Traductions populaires
Anglais - Russe
Pour les entreprises
let's face the facts
let someone or something loose
let's get something straight
let someone or something slip through someone or something fingers
let's get this show on the road
let someone or something into something
let someone past
let someone slide by
let someone stew
let something off
let something or someone slide
let something out
let something out to someone
let something pass
let something ride
let something slip
let something slip by
let something slip out
let's rock and roll
Let's rock and roll
let's say
let's see
Let's talk about it
let someone or something past
let stew in own juice
letter of the law
letters after name
let the buyer beware
Let the buyer beware
let the chance slip by
let the chips fall
let the chips fall where they may
Let the chips fall where they may
let the cobbler stick to his last
Let the cobbler stick to his last
let the dead bury the dead
Let the dead bury the dead
let the dog see the rabbit
let the dust settle
let the genie out of the bottle
let the grass grow beneath feet
let the grass grow under feet
let them eat cake
Let them eat cake
let the perfect be the enemy of the good
let the side down
let things slide
let through
let up
let up on
let up on someone or something
let us do something
Let us do something
let well alone
let well enough alone
let your hair down
level a charge against
level a charge against one
let someone or something through
level against
let someone or through
level at or
level at or something
level at someone or
level at someone or something
level best
level best, to do
level best, to do one's
level down
level locks
level off
level out
level pegging
level playing field
level something at or something
level something at someone or something
level something down
let stew
level something out
level something to the ground
level something up
level the field
level the locks
level the playing field
level to the ground
level with
level with one
level with someone
level a charge against someone
levy on
lex dubia non obligat
liar is not believed even when he tells the truth
liar is not believed when he tells the truth
Liar, liar, pants on fire
liars need good memories
libel chill
liberate from
liberate or from or
liberate or from or something
liberate or from someone or
liberate or from someone or something
liberate or something from or something
liberate or something from someone or something
liberate someone or from someone or
liberate someone or from someone or something
liberate someone or something from someone or something
licence to print money
license to
license to do
license to do something
license to print money
lick and a promise
lick arse
lick ass
lick at
level at
lick chops
licking lips
lick into shape
lick lips
lick my arse
lick my ass
lick off
lick off of
level something off
lick of paint
lick of work
lick one's chops
lick one's lips
lick one's wounds
lick or into shape
lick or something into shape
lick someone or into shape
lick someone or something into shape
lick something into shape
lick something off of something
lick something off something
lick the dust
lick the pants off
lick the stuffing out of
level with someone about someone or something
lick up
lick wounds
lick your wounds
licorice pizza
licorice stick
lid on
lid poppers
lid proppers
lie about or
lie about or something
lie about someone or
lie about someone or something
lie about someone or something to someone
lie ahead of
lie ahead of or
lie ahead of or something
lie ahead of someone or
lie ahead of someone or something
lie alongside
lie alongside of someone or an animal
lie alongside someone or something
lie around
lick at something
lie at anchor
lie at death's door
lie at door
lie at the bottom of
lie back
lie before
lie before someone or something
lie behind
lie behind someone or something
lie below or
lie below or something
lie below someone or
lie below someone or something
lie beyond
lie beyond or
lick off something
lie beyond someone or
lie beyond someone or something
lie by
lie doggo
lie down on
lie down on someone or something
lie down on something
lick the stuffing out of one
lie down under
lie down under something
lie fallow
lie heavy
lie in ruins
lie around some place
lie in store
lie in store for someone
lie in wait
lie in wait for someone or something
lie like a rug
lie like a tombstone
lie like a trooper
lie low
lie low and sing small
lie off
lie of the land
lie out
lie out in something
lie through one's teeth
lie through teeth
lie to
lie to one
lie to someone
lie to someone about someone or something
lie way into
lie way out of
lie with
lie with one
lie with someone
life and limb
life and soul of the party
life begins at 40
Life begins at forty
life hack
life has been good
life imitates art
life in the fast lane
life in the raw
life in the slow lane
life is a bowl of cherries
life is in hands
life is just a bowl of cherries
life is like a box of chocolates
lie beyond or something
Life isn't all beer and skittles
life isn't all rainbows and unicorns
life isn't all sunshine and rainbows
lie down on the job
Life is short and time is swift
life of its own
life of Reilly
life of Reilly, leading the
life of Reilly, living the
life of Riley
life saver
Life's been good
lie in state
lift a finger
lift a hand
lift a hand against someone or something
lift down
lift elbow
lift from
lift from or
life isn't all beer and skittles
lift from someone or
lift from someone or something
lift hand against
lift hat
lift off or
life is short, and time is swift
lift off someone or
lift off someone or something
lift or down
lift or something down
lift or something up
lift or up
lift someone or down
lift someone or something down
lift someone or something down from something
lift someone or something up
lift someone or up
lift something from or something
lift something from someone or something
lift something off of of or something
lift something off of someone or something
lift something off or something
lift something off someone or something
lift spirits
lift the curtain
lift the curtain on something
lift the lid off
lift the lid on
lift the lid on something
lift the veil
lift the veil on something
light a fire under
light a fire under someone
light a fire under someone or something
light as air
light at the end of the tunnel
light bucket
light bulb goes off in brain
light bulb goes off in head
light bulb goes on in brain
light bulb goes on in head
light-bulb moment
light dawns
light dawns on one
lighten load
lighten something up
Life's been good to me
lighten up on someone or something
lift from or something
light fire under
light fire under someone
lift off or something
light into
light into someone or something
lightning doesn't strike twice
lightning fast
lightning never strikes the same place twice
lighten the load
lightning never strikes twice
Lightning never strikes twice
lightning quick
lightning rod
lightning rod for
lightning rod for something
light of life
light on feet
light or something up
light or up
light out for
light out for some place
light out of some place of some place
light purse makes a heavy heart
light relief
lights are on, but nobody's home
lights are on but no home
lights are on, but no home
lights are on but no one's home
lights are on, but no one's home
lights, camera, action
light someone or something up
light someone or up
light something with something
light stuff
light the blue touch paper
light the fuse
light the touch paper
light touch
light upon
light with
light with something
light years away
light years away from
like a beached whale
like a bear with a sore head
like a bird in a gilded cage
like a blue-arsed fly
lighten wallet
like a breath of fresh air
light heart
like a bull in a china shop
like a can of corn
like a cat in a strange garret
like a cat on a hot tin roof
like a cat on hot bricks
like a champ
like a chicken with its head cut off
like a chicken with the pip
like a child in a sweetshop
Lightning never strikes the same place twice
like a clown's pocket
like a cow peeing on a flat rock
like a deer caught in the headlights
like a deer in headlights
like a deer in the headlights
like a bolt out of the blue
like a dog's dinner
like a dog with a bone
like a dog with two tails
like a dose of salts
like a drowned rat
like a drunken sailor
like a dying duck in a thunderstorm
like a fish out of water
like a flash
like a headless chicken
like a hen with one chick
like a hot knife through butter
like a house
like a house afire
like a house on fire
like a kid in a candy store
like a kid with a new toy
like a knife through butter
like a lamb being led to slaughter
like a lamb being led to the slaughter
like a lamb to slaughter
like a lamb to the slaughter
like a leech
like a man possessed
like a martin to his gourd
like a martin to its gourd
like a million
like a million dollars
like a monkey on a stick
like a moth to a flame
like a moth to the flame
like an open book
like an owl in an ivy bush
like a person possessed
like a pig being led to slaughter
like a pig being led to the slaughter
like a pig in clover
like a pig to slaughter
like a bull at a gate
like a rabbit caught in caught headlights
like a child in a sweet shop
like a rag doll
like a rat up a drainpipe
like a red flag to a bull
like a red rag to a bull
like a ripe plum
like a scalded cat
like a shag on a rock
like as not
like a spare prick at a wedding
like as peas in a pod
like a demon
like a thief in the night
like a three-ring circus
like a ton of bricks
like attracts like
like a well-oiled machine
like a pig to the slaughter
like billyo
like billy-o
like billy-oh
Like breeds like
like buggery
like bull in a china shop
like carrying coals to Newcastle
like chalk and cheese
like cheese at four pence
like clockwork
like death warmed over
like death warmed up
like falling off a log
like falling off of a log
like father, like son
like flies to manure
like Fort Knox
like fury
like gangbusters
like getting blood from a stone
like getting blood from a turnip
like getting blood out of a stone
like getting blood out of a turnip
like giving a donkey strawberries
like giving strawberries to a donkey
like gold
like a rabbit in headlights
like Grant took Richmond
like greased lightning
like grim death
like hell
like herding cats
like herding frogs
like I care
like I give a shit
like I really give a shit
like it or lump it
like a streak
like it's going out of style
like a woman possessed
Like it's such a big deal
like it was going out of style
like I was saying
like jelly
like lambs to the slaughter
like life depends on it
like looking for a needle in a haystack
likely as not
likely story
like mad
like gold dust
Like mother, like daughter
like mushrooms
like nailing Jell-O to a cross
like nailing Jell-O to a tree
like nailing Jell-O to the wall
like nailing jelly to the wall
like nobody's business
like nobody’s business
liken or something to or something
liken or something to someone or something
liken or to or
liken or to or something
liken or to someone or
liken or to someone or something
like nothing on earth
liken someone or something to someone or something
liken someone or to someone or
liken someone or to someone or something
liken to
like oil and water
like painting the Forth Bridge
like peas in a pod
like piffy on a rock bun
like piffy on a rock cake
like pigs to the slaughter
like possessed
like rats abandoning a sinking ship
like rats deserting a sinking ship
like rats from a sinking ship
like rats leaving a sinking ship
like rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic
like rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic
like riding a bicycle
like riding a bike
like rolling off a log
like rolling off of a log
like shelling peas
like ships in the night
like it's going out of fashion
like shit
like it's such a big deal
like sitting duck
like sixty
likes of
likes of or
likes of or something
likes of someone or
like mother, like daughter
like someone possessed
like something the cat brought in
like something the cat dragged in
like stealing acorns from a blind pig
like stink
like stink on a etc
like stink on a monkey
like stink on a pig
like ships that pass in the night
like taking candy from a baby
like talking to a brick wall
like the cat brought in
like the cat dragged in
like the cat that ate the canary
like the cat that got the cream
like the cat that stole the cream
like the clappers
like the deuce
like the devil
like the dickens
like there's no tomorrow
like the sound of own voice
like the white on rice
like the wind
like to hear talk
like trying to find a needle in a haystack
like trying to nail Jell-O to a cross
like trying to nail Jell-O to a tree
like trying to nail Jell-O to the wall
like trying to scratch your ear with your elbow
like tryin' to scratch your ear with your elbow
like turkeys voting for an early Christmas
like turkeys voting for Christmas
like two peas in a pod
like watching grass grow
like watching paint dry
like water off a duck's back
like white on rice
like wildfire
Likewise, I'm sure
like, you know
limber or something up
limber or up
limber someone or something up
limber someone or up
limber up
like shooting fish in a barrel
limit someone to
likes of someone or something
limit something to something
limit to
limit to something
limp dishrag
limp in
limp off
limp rag
line in the sand
line of country
line of least resistance
line on
line one's own pocket
line one’s own pocket
line one's own pockets
line one’s own pockets
line on someone or something
like stink on a skunk
line or something up against something
line or something up behind or something
line or something up behind someone or something
line or something up on something
line or something up with or something
line or something up with someone or something
line or something up with something
line or up
line or up against
line or up against something
line or up behind or
line or up behind or something
line or up behind someone or
line or up behind someone or something
line or up on
line or up on something
line or up with
line or up with or
line or up with or something
line or up with someone or
line or up with someone or something
line or up with something
line own pocket
line pocket
line someone or something up
line someone or something up against something
line someone or something up behind someone or something
limited extent
line someone or something up on something
limit someone to something
line someone or something up with something
line someone or up
line someone or up against
line someone or up against something
line someone or up behind someone or
line someone or up behind someone or something
line someone or up on
line someone or up on something
line someone or up with
line someone or up with someone or
line someone or up with someone or something
line someone or up with something
line someone up
line someone up behind someone or
line someone up behind someone or something
line something with something
line up against
line up against or
line or something up
line up against someone or
line up against someone or something
line up along
line up alongside
line up alongside or
line up alongside or something
line up alongside someone or
line up alongside someone or something
line up behind
line up behind or
line up behind or something
line up behind someone or
line up behind someone or something
line someone or something up in something
line up for something
line up in
line up in something
line up into something
line up into to
line up on
line up on something
line up with
line up with someone
line with
line with something
line your pockets
linger around
linger on
line someone or something up with someone or something
linger on after someone or something
linger on something
linger over
lingua franca
link farm
link in the chain
link or something to or something
link or something to someone or something
link or something up
link or to or
link or to or something
link or to someone or
link or to someone or something
link or up
link rot
link someone or something to someone or something
link someone or something up
link someone or something up to someone or something
link someone or something up to something
link someone or to someone or
link someone or to someone or something
line up against or something
link to
link together
link together with someone or something
link to someone or something
link up to
link up to or
link up to or something
link up to someone or
link up to someone or something
link up with
link up with someone or something
line up for
link whoring
link with
link with someone or something
lion in the way
lion's den
lion's mouth
lion's share
linger on after
lion's share of
lion's share of something
lip gloss
lips are sealed
lipstick on a pig
liquid cork
liquid courage
liquid laugh
liquid lunch
liquid refreshment
liquor someone up
liquor store
link someone or up
list among
list as
list as long as arm
list as long as your arm
list as one of
list as something
listen after
listeners never hear any good of themselves
listen for
listen for or
listen for or something
listen for someone or
listen for someone or something
listen in
listen in on someone or something
listen out for
listen out for someone or something
listen to or
listen to or something
listen to reason
listen to someone or
listen to someone or something
listen to someone or something with half an ear
listen with half an ear
list off
list or among
list or among something
list or off
list or something among something
list or something off
list someone as
list someone as something
list someone or among
list someone or among something
list someone or off
link whore
list someone or something among something
lion’s share
list someone or something off
list to
list to a direction
list to some direction
litmus test
litter about
litter around
liquor up
litter up
little and often fills the purse
Little and often fills the purse
little avail
little better than
little birdie told me
little bit of something
little bit pricey
little bit steep
little boys' room
list someone or something among
list someone or something as one of someone or something
little dab will do you
little effect
little emperor
little finger told that
little fire is quickly trodden out
little frog in a big pond
little from column A, a little from column B
little gentleman in the velvet coat
little girls' room
little girls’ room
little gray cells
litter something or some place up
little hard work never hurt anybody
little hard work never hurt anyone
little hard work never killed anybody
little hard work never killed anyone
little horror
little knowledge is a dangerous thing
little lady
little later, perhaps
little learning is a dangerous thing
little leery
Little Lord Fauntleroy
little love lost
little love lost between
little love lost between two people
little matter of
little new to a little this
little nip in the air
little off
little old or
little old or something
little old someone or
little old someone or something
little pinkie
little boys’ room
little pitchers have big ears
little pitchers have long ears
little pricey
little purpose
little shaver
little shit
little slow on the uptake
little steep
little stranger
little dab'll do ya
little green
littlest thing
Little thieves are hanged, but great ones escape
little tin god
little white lie
little woman
little wonder
little work never hurt anybody
little work never hurt anyone
little work never killed anybody
little work never killed anyone
little pinky
little strokes fell great oaks
live above or something
live above someone or
live above someone or something
live a charmed existence
live a charmed life
live a dog's life
live a lie
live a life of
live a life of Reilly
live a life of Riley
live a life of something
live among
live among someone
live and breathe
Little strokes fell great oaks
live apart
live apart from someone
live beyond means
live beyond one's means
live by
live by one's wits
live by something
Live by the sword, die by the sword
live by wits
live dangerously
live down
live for
live for or
live for or something
live for someone or
live for someone or something
live for the moment
live from day to day
live from hand to mouth
live happily ever after
live high off the hog
live high on the hog
live above
live in a fool's paradise
live in a glass house
live in an ivory tower
live in a tree
live in a world of one's own
live in a world of own
live in best of both worlds
live in cloud-cuckoo land
live above or
live in each other's pockets
live in head rent-free
live in hope
live and breathe something
live in hope of something
live in hopes
live in hopes of s
live in hopes of something
live in ivory tower
live in pocket
live in sin
live in something
live in the boondocks
live, horse, and you will get grass
live in the past
live in the poorhouse
live in the present
live in with someone
live large
live life on the edge
live like a king
live like a maggot in bacon
live like fighting cocks
live like marked man
live long and prosper
live next door
live next door to one
live next door to someone
liven something up
liven up
live off campus
live off hump
live off of of
live off of of of hump
live off of of or of
live off of of or something
live off of someone or of
live off of someone or something
live off or
live off or something
live off smell of an oily rag
live off someone or
live off someone or something
live off the backs of
live off the backs of someone
live off the fat of the land
live off the grid
live off the land
live in cotton wool
live on an amount of money
live in hope of
live on borrowed time
live one
live on hump
live on nerves
live on one's own
live on own
live on something
live on the edge
live on the smell of an oil rag
live on the smell of an oily rag
live on wits
live on your nerves
live out
live out days
live out life
live out of
live out of a suitcase
live out of cans
live out of car
live in the fast lane
live out one's days
live out the rest of the rest of days
live out the rest of the rest of life
live over
live over again
live over the brush
live over the shop
live own life
live paycheck to paycheck
live payslip to payslip
live rent-free in head
live on
live something down
live something out
live something over
live the life of Reilly
live the life of Riley
live through
live through something
live to
live to a ripe old age
live on a shoestring
live to do something
live together
live together with someone
live together with together
live to the age of
live to the age of something
live to the ripe old age of ripe old
live out of suitcase