whack
outside chance
outside ken
outside of wedlock
outside of the box
outside side side wheelhouse
outside world